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Rider Down in Westerville - Bridge over Hoover Res.


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i dont see passing there being a big deal, especially on a bike....sure its narrow, but its still a 2 lane road, just like any other

the problem wasnt passing, it was passing without paying attention to how close oncoming traffic was.... also, not sure which direction he was going, but if he was heading from sunbury over the bridge, thats the best time to pass if the car in front of you is crawling along.....once you clear the bridge you have those damn hills and you will be stuck behind the dude for quite a bit

idiot for passing on the bridge? not in my book.

idiot for not checking for oncoming traffic first? shit happens. he paid the price. lesson to us all to double check before we pass cars.

You are really showing your age today young one. :nono:

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I have been riding over 31 years on the street....I have rode over 400,000 mile's.It seems to me more and more when you go to pass someone they speed up on you............people think it's a game out there they shoud just slow down and let you pass....think twice save a life..

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An update in today's Dispatch gave his name - 34 yr old James Wiggins of New Albany. It also said he was with another unnamed rider.


To both riders and families - we fellow Ohio Riders pray for you and your families for the terrible suffering and sacrifices you must endure. We pray God blesses you and keeps you safe from further harm. We pray that James' soul rests peacefully in God's eternal grace. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.


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An update in today's Dispatch gave his name - 34 yr old James Wiggins of New Albany. It also said he was with another unnamed rider.


To both riders and families - we fellow Ohio Riders pray for you and your families for the terrible suffering and sacrifices you must endure. We pray God blesses you and keeps you safe from further harm. We pray that James' soul rests peacefully in God's eternal grace. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.


He went to school with my cousin in West Chester, and I've known him for a few years here and there.

I didn't know what kind of bike he had or any other details other than the articles.


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speaking of this topic....went to find a pic of this bridge to post on here to show that its not an unsafe passing zone, and realized its LEGAL to pass on this bridge

its not a double yellow the only place you cant pass is at the far end right before going up the huge hill, the rest is dotted yellow

According to the dispatch...

...The collision happened east of Sunbury Road on the Delaware-Franklin County line. No passing is allowed on that section of the road.
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rip ive almost be hit doing that on the same bridge its different when ur on the bridge and over the water idk its not like passing on a country rode its just different with all that water idk hard to explain unless youve ridden over it ur self and seen the heat wave in the rode and all the blue surrounding you its easily to miss judge and cars go about 70-80mph on that bridge theres 2 huge hills coming west bound its a fun rode on a bike

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West bound can pass when past the bridge, till approaching the parking lot driveway and the road turns South. East bound cannot from the start of the bridge (and causeway) till somewhere up the hill.

You can see it on Google maps.

edit: The Delaware County line runs around Hoover Res. The water belongs to Franklin. I didn't know that.

Edited by ReconRat
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IMHO it should be double yellow the entire way. Too narrow, too dangerous, no place to bail if things go wrong.

IMHO people should look before trying to pass cars. it shouldnt matter what paint lines are on the road, if you cant make the pass safely, dont make the pass.....it shouldnt be "oh, i have a dotted line, guess ill just fly out into the oncoming lane and pray that nobody is coming".....we dont need big government to step in and hold our hand for everything, people need to use some common sense

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Some stupid cow in a Rustang tried to pass the car in front of her this morning, and she just whipped into the oncoming lane without looking down the oncoming lane...

Unfortunately the oncoming lane was occupied by yours truly. I'm sure she could have peeked down the lane without coming out all the way, but whatever. There was simply no chance could have even made even half of that pass. I angrily waved her back into her lane, then pointed right at her as we passed, like; "I'm watching you, moron!"

Seriously, she whipped out so quick that if I'd have been 200 yards further forward my wife would have been typing my obit on here. We were both going about 55-60.

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