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Warning! Holiday weekend! Watch for police! Watch your speed!


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I got off with a warning at 20 over going through the college on the way to Nelson last weekend but that was a fluke I think. Generally, 9 you're fine 10 you're mine applies around these parts.

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There is bacon all over the place and it's still Friday. I don't do more than 10 over the limit anymore due to a more relaxed attitude on two wheels but I did see a bike get impounded on my way back from Bike Night so somebody's not riding without paying The Man.

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those State Troopers are the worst man! :D

Yeah they're! Some will even ticket other cops. We call them tail light chasers. All they do is write tickets, and handle traffic crashes. Don't ever have a trooper back you up on a domestic.

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Sniper_308, If I knew you I might like you as a person, but as your job...fuck you. :lol::p I don't believe cops that give speeding tickets out never speed which is why I have issues with cops giving tickets. Hypocritical and I don't care what anyone says.

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Yeah they're! Some will even ticket other cops. We call them tail light chasers. All they do is write tickets, and handle traffic crashes. Don't ever have a trooper back you up on a domestic.

Reminds me of a joke my dad who worked as a cop in NY used to tell.

Terrible accident and a lady was thrown from her car. She lost ever stitch of cloths as she rolled down the road. SHP was first on the scene and the trooper not having anything handy placed his hat over her privates out of respect for the lady. A local sheriff showed up next and surveyed the accident. As he checked things out he saw the lady and the troopers hat. He walked over lifted the hat and shook his head as he put it back in place. This out raged the trooper who stormed over and started to read the Sheriff like a drill sgnt on a prvt in the military. The trooper asked "was it worth the look to disrespect the dead?" The Sheriff looked back and said, "well sir, it's the first time I ever saw anything but a giant prick under one of those hats." :p

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Sniper_308, If I knew you I might like you as a person, but as your job...fuck you. :lol::p I don't believe cops that give speeding tickets out never speed which is why I have issues with cops giving tickets. Hypocritical and I don't care what anyone says.

Thanks, I'm a likable guy. My old Chief would always say, if you don't wear your seat belt, you shouldn't ticket for it, etc. I was never a traffic Nazi.:cheers:

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Reminds me of a joke my dad who worked as a cop in NY used to tell.

Terrible accident and a lady was thrown from her car. She lost ever stitch of cloths as she rolled down the road. SHP was first on the scene and the trooper not having anything handy placed his hat over her privates out of respect for the lady. A local sheriff showed up next and surveyed the accident. As he checked things out he saw the lady and the troopers hat. He walked over lifted the hat and shook his head as he put it back in place. This out raged the trooper who stormed over and started to read the Sheriff like a drill sgnt on a prvt in the military. The trooper asked "was it worth the look to disrespect the dead?" The Sheriff looked back and said, "well sir, it's the first time I ever saw anything but a giant prick under one of those hats." :p

:lol: + rep for that one.

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