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Idiot Lambo crash


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:nono: Wow, I just don't understand how that happens...

Simple, really. Idiot driver buys WAY more car that they can handle, and doesn't bother to even begin to educate himself on how to properly control all the extra torque and horsepower. Hey, it's got seats and a steering wheel, it must be just like my old Fiesta, right?

As for this crash, the Lamborghini driver hit the gas coming into the turn, let it off while in, then hit it harder before they should 3/4 of the way through the turn. This caused the rear end to break loose (not all Gallardo's are AWD, and even if this was, traction control's an option you can turn off) and caused the hilariousness you see above. I'm honestly surprised he couldn't recover at the slow speeds he was going, but I'm going with the idiot excuse above.

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I'll give him props that he at least managed to not hit either car head on.

I think that was pure dumb luck as the driver has no skills at all or else he/she would not have lost control in the first place.

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I think that was pure dumb luck as the driver has no skills at all or else he/she would not have lost control in the first place.

Or, at that speed, they would have at least jammed the brakes. If the Gallardo's don't have ceramic brakes, they at least have some pretty beefy brakes that would have stopped his ass way short of those cars. Better to look like an idiot on the wrong side of the street than to be that idiot responsible for damage to 2 other cars and your 250,000 supercar.

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