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Anyone here do JuJitsu?


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My wife's bro got his blackbelt BJJ in the last couple years, its some mean testing they put you through. I got a friend that trains in all mma disciplines. He was a wrestler in high school but met up with Fightopia group here and has been working on striking mostly, so he usually has some new facial decorations every week or 2 :D JuJitsu is definitely flexability and cardio driven stuff, so he's cut 30lbs to hit 205 and works with a few featherwts, lightwts, to test his speed and a couple heavywts that work his power. I would die if I tried to just jump into this stuff. I could definitely use the workouts though, if my back could take it that is

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Karate and BJJ are a good comnination - they have little overlap, but where they DO overlap the moves are identical.

Judo is a cousin of JJ and relies on takedowns, throws and joint locks (I think of Judo as JJ where you try to stay on your feet most of the time - and Aikido/Hapkido as Judo/JJ where you stay on your feet all the time) All developed, in part, as as response to armored opponents that are impervious to empty hand strikes.

The more I do JJ the less muscle work I do - which I guess is a good thing. When I first started I tried to He-man my way around. Worked on smaller white belts, but skills quickly overcome weight so I was forced to start developing the skills. Nowadays I do as little as possible while rolling, especially with my arms. Rather than a elementary-school brawl it's become more like a game of chess. Well, checkers... I never thought that I'd find myself faking moves in JJ likw in Karate (Roundhouse low to dray a block then roundhouse high over the block) but you'd be amazed at how many people forget basics when you start going for a rear choke or similar. Amazing how many folks will defend a kamora by fipping their arm down and perfect place for an omoplata. (We work drills from side control switching rapidly between kamora, straight lock and omolpata)

In the video above my 3rd tap was a rear naked choke and could have easily been defended if he'd shifted his hips onto the mat and turned his head. Instead he fixated on protecting his neck from my half-hearted attempts to get the choke so much that I had solid hooks in and when he remembered to try to move his body position there was a clear change in the level of his neck defense leaving me able to actually go for, and get, the choke.

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Judo is a cousin of JJ and relies on takedowns, throws and joint locks (I think of Judo as JJ where you try to stay on your feet most of the time.

JJ has a pretty interesting history if you go back to it's true 'beginning' before it was a martial art and worked it's way up into street fighting and then into the pro-circuits where a lot of it's moves were either outlawed or modified. Pretty neat stuff!

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I have been training for awhile but my teacher left we need another school where do you train?

Summit Martial Arts in Delaware Ohio. Been doing Karate for 18mo and Jujitsu for a little over 3mo. Sensei is Charles Riedmiller and it's a great atmosphere.

Nice large facility with a great sense of student community.

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