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potus and vpotus support gay marriage...


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I have to admit I was going full retard but even my full retard was not enough to keep up with another retard.

*For the record I have only been trolling for the last half of this thread. I do not in way want to marry sheep.....

But you should have the right to if she makes ewe happy

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You are born gay, some just realize and or accept it later in life. Not a sin to be gay, you are who you are. A murder is the same as a lie in the Lord Almighty's eyes, a sin is a sin is a sin. So I am not buying that homosexuality is a sin, living a lie would be worse IMHO. Marriage to me is a union between 2 people that love each other, so who am I to judge? And I have a sudden urge for some milk after seeing Farrah's enormous baby bottle hard nips......just sayin.

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As a Christian, Websters and I define marriage as:

"The social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies, etc."

And I will not vote to support it. Ever. You can go sin all you want to........ I'll pray for you but I will not vote to legalize your sin.

Ever get a buzz from drinking, masturbate, have sex before marriage, gamble, smoke, do drugs, do you like money, swear........see where I am going with this? A sin is a sin, there are no levels of sin....judging of others doesn't sit well with the almighty either. Christians still sin everyday, and always will till the day they die. The 10 commandments are guidelines to live by, yet God knew "and still knows" we wouldn't be able to uphold them. Live your life how you see fit, let others do the same because it is known of our business in the end.

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How can it be a sin if they were born gay? Before you tell me it's a choice' date=' let me know exactly when you 'decided' to be straight.

Besides, where in your 'holy' book does it state that your personal beliefs should stifle the happiness/livelihood of others?

Get your 'god' out of my business.[/quote']

When scientist identify the "gay gene" its okay to abort the "gay babies" right?

Oh and science is on my side. Two men can't reproduce! The purpose of sex is to reproduce although we enjoy it recreationally. Oh two woman can't reproduce either.

Why can't we just get the government out of deciding who can marry? Why do we need more laws?

Oh and the idea of marriage started as a religous ceremony. Why would you want to associate with religion?

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My point is that homosexual sex is one of those sins of the old testament that no longer applies... its from the same book as the rest of the sins I mentioned... if they no longer apply, that one is included in those that no longer apply...

Jesus renders leviticus null and void, homosexuality is no longer a sin... if leviticus is still in effect, bacon is equally sinful.

So its okay for athiest to force their views on society, but not Christians? :dunno:

I'm done reading too much bull crap in this thread.

Anyway you cut it either the athiest or the religious people are gonna be unhappy. I say stick with my idea for government to get out of marriage and then government isn't favoring one side or the other. But the athiest don't like that because then there isn't the force of the government!

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So its okay for athiest to force their views on society, but not Christians? :dunno:

I'm done reading too much bull crap in this thread.

Anyway you cut it either the athiest or the religious people are gonna be unhappy. I say stick with my idea for government to get out of marriage and them government isn't favoring one side or the other. But the athiest don't like that because then there isn't the force of the government!

Well you Christians are trying to say everyone isn't equal...

Ever get a buzz from drinking, masturbate, have sex before marriage, gamble, smoke, do drugs, do you like money, swear........see where I am going with this? A sin is a sin, there are no levels of sin....judging of others doesn't sit well with the almighty either. Christians still sin everyday, and always will till the day they die. The 10 commandments are guidelines to live by, yet God knew "and still knows" we wouldn't be able to uphold them. Live your life how you see fit, let others do the same because it is known of our business in the end.

Alot of people are going to hell :dunno:

You are born gay, some just realize and or accept it later in life. Not a sin to be gay, you are who you are. A murder is the same as a lie in the Lord Almighty's eyes, a sin is a sin is a sin. So I am not buying that homosexuality is a sin, living a lie would be worse IMHO. Marriage to me is a union between 2 people that love each other, so who am I to judge? And I have a sudden urge for some milk after seeing Farrah's enormous baby bottle hard nips......just sayin.

I'm atheist so the whole "sin" thing is BS anyhow, but try telling that to a Christian.

I have to admit I was going full retard but even my full retard was not enough to keep up with another retard.

*For the record I have only been trolling for the last half of this thread. I do not in way want to marry sheep.....

Don't lie :sheepfucker:

Pauly, I've never met your wife, but for the sake of this example, let's pretend she's tall, blonde, busty, and has straight hair.

When did you decide to be attracted to any of those features?

Or were you born attracted to them?

I'm off the belief that we're all born relatively asexual. We have the sexual instinct to reproduce, but that really just means the urge to have sex. Who we're explicitly attracted to is something we learn throughout our lives.

I don't see why it's at all hard to believe that gay people 'learn' their attraction to the same sex any more than you or I learned to be attracted to various physical features of women.

