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potus and vpotus support gay marriage...


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IMO, its degrading society.

Lol, yep, I feel the same way about 06 599's :lol:

Blatent bigotry is blatent.

Anyone who doesn't share your sexual orientation is somehow a lower grade citizen...

Edited by magley64
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BTW for you "HARDCORE Christians out there"


How many of these do you break?

How many on a daily basis?

Get the fuck over yourselves, y'all are knee deep in shit.

Let others live their lives how they please, y'all are dirty fucking sinners who are so full of yourselves and brain washed into thinking you arn't.

Here is my stance on religion in general... I think it is a good thing(to an extent) it gives people hope(false hope, but hope none the less) it gives people something to look forward to, but some people let it consume their lives.

God is about as real as Santa clause... Santa brings kids joy and gives them a false icon to believe in. Parents tell their kids Santa is real(tsk, tsk, lying is a sin)

Do you like to eat cake? Candy? Eat tilk you get full? Wow really? glutney is a sin you know :)

Do you like to rub one out every now and then? Or have sex? well if your not trying to have a baby lust is a sin, shame on you.

I can go on and on about this, but I think you get the point...

I don't feel bad if I offended someone, I get offended when people push their beliefs on others. Hell I don't even have beliefs, but what I do have are morals.

The truth hurts, so quit fucking judging people unless you plan on judging yourself first. Quit sinning, a sin is a sin no matter how big or small it may be, why the fuck should you get to pick and choose?

I love blind intolerant bigots... You people really make my day....

Stay classy dipshit.

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Lol, yep, I feel the same way about 06 599's :lol:

Blatent bigotry is blatent.

Anyone who doesn't share your sexual orientation is somehow a lower grade citizen...

Typical,expected response. I didn't say that but sounds good.

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IMO, its degrading society.

This talentless whore will have a greater impact on society both financially and socially than you and your entire family combined.


Don't worry about gay marriage degrading society, it's already happening just fine without it.

But thank God she's not queer, amiright?

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Stay classy dipshit.

Did I catch a nerve here? You cannot tell me what I said is complete and utter bullshit.

<3 hypocrites, practices what you preach brother.

I'm sure my reasoning(which has a ton of truth) will piss ALOT of people off, but I felt obligated to go there with all the bullshit stated in this thread about sinning.

P.S. I won't judge you, but your "God" will.

I judge everyone equally, although common sense tells me who to be suspicious of :)

Also, being a straight male, club masque is probably the best club ive been to.

Edited by Exarch
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So Christians should vote to make it illegal to have sex outside of marriage? Y'all just like to pick and choose right? I'm pretty sure you didn't read everything he wrote...

Why the hell should someone with different beliefs suffer because of assholes like you? SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE :asshole:

Separation of church ans state is not constitution. Nothing in our constitution sought to keep religion out of government just government out of your religion.

On the subject of sin. I and other christians sin all the time. We recognize it as sin and ask to be forgiven. For me to vote for gay marriage would be like saying its not a sin and God must change to suit my wants. I am perfectly within my rights to take my religious beliefs into account when voting and I shall continue to do so.

A weak minds inability to deal with or process facts that dispute that persons flawed core belief system, usually results in insults, cursing or violence. ;)

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Did I catch a nerve here? You cannot tell me what I said is complete and utter bullshit.

<3 hypocrites, practices what you preach brother.

I'm sure my reasoning(which has a ton of truth) will piss ALOT of people off, but I felt obligated to go there with all the bullshit stated in this thread about sinning.

P.S. I won't judge you, but your "God" will.

I judge everyone equally, although common sense tells me who to be suspicious of :)

Also, being a straight male, club masque is probably the best club ive been to.

Nope. Not at all actually. I'm just amazed at your rant on intolerance and bigotry of a group of people. Seems you have a problem with bigotry and intolerance yourself. But we have all heard your views of race so I'm not at all surprised. So again no, your little rant had zero effect on me. Any ignorance that comes from your mouth surprises nobody.

Btw Jesus loves you.

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Wow... this thread is stuck in the mud.. spinning its wheels.

