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Is it too early.....?


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Left a little early Sunday and beat the storm home. Still saw some great racing though. Took advantage of the mentor program Saturday and got a tow to get comfortable. Was great hanging with everyone and seeing the Jerry curl mullet stache guy at the Italian resteraunt. Fucking classic.

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Wanna see some pics coming out of the carousel towards the front straight. I think you were shooting pics from there. It's the only place I felt solid on the whole freakin track. I was a squid everywhere else.

Gotts get more laps there. My objective was to get out in one piece and build confidence. Got that checked off. But, mostly upset that I ran so much faster last year and only the first time. Just wasn't feeling it yesterday.

That being said, everyone at MS as usual did an amazing job. The only issue I have is the start when combining with the novices. We are sitting WAY too long and the motors are getting seriously over cooked. I know the one time they had us roll for another lap and I know they wanna get everyone a fighting chance to race, but if a kid is pulled to the side, just have him start in the back. Outside that, it was an awesome event again.

Really like this group of guys.

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Yeah, good times for sure. I was impressed for my first time there for sure, just would have liked to run/finish better. Skipped 1 session Satuday and ran all the others. Ended up with a 12 being my fast Saturday and a 10 flat Sunday at race pace, except I was spinning the tire all over the place and missed turn 10 every lap but 2, which I think costs me 1-2 spots in the mini 20, not 100% as I was still at the back so doesn't really matter lol.

Definitely a great event and good times, will post more tonight but our breaks dont allow for much time.

Good seeing everyone and now just time to get way more seat time there, and some new rubber.

Oh and driving through a horrible storm there, and back, was not fun. I ran into Cbus on almost now fuel as there was no power from Zanesville to Cbus...

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I had a great time with the OR guys this weekend! My weekend could have definitely gone better, since I tossed it in turn 1 on the last lap while in 1st place of the first 600 sprint. Was having a great battle with Andrew (Ama146) that race and was determined to not let him get back by me on the last lap. Great job out there, Andrew, I'm looking forward to more battles in the future! (I'm still super pissed at myself for throwing that one away and I'm gunnin for you next time!)

I seriously want to thank you guys for helping me get my bike back together in one hour so I could at least make the second 600 sprint and the mini 20. You guys are the best! It was great to realize that you guys had my back and kind of took over and did what had to be done, since I always feel a little shaken up after a crash. Sorry I didn't realize I had a stock rearset with me until we pulled apart like three different people's Vortex rearsets trying to piece mine back together! Don't hate me, I promise to tickle all of your balloon knots at the next event! The bike doesn't look too bad, some bodywork, new shifter and peg, brake lever, and a clip-on. My left clip-on is severly bent downward, which is crazy because I didn't realize it until today.

So yeah, I was able to make it through my last two races, although very slowly. Brandon kicked my ass in the second sprint as well as most of the other guys. Brandon looked great out there all weekend, Jinu seriously was tearing it up in the mini 20, and Craig seemed like he had a blast rippin that 250 around! John did great learning a brand new track in just a day and then goin out racing. Also, The Murse was pretty much embarassing us all by bangin out 3's all weekend. Freakin nuts! Great job guys, everyone represented OR well!

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Brandon looked great out there all weekend, Jinu seriously was tearing it up in the mini 20, and Craig seemed like he had a blast rippin that 250 around! John did great learning a brand new track in just a day and then goin out racing. Also, The Murse was pretty much embarassing us all by bangin out 3's all weekend. Freakin nuts! Great job guys, everyone represented OR well!

Couldn't agree more with the above, except the part about me. The 3's were pretty few and far between. Matt did an awesome job in the sbk races and by getting back on the bike the same day after a get off and still putting down some good times.

It was a great weekend, except I started spinning the 003's pretty bad (they were brand new with two trackday sessions on them, from the day prior). Looks like my tire cost might be getting even more expensive...

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looks like we're all going to have to go 250's to save on tires (although, I think my fancy shmancy pilot race from 2008 is holding up pretty decently lol). what say you?!!?!11!1?!?!1

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running a full 2+ seconds slower than you helps looool

if the honda doesn't work out, i may or may not consider tracking/enduro-ing the SV assuming i can sell the honda. but i'm REALLY hoping to get to ride the honda some more before we go that route... i don't want to give the SV up as a street bike, it's too awesome.

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No worries about me getting an sv anytime soon...one bike is killing my funds as it is. I honestly think the Honda will be perfect for enduro-ing, just needs a little TLC from Craig. You guys will have fun on it I'm sure and I am always willing to help out if you guys need anything.

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When we need a hot shoe, we'll call in Brian "Dynamite" Napolean and Matt "Hollywood" Weasley in for ringer duty.

shhhh... nobody has to know what I'm trying to say

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Yea definitely a good time with the actual crew for sure, and working to get Hollywood(Balla) back out there, although I'm sure the GF would have prefered we didn't get you back out there.

Yeah my tire costs are going to add up pretty quick, my tires are totally shot, really were before the practices Sunday, and the race just wore the right side to a slick, which is okay but I'm definitely not used to spinning like that lol.

Hoping to change the oil over the 4th, and then put it away for a few weeks and order new tires. Need way more seat time at Beaver, Nelson I feel fine, Beaver, not so much.

Jinu and Craig thanks again for the tow, Craig, sorry I had to pass you when your bike was leaking coolant, but I'll take it. Thanks to all for the HJs, etc too.

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