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I'm just super grateful that Brian is ok for the most part... that is all.

Oh, and how in the fuck did he stay on that bike??!!!

Thanks bud, I will be back out there as soon as I can. Have to start pulling it apart to see what I need. Saturday was just a blast. Sunday was a whole 'nother kind of blast. For all I knew it was a mack truck.

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Did Brian ride bulls in the past? He's got the hand up and all, and stayed on the full 8 seconds.

Ha, no previous experience with bull riding. Apparently it is just an inherent talent I poses but would prefer never to display again.

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All in all, Saturday was great. Really improved my riding out there and got to battle with Hollywood. On the other hand, Sunday was not the way I would have preferred to have experienced my first race. I will be back, and the next time I crash I really hope it's my own dumb fault.

Great seeing all you guys this weekend. I appreciate everyone who helped out and stopped by. Hope to see you at Beaver if everything goes as well as it can.

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looks like it was a red flag and someone chopped the throttle while the other guy had his head down...

I did a frame by frame wow hope everyone is ok. I'm not sure but looks like the guy that got hit stayed upScreenShot2012-06-10at94533PM.png



If you watch the beginning, as jbot points out, numerous other riders saw the same red flag I saw exiting 13. This is of course looking down a long straight. Additionally, as jbot points out, the guy in front of me checked up causing me to checkup. I don't know about the rest of the guys but I look down the straight, not at the ground in front of my tire or at my speedo. Not being a dick, just saying. Glad neither of us were hurt.

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If you watch the beginning, as jbot points out, numerous other riders saw the same red flag I saw exiting 13. This is of course looking down a long straight. Additionally, as jbot points out, the guy in front of me checked up causing me to checkup. I don't know about the rest of the guys but I look down the straight, not at the ground in front of my tire or at my speedo. Not being a dick, just saying. Glad neither of us were hurt.

From the video it looks like the guy directly behind you (that swerved) blocked the view of the guy who hit you. I don't know if he saw the red or not, but I don't think he had any idea you were there and was just following the other guy and then you popped out of no where (relative to him) and he grabbed a whole lot of front brake trying to stop. I'm glad that you are both ok, its just sad that you have to do some repairs now.

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There was clearly no lube used in that event. Pretty shitty to asspack someone and not even give them the reach around if you aren't using lube. I would never do that, just ask Cox after our last trailer adventure.

In all seriousness, damn dude, glad you're ok, and the fact that you stayed on the bike is unreal.

Hope you have some access to good meds today man, your asshole is going to hurt, I mean body, your body will hurt.

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That was a crazy day for sure in numerous ways... Jeff and I got a great hole shot and were checked out from everyone and when we rounded 13, we saw the flag. We got across the start/finish line and nothing... We get to 4 and saw the bike on the edge of the track and figured that was it.

We pull into the pits and see the carnage on the straight... We were both like WTF?

I just wished it never restarted... I of course, low sided in 13. We checked out again and I knew I was making ground on Jeff there and just got too greedy... Trailed too much brake and ate shit.

The bummer was that the M/C must have taken a huge blow as I didn't have any brakes in the two other races. In race 2, I had them at the start and when I got into one, there was nothing. Well, there was some, but it was almost all the way to the bar so, I was trying to adjust it on the back straight with my left hand so I could stay in the throttle. I'd get it adjusted and get into one and nothing... I pulled in twice during the race... I had one of the guys from AFJ in front of me both times and passed him once and then pitted and then caught him again the second time and just rode behind him so I didn't have to brake much. Saw Hollywood coming and was worried I was going to hold everyone up, but saw the white flag and out of the carousel and figured I wouldn't hold them up in a battle or anything. Hopefully, I didn't...

I had enough time in between the 2nd and 3rd race of mine to bleed the brakes. Thought that handled it. I got into one and same thing... So, I tried to ride around it for a lap and just said "F-it" and came in.

Got 12 laps in three races. YES!!! Was like Mad sucking Craig's nuts. Salty...

