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I'm Down


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Took a slow speed slide a little over an hour ago. I was turning into a gravel parking lot and the gravel was far more loose than I anticipated. Bike slid out sideways onto my knee. I was wearing helmet, jacket, gloves, jeans, and motorcycle boots. Bike has some rash from the gravel, but I was able to ride it home. Something is really wrong with my knee so I'm in the ER right now.



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The sliders probably wouldn't have helped save the bike any. They would have just dug into that soft ground and possibly bent the mounting bolts. Sorry about the crash and hopefully everything is alright! Let us know about the knee. I took a lowside last year and the bike landed on my knee as well. The ER gave me a clean bill of health and it took a couple days but everything went back to 100% once I stayed off it. By the way, saying you were in a motorcycle accident will definitely speed up seeing the doctor haha

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Got that first one out of the way, now ride it like you stole it.

P.S. never touch the front brake on gravel.

Having been down twice in the last 6 months (for the first time in 30 years) I actually find myself nervous on the road. Not totally convinced that's not why I didn't wreck last month (Leary of back wheel slipping out). Kinda nervous about the Gap trip in June now too. Hope this get better and I can put the "first one" behind me.

OP, glad you're ok. I'm having some plastics and my tank painted now by a guy at a real good price. Let me know if u are interested.

Doorfront Parking like a BOSS

NoBama 2012

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Well, I just got back after 6+ hours in the ER. They say my knee is jacked up, but it isn't broken. I have to wear this huge leg brace, but they said it should heal on its own. Also, they prescribed me Vicodin! :D

I didn't touch either brake. The gravel was so loose that even my buddy who saw it happen and pulled in after me could barely keep his bike up. Our feet were slipping just standing in the deep gravel. I told the nurse that I don't even have a cool story. I wasn't going fast, I didn't biff in a crazy turn, I wasn't racing, I was wearing my gear. I'm glad it wasn't worse. I'm hoping most of the gravel dust will wash/buff out of the fairings.

Got that first one out of the way, now ride it like you stole it.

P.S. never touch the front brake on gravel.

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