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1 million firearms banned by Obama


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So what of the remaining claims?

- National concealed carry rules that would be effectively too tough for anyone to comply with

- New assault weapon and shotgun ban

- Hi-capacity magazine ban

- Effective Ban on private sales

These claims are apparently unsubstantiated?

No just give President Obama more time, he is trying to get re-elected right now. He will work on the dream list if he is "elected" to a second term.

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Ironically, anti-gunners are complaining that Obama is not going to implement an assault weapon ban:


Can't find any news on a new hi-cap mag ban, or any new national standards for ccw. Can anyone else help me?

Given Obama's history on gun legislation, I'd say he's actually doing a pretty bad job of furthering the anti-gunners' agenda. Clinton gave us the Brady bill, the list of 50 guns prohibited from import, the S&W lawsuit (that forced S&W into providing mandatory external & internal gun locks and ballistic fingerprinting). And let's not forget the '94 Assault Weapon Ban which is widely credited for the loss of Democrat control of congress at the midterms.

Obama would be scuttling the Democratic ship if he introduced anything on the scale of the AWB, and he knows it. That's probably why he's been so ineffective on gun control.

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No just give President Obama more time, he is trying to get re-elected right now. He will work on the dream list if he is "elected" to a second term.

Why did you put quotes around the word elected? Do you have any basis to argue his election was not legitimate?

You may suspect or believe he will introduce anti-gun legislation - but that doesn't mean we should all send a week's pay to Rand Paul every time he goes "GUN BAN!! OOGIE BOOGIE BOOGIE"

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I'm just saying I would hardly label Obama the anti-gun president.

The title of banning a million guns gives the lay person the impression that 1 million guns are being banned that are currently in the USA and held by private people when in fact it's just banning an unknown quantity of old military rifles. Hardly a huge deal to most people. I'm not saying it is right, I say allow the importation but I won't get my panties in a wad over this.

Most of this anti Obama stance is to promote gun sales. If the NRA and Gun shops convince everyone their rights are being taken away, many people flock to the gun shops to stock up.

I like the NRA, but it's like the unions, even if the working conditions are good and pay is good, they have to continue to fight for something as the union bosses and employees of the union have to do something to keep their jobs.

Hate Obama or any president all you want, but being anti gun doesn't hold up well to the facts.



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So what of the remaining claims?

- National concealed carry rules that would be effectively too tough for anyone to comply with

- New assault weapon and shotgun ban

- Hi-capacity magazine ban

- Effective Ban on private sales

These claims are apparently unsubstantiated?

Where I shoot I get to see some state troopers and hang with them. One told me its not a far fetched idea to have any president pen an executive order saying those things. One of the staffers of Obama told a news paper that the president can't wait to be reelected and he plans on using his executive powers more this next term. Am I saying he will ban gun or place restrictions, no, but just the thought of that power getting abused scares me.


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Most of this anti Obama stance is to promote gun


A quote directly from your link.. "We can’t rule on a shadowy conspiracy to destroy the Constitution in Obama’s second term."

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Yes, the truth is you can't rule it out, but you don't live your life based upone small possiblities do you?

You may have overlooked the remainder of the page that basically says, this is recycled crap that hasn't been based on facts.

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Yes, the truth is you can't rule it out, but you don't live your life based upone small possiblities do you?

You may have overlooked the remainder of the page that basically says, this is recycled crap that hasn't been based on facts.

There is a slim to none chance of a zombie apocalypse too. Doesn't mean I'm not ready for it though. :)

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There is a slim to none chance of a zombie apocalypse too. Doesn't mean I'm not ready for it though. :)


I am a gun owner, I grew up hunting and fishing in TN and NC. I'm still a pretty good shot. I respect the rights of others to pretty much do as they please. I just don't like hearing lies and scare tactics spread around.

The fact is that a portion, probably significant portion, of the Democratic base support tighter gun laws, so Obama, can't really say much on the issue at all for fear of upsetting the base or the gun owners. He is being defamed from both sides. But the fact remains that the biggest gun legislation was to loosen restrictions on guns, yet all we hear about is how he is so anti gun. I don't understand it, other than to keep NRA busy, promote the sale of guns and to help undermine Obama's chance at reelection.

I don't believe Obama will make any significant gun control push during the second term.

But I can't say this with 100% confidence.


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You can't condemn a man for things he hasn't done just because you're afraid he will do them.

Oh yes you can. About 50% of the US population is doing this right now, if not on Guns, it's about something else :)

I would say you shouldn't condemn a man for things he hasn't done....


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i didn't say you condemned him, but you sure seem to be trying to convince yourself that you should...

its not a far fetched idea to have any president pen an executive order saying those things. One of the staffers of Obama told a news paper that the president can't wait to be reelected and he plans on using his executive powers more this next term. Am I saying he will ban gun or place restrictions, no, but just the thought of that power getting abused scares me.


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I don't believe Obama will make any significant gun control push during the second term.

The President and Congress really can't do much about US gun laws either way. But Obama certainly can and will impact gun control for decades to come if he gets a second term because he will appoint liberals to the Supreme Court who will reverse the changes the current more conservative court have made.

Not saying Obama is anti-gun, in fact I think he is pretty moderate on the subject. But he is very liberal overall, and if one of the conservatives or Kennedy retire/die/get sick that will lead to a more restrictive interpretation of the 2nd by whomever he appoints that reflects his liberal views on other subjects.

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Where did I condemn him?

This entire thread is a condemnation of Obama based upon scaremongering that he'll do any or all of the things Gump quoted.

In reality, the only gun-related legislation he has signed was to loosen restriction (national park carry).

I'm not saying he doesn't WANT to - I'm saying he doesn't have the political support to do so, and he's fully cognizant of how Clinton crapped on the Dems in '94 and cost them congress.

Obama himself has stated while supporting a new AWB, he's not actively pursuing one. http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2009/04/president-ob-17/

There are many reasons to criticize Obama. This is not one of them - this is scaremongering.

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i didn't say you condemned him, but you sure seem to be trying to convince yourself that you should...

Now I'm convincing myself? I said any president abusing that power scares me. Then I stated a fact that a staffer reported Obama can't wait to use it more.

Do you just like to argue?

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This entire thread is a condemnation of Obama based upon scaremongering that he'll do any or all of the things Gump quoted.

In reality, the only gun-related legislation he has signed was to loosen restriction (national park carry).

I'm not saying he doesn't WANT to - I'm saying he doesn't have the political support to do so, and he's fully cognizant of how Clinton crapped on the Dems in '94 and cost them congress.

Obama himself has stated while supporting a new AWB, he's not actively pursuing one. http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2009/04/president-ob-17/

There are many reasons to criticize Obama. This is not one of them - this is scaremongering.

I have done nothing but state ways he could, I never said he would do anything.

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Now I'm convincing myself? I said any president abusing that power scares me. Then I stated a fact that a staffer reported Obama can't wait to use it more.

Do you just like to argue?

the next step from using is abusing... somehow if he uses his executive order ability he is automatically abusing it...

that is the logical implied step in your comment.

and yes I like to argue, I tutored philosophy 101

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