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If you watch the beginning, as jbot points out, numerous other riders saw the same red flag I saw exiting 13. This is of course looking down a long straight. Additionally, as jbot points out, the guy in front of me checked up causing me to checkup. I don't know about the rest of the guys but I look down the straight, not at the ground in front of my tire or at my speedo. Not being a dick, just saying. Glad neither of us were hurt.

You guys should have had the red flag in 13 by that time also. If you watch jeff and I coming out of 13 and JP just after, we were checking up out of 13. Dunno...

It appears that you were all in a line and the overall lesson is to stay in the gas and put a hand up and THEN roll out. No brakes, no panic, just sit up gradually and roll out. The guy in front of you panicked and looks to have chopped throttle and caused a chain reaction... You were just the Oreo filling, man...

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Actually, in watching the vid again, the two front guys (Includes Murse) were totally rolled out and hands up. The expert guy on the R6 was in full race mode, tucked and the other kid was on his tail. The R6 swerved out (still tucked) and the kid behind was in it and just slammed you. I'd really lay blame to them both, but I do not see where the guys in front and yourself could have done anything wrong or done it better...

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Brian, glad it was nothing too major for you. I was trying to figure out why you kept rolling into the pits. Whatever was going on in the carousel at the end of the day was crazy. I did find a slick patch at the entry and my rear slid about 3-6 inches out on turn in. Needless to say I shit my pants.

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Brian, glad it was nothing too major for you. I was trying to figure out why you kept rolling into the pits. Whatever was going on in the carousel at the end of the day was crazy. I did find a slick patch at the entry and my rear slid about 3-6 inches out on turn in. Needless to say I shit my pants.

Yeah, the day sucked... It started with me running out of gas in the first practice. That was fun, but the corner worker was BAD ASS for getting me a water...

The brakes were a big deal, man. In race two, it was just survive mode and get it sorted for the hopes of a good race 3... I still got a pretty decent lap time in race 2, but the idea was that I think I had something for Jeff as my first recorded lap in the race I crashed was a :12.8. I of course, only got one lap...:D

But, I think the bike was stronger than before, I was feeling better about a few things and in the end, had I kept my freakin head and not have gotten antsy, maybe it would have been a stellar day. Would've, could've, should've, though.

Yeah, I noticed some issues there. But, it was after my crash and being it was on the right side, I just thought maybe the clip-on was bent (it is) and the bike tended to wanna tuck a bit there... After hearing the issues, I think it was the track. I also noted that Jeff was not as fast through there as usual. I think he felt it to be less than desired and maybe a tad slower than usual. I know I felt like I was tip toes through there...

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Does anyone know what changed between Sat. and Sun. in the carousel? Was there a wreck there on Sun. during practice? I didn't notice anything on Sat., but my slow ass wouldn't have really noticed.

I need to find a line through the carousel that works for me. I struggled with it all day. That and watching Wayne and another guy on a BMW pulling me on every straight. I'd catch them on brakes and close up a little in the corner but I couldn't match them with less CCs after that.

I captured the guy that ran off the track in 1 on Sat. towards the end of the day. You can just see him in the grass and all the dirt and shit flying. I heard AMA tuck it in 12 also. Brian, Matt and I were standing on pit lane (where they were pitted) and we walked over to see him walking to the corner station and the bike in the grass.

I had a better than expected day given my first time there. I found I could run paltry :26's fairly consistently and found traffic most of the time. Trying to find lines around slower riders was a challenge also since I wasn't sure if I could stick it in certain areas and hold my line. I was getting pissed because there was a guy on a CBR1000 that would park it in the corners and then take off, much like the R1's cack suckers at Beaver last year. I also wanted to work on my upper body positioning which I think I did well with. I couldn't get someone to follow me around to get some feedback but I think I'm in a better position in the video that I took compared to that at Beaver.

Good to hear everyone came home in one piece. Nelson's is starting to get a reputation, unfortunately.

