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Motoseries 6/7 to 6/9


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  jbot said:
the feeling doesn't go away, and in fact, gets worse and worse. when you FINALLY grid up for the start (after the warm up lap) your breathing gets heavier and faster and your heart beats like Mr. Diabeetus just ran up the stairs. The #2 board comes up, and the air fills with revving engines and everyone getting into their launch positions, the #1 board follows and even though the all the engines are revving at this point, it becomes dead silent. Then the green flag goes and it feels like the armies of hell just landed right on top of you, all heading for the same patch of track in turn 1. This lasts for about a lap as everyone gets settled in their positions. You're still on the verge of nervous break down at this point.

...it's all that, then some overly talented ass just comes BLOWING by you on the outside of the turn you thought you couldn't POSSIBLY go faster than you were already going and just leaves you for dead with no chance of keeping them in your sights, and all is despair.

Then, that first guy comes by you... close, just barely. And all of a sudden, the freak out ends, and your mind becomes a surgical laser, pin pointed on the guy in front of you. And that's when you really, TRULY know you can be faster.... because maybe if you just braked a little bit later, got on the gas just a bit sooner, if you let your bike jump into that turn just a bit faster... I can GET that guy and return the favor.

at least, that's what my first race was like.

Fucking perfect. Well said.

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  The Murse said:
ha, guess I should have read the entire page before posting my previous comment.

You gheys all think the same. (But yes, I will be rubbing whatever body part I can all over whoever I can... preferably all over John though.)

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  Hollywood33 said:
You gheys all think the same. (But yes, I will be rubbing whatever body part I can all over whoever I can... preferably all over John though.)

I'm sure John will have no objections to this. Next round he'll be waiting in his trailer for you between sessions.

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  Hollywood33 said:
You gheys all think the same. (But yes, I will be rubbing whatever body part I can all over whoever I can... preferably all over John though.)

There was a lot less homophobic sentiment from you when I was sweating all over you that hot summer afternoon in your apartment (and don't try to tell them we were just changing your "rearend" ;)

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  The Murse said:
There was a lot less homophobic sentiment from you when I was sweating all over you that hot summer afternoon in your apartment (and don't try to tell them we were just changing your "rearend" ;)

Oh gosh, tell me more, more... I can't control myself right now.

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  The Murse said:
There was a lot less homophobic sentiment from you when I was sweating all over you that hot summer afternoon in your apartment (and don't try to tell them we were just changing your "rearend" ;)

Ah hahaha. This actually did happen. I had his man juice all over me.

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Dude, definitely hit up that bar in Garrettsville, if you don't I will hold all of your man cards for the next Nelson trip until we go. That place was awesome and cheap as hell. Big Props to Marty for the hook up! Oh but shit, you might have to eat in the sports bar portion instead of the restaurant.. Shiat.

Craig, don't forget to grab $ from JCopeland for the Pures of mine. I really appreciate that, and will buy you a beer for delivering them for me. True story, I really will.

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Shit, I want to go to that joint, and I can't even ride.

I was planning to bring my dogs Sunday, but now I'm watching my friend's pit too. That's just more than I can deal with (or leave home for any length of time)

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