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Oh Deer


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Careful when you see a young one. When it drops to the ground like that, momma can possibly attack to defend it. Totally out of character, but it happens. I've come across young ones in the road, all confused, and never saw any other deer. At least not for a while.

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Careful when you see a young one. When it drops to the ground like that, momma can possibly attack to defend it. Totally out of character, but it happens. I've come across young ones in the road, all confused, and never saw any other deer. At least not for a while.

I stopped several cars from buzzing thru there explaining the situation to them after waving them down until the Fawn crossed to the field. The doe watched me from the weeds and despite appearances I wasn't that close to the fawn. It was a snap decision to stay and keep the fawn from being hit or the panicked doe.;)

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You did good, luke out :D

I disagree to some point, he created the second situation by going back

and spooking the dear in the first place. Granted it may have ended up

in the road on its own at some point but how would he have felt if a car

or another bike hit the dear that was now pacing back/forth on the road

because of him?? :nono:

I would have just let it be.

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You never know when/where they're gonna pop out in front of you. I hadn't seen a single deer in the 7 years we've lived in town, then one night after a family party my cousin's wife tells me to watch out for deer in our neighborhood. I'm like, what?:wtf: Because this woman lives in Michigan and had never met me, much less been to Piqua Ohio.......so I discredited her warning as BS......until......I was 4 blocks from home and there's 2 does in the middle of the street?!?! She must be clairvoyant :dunno:

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I bet mam was trying to get he fawn across the road. She hung around for an awfully long time.

I've had similar situations over on Rad Bank Rd on the other side of Hoover res. They come out of nowhere!! Scare the crap right out of me.

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