I wasn't born attracted to anyone. I didn't decide to be either.

Bullshit... Both my boys(under 2) LOVE big tittys period and if they have small tits they better be smoking hot. My boys are pervs, they will follow sexy females around and reach out to grab boob if a big titty chick walks by.

if any of you ra-tards going full retard in this thread ever EVER complain about how the two party system is fucked, i'm going to find you and curb stomp your shriveled ignoramus testicles.

your extremist, stuck in the mud, can't see anything beyond my own shortsighted lame ass opinion, mindset is what got us to this point of "liberal versus conservative" "democrat versus republican" cluster fuck. i hope you feel bad. also, you like dudes.

I am none of the above here :dunno:

First you said animals have a right and now they don't? Which is it? If they have no rights they can't be protected by a law including slavery.

They get no rights, but it doesn't mean you can exploit them, they are protected in that sense :)

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I'm with you equal rights, but why does the government have to make it so? If you stop allowing governmentto decide who can marry then you still have equal rights. Or am I missing something? If government gets out of the business of telling us who cam marry then we are equal. The government allowing gay marriage is government siding with athiest. How is that equal?

Why do you want more government power. I'm for true freedom which is the maximium abcense of government control.

I'm not one that believes gay marriage will devalue my marriage. I'm not really against gay marriage I am however against how they are going about it. You also don't have the right to force me to teach my future children that gay is normal. If gays want to marry I dont care they can miserable like the rest of us. You refuse to see getting government out of it. Why do you want government to give gays permission to marry? Is that true freedom.

Now let's talk equal rights. Is it equal rights when we have hate crime laws? Aren't we all equal? Shouldn't a crime just be a crime?

It's obvious we won't agree on the orgin of marriage either.

I just don't see why people like government controlling everything.

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Why can't we come up with a new legal term for "marriage", and extend the same rights to anyone who has made a legal commitment to one another. If you can find a church or legal representative to wed you, you deserve the same legal rights as any other couple who have made that commitment, regardless of sex/race/creed/etc. Under this system, religious folk can keep their term(marriage), and if you don't think someone deserves to be married in your church then take it up with your pastor, not the public.

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exactly, except all of the rights would have to be identical, unlike now. The legal term would be civil union, and marriage would fall under that category, as well as other types of legal unions. The government has no business telling churches who they can and can't marry, nor do they have any business telling citizens they should not be treated equally.

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I don't care what the legal term is as long as the rights are all the same...

unfortunately the state has already used the term "marriage"...

I'm all for the individual churches having the right to deny marriage to anyone they want based on whatever dogma they have(as they do now.. I can't be married in a catholic church, as an atheist), but the state has no right to discriminate.

Also as I've posted already, churches have already done gay marriages in the past, and there are several progressive churches that would do it today, let those churches have control over what marriages they do or don't want to perform.

Edited by magley64
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If you believe in evolution or Darwinism, homosexuality serves no purpose. It doesn't provide any advantage to natural selection or the survivial of a species. If any species adapted/evolved to be homosexual it would be extinct, right?

That is not a pro or anti gay statement, more a comment on the Nature vs Nurture debate (I tend to believe nurture, but who knows), which has been going on for hundreds of years and isn't going to stop anytime soon.

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If you believe in evolution or Darwinism, homosexuality serves no purpose. It doesn't provide any advantage to natural selection or the survivial of a species. If any species adapted/evolved to be homosexual it would be extinct, right?

That is not a pro or anti gay statement, more a comment on the Nature vs Nurture debate (I tend to believe nurture, but who knows), which has been going on for hundreds of years and isn't going to stop anytime soon.

If you're speaking about "nature" there are examples of homosexual relationships all over in nature, through nearly every species.

Some species get to pick their gender, and will switch from male to female at will. Humans are not so lucky. So if you were a homosexual west african frog, you could just switch your gender for reproductive purposes, then switch it back for identity purposes... with no effect at all on evolution.

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If you're speaking about "nature" there are examples of homosexual relationships all over in nature, through nearly every species.

Some species get to pick their gender, and will switch from male to female at will. Humans are not so lucky. So if you were a homosexual west african frog, you could just switch your gender for reproductive purposes, then switch it back for identity purposes... with no effect at all on evolution.

The frog example...that would provide a huge survival advantage.

Examples in nearly every species??? No. Sorry.

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The frog example...that would provide a huge survival advantage.

Examples in nearly every species??? No. Sorry.

Yes, you're welcome...

Well documented in over 500 species, observed in three times that many, and obviously occurs when we aren't observing, so is far more prevalent than you think...



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