Edited by r1crusher
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Not really sure on what was going on. I know is was super hot, only thing I can think of is something coming out of the track. It wasn't noticed by Todd and crew when they did a track inspection before the last 2 races.

Stupidity is out of control right now, hell I just saw where a guy at grattan missed the checkered and didn't see the guy with his hand up and ass packed him. People just need to remember how much money they are winning at a trackday and motoseries race and pay attention.

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I think we need to go back to the "Bob Stanley" way of a pre race meeting. He would pull everyone together after lunch and go over safety concerns and reminders.

Especially with all the NEW racers. Hell even with the old ones as well, coming back after a break .....or whomever. Its doesnt matter. When you r all pumped up you have to keep safety tips running through your head. I know it did help me many races. I cant ever stress how much safety plays such a major part in racing and is so often overlooked by riders. No one will keep us safe out there but US!

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Does anyone know what changed between Sat. and Sun. in the carousel? Was there a wreck there on Sun. during practice? I didn't notice anything on Sat., but my slow ass wouldn't have really noticed.

I need to find a line through the carousel that works for me. I struggled with it all day. That and watching Wayne and another guy on a BMW pulling me on every straight. I'd catch them on brakes and close up a little in the corner but I couldn't match them with less CCs after that.

I captured the guy that ran off the track in 1 on Sat. towards the end of the day. You can just see him in the grass and all the dirt and shit flying. I heard AMA tuck it in 12 also. Brian, Matt and I were standing on pit lane (where they were pitted) and we walked over to see him walking to the corner station and the bike in the grass.

I had a better than expected day given my first time there. I found I could run paltry :26's fairly consistently and found traffic most of the time. Trying to find lines around slower riders was a challenge also since I wasn't sure if I could stick it in certain areas and hold my line. I was getting pissed because there was a guy on a CBR1000 that would park it in the corners and then take off, much like the R1's cack suckers at Beaver last year. I also wanted to work on my upper body positioning which I think I did well with. I couldn't get someone to follow me around to get some feedback but I think I'm in a better position in the video that I took compared to that at Beaver.

Good to hear everyone came home in one piece. Nelson's is starting to get a reputation, unfortunately.

was it a silver 1000rr with a rack on the tail? if so, i know who that is.

but wait a minute, i remember an orange and black gsxr1000 with some nice akro cans doing the exact same thing. he was such a squid.


jk, that applies to everyone because pace is relative.

as for nelson getting a reputation, it just seems like a couple unfortunate race incidents that just happened to occur at the track. i don't think nelson had anything to do with someone stalling their bike or people not seeing red flags or hands up.

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Just a FYI for everyone. Keep an eye on gopro (or other) cameras, 6 fell off of bikes saturday. Todd says if this keep up they will not be allowed. Almost all of the gopros I saw that broke off were the curved mount, http://gopro.com/camera-mounts/grab-bag-of-mounts/ (the one on the far left). If you can try to teather it to the bike so if it does brake it doesn't hit the track and cause someone to crash.

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You guys should have had the red flag in 13 by that time also. If you watch jeff and I coming out of 13 and JP just after, we were checking up out of 13. Dunno...

It appears that you were all in a line and the overall lesson is to stay in the gas and put a hand up and THEN roll out. No brakes, no panic, just sit up gradually and roll out. The guy in front of you panicked and looks to have chopped throttle and caused a chain reaction... You were just the Oreo filling, man...

No doubt, I definitely had no plans of checking up once I saw the red flag, I just threw my hand out and was going to gradually slow it down. The guy in front of me checked up (not bad) but caused me to have to check up more than I would have liked. The two behind me as you point out didn't see it and where still going for it...I was in the way...

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Got 12 laps in three races. YES!!! Was like Mad sucking Craig's nuts. Salty...

Sorry to read all that bad stuff man, but this quote was like just what I needed today after an awful morning at work.

Im just glad you all are okay. I will be offering free HJs to whoever wrecked next session at Beaver.

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