Jarvis and Mags are right. This isn't about marriage. It's about personal property rights. It's always been about personal property rights. A human being has no greater personal property than his/her own body. What he/she does with this body is completely their business. It's of zero consequence to anybody else what they do with regards to their love life.

"If you could reason with a religious person' date=' there would be no religious people."

Private property. Yes, or No. End of story.[/quote']

I never argued that point at all. I tried helping defining what sin was thats all.

I even went as far to tell mags I I would be nice to his boyfriend :)

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On the subject of sin. I and other christians sin all the time. We recognize it as sin and ask to be forgiven. For me to vote for gay marriage would be like saying its not a sin and God must change to suit my wants. I am perfectly within my rights to take my religious beliefs into account when voting and I shall continue to do so.

You keep coming back to this....

you can believe it's sin all you want, but using the law of the land to impose your moral views on a minority group is wrong.

sin or not, it's WRONG

and yes, you can take all of your character flaws with you to the voting booth, your racism, your bigotry, your mysoginy, your sexsm, and your religion, doesn't make it right.

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Do I care what they do? Nope. Like I have said in many thread freedom of choice trumps. U can do as you please, don't impose your beliefs on me and I wont push mine on you. Not once have I tried to convince anyone in this thread they were wrong. I only tried to educate the reason of sins being forgiven and to point out how much of a tool exarch is.

Some gay dudes wanna see what marriage is really about fucking have at it! Misery loves company right?

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Nope. Not at all actually. I'm just amazed at your rant on intolerance and bigotry of a group of people. Seems you have a problem with bigotry and intolerance yourself. But we have all heard your views of race so I'm not at all surprised. So again no, your little rant had zero effect on me. Any ignorance that comes from your mouth surprises nobody.

Btw Jesus loves you.

I'm not perfect, but I am not going around imposing my beliefs on everyone. Sure I push safety, but that's it. I do form my own opinions of what is right and wrong, but I am certainly not intolerant.

sure I don't want someone in prison running my country, but hey if it happens it happens.

You have no clue what you are talking about clamming I'm an intolerant bigot...

And btw this is the internet, I may not like you here, but I don't dislike you here either. But if we ever meet in person anything you have and will say will NOT effect me from having a fresh start with you, unless of course you were a total douchebag in person, but hey, I may never find out.

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Btw, whats the point of asking for forgiveness? You know your sinning and you know your gunna continue sinning... I don't get it, but atleast I can say I am not a hypocrite on the issue. I "SIN" according to the Bible, but thats just a sweet little bedtime story to me, so no need to force unwanted criticism on me and then ask for forgiveness later to make yourself feel better ;)

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Do I care what they do? Nope. Like I have said in many thread freedom of choice trumps. U can do as you please, don't impose your beliefs on me and I wont push mine on you. Not once have I tried to convince anyone in this thread they were wrong. I only tried to educate the reason of sins being forgiven and to point out how much of a tool exarch is.

Some gay dudes wanna see what marriage is really about fucking have at it! Misery loves company right?

Exactly - why shouldn't they have the right to suffer like the straight marrieds.

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Then please explain how their marriage "degrades" society...

IMO it degrades family values. Gay marriage is simply wrong in my opinion. I don't want to argue or debate it, and I don't hate anybody.

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IMO it degrades family values. Gay marriage is simply wrong in my opinion. I don't want to argue or debate it, and I don't hate anybody.

What family values? Specifically...

"Simply wrong" how? Who does it affect besides those directly involved?

Question: do you personally have any friends who are gays or lesbians? Have you ever discussed this issue with them?

"life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness" mean anything to you?

Edited by magley64
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I don't care what you say about this topic, it's my opinion. I'm not elaborating or debating.

If you can't back your position then it is arbitrary and baseless. And that is no way to dictate policy in a free society.

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I didn't know I was voting, when's the vote?, I just jumped in to voice my opinion. I feel I can dictate policy, (vote)simply because I don't like something or even if I just don't like the sound of it. There is no explain yourself box to fill out at the polls.

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It doesn't matter what you would say Gump. Its never good enough for some of these guys because they just cant accept someone having another opinion.

I don't care if you have another opinion...have whatever opinion you want...

my opinion is that cruisers are worthless, but I'm not supporting legislation to prevent you from having one. I'm just not buying one...

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