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Don't Thank a Marine for Their Service


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I didn't mean "leave" within the heat of the moment. I mean someone does multiple tours, hates what they are doing, and still has years left of an enlistment. They can't leave.

Of course I had an idea of what I signed into. Did I fully grasp the gravity at 18 y/o? Hell no!

The US military invests significantly more training $$ into each person than any other employer that comes to mind. Of course they aren't going to let you leave until they get ther money's worth out of you. That's one of the reason for contracts.

It's a lifestyle that you can't really understand until you're living it.

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I don't think anyone fully understands what comes with that contract.

You are incorrect.

My dad was career S.F., and I pretty much grew up at Ft. Bragg, so I knew good and damn well what I was getting into at 17 when I joined the Army. I also knew what I was getting into when I volunteered for Airborne and other shit in the Army.

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You are incorrect.

My dad was career S.F., and I pretty much grew up at Ft. Bragg, so I knew good and damn well what I was getting into at 17 when I joined the Army.

Understandable. Some may comprehend, but to know the feelings...? At 17, did you fully realize how much it hurt to leave a family? Did you realize as your views of the world changed, that contract would remain?

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those are people who provide a service to you personally...

Should people thank me because the air conditioning works in their honda? No... I'm doing my job and it indirectly affects them, sure... but I'm not providing a service to them, I'm just looking after myself.

The point is in the subtleties. No one SHOULD thank you or a military member, but they ought to if they have the opportunity. If I knew you had something to do with my AC unit in my car, I'd give you some props for that. Unfortunately the only system that didn't work in the 89 prelude I grew up in was the AC. :D that's a joke, btw. If you fixed it, I'd thank you. I just dont understand searching so hard for reasons not the be appreciative. And if you don't think the military is providing you a service, why bring up the fact that you're paying for it earlier?

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I think I can sum this up: Don't be a dick to people. If you aren't a dick to people, don't go around trumpeting the fact that you aren't a dick to people and expect kudos. If you are a dick to people, expect a like response in return when you go around trumpeting that you don't give a fuck and it's all about me.

Seriously, y'all need to get over yourselves.

No one is expecting kudos for not being a dick. One also could have summed it up by stating some people thank people in the military for their service, some people don't thank people in the military for their service, and other people get pissed off because people in the military are thanked for their service.

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yes, to kill those highjackers... wait they died in the crash... we win!

If that qualifies as a 'win' in your world, let me personally thank you for choosing a career path other than the military.

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Understandable. Some may comprehend, but to know the feelings...? At 17, did you fully realize how much it hurt to leave a family? Did you realize as your views of the world changed, that contract would remain?

How I feel about anything doesn't matter, our emotions are not reality. All I care about are the facts.

Why are you asking questions about my decision to join at 17? My family fully supported me and my dad signed the contract so that I could join. That isn't to say I was scared shitless - I was - but did what I wanted to do and grew up in the Army.

Obviously, I'm not who I was at 17 now much less when I turned 26 and volunteered for Airborne and Special Forces.

As for how I view the world? I'm not discussing that here in any kind of detail but I am a registered Independent who loves the Constitution and America the way it was before the libtards on both sides of the aisle started fucking it up with every stupid social agenda under the sun.

As for the contract? It is paid for in full and I owe nothing to the Army but I'll sign back up, if needed. My views of the world wouldn't influence that decision (unfortunately, all of my S.F. buddies are retiring), only my ability to physically do what I'll be called on to do.

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If that qualifies as a 'win' in your world, let me personally thank you for choosing a career path other than the military.

more of a mutual loss I suppose, but the responsible parties died, and in my world, don't exist anymore. In someone else's version, went to hell. And in still others, went to be with their god and a number of virgins...

Point being those responsible were killed for their actions... what higher price can someone pay for a crime?

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The point is in the subtleties. No one SHOULD thank you or a military member, but they ought to if they have the opportunity. If I knew you had something to do with my AC unit in my car, I'd give you some props for that. Unfortunately the only system that didn't work in the 89 prelude I grew up in was the AC. :D that's a joke, btw. If you fixed it, I'd thank you. I just dont understand searching so hard for reasons not the be appreciative. And if you don't think the military is providing you a service, why bring up the fact that you're paying for it earlier?

Dude, we get it. You're appreciative to everybody, especially the military. Understood. The fact that you constantly bring it up tells me that you're looking for kudos or validation of your behavior, and for that I have not a fuck to give you other than congratulations for not going through life and being a dick to everyone. Please, move on.

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yes, to kill those highjackers... wait they died in the crash... we win! resume civilian life...

also, i was 17...

And clearly just as clueless all these years later. Their dying in the crash let you off the hook to serve in the military? Have you forgotten who else died in those towers?

Are you so callous and flippant about the whole 9/11 tragedy that your willingness to serve when you were able to do so ended just because the terrorists died? Their cause is alive and well all over the world - step up or STFU. Your open disdain for the military and total cluelessness about what it means to serve is only eclipsed by your obvious lack of respect for 9/11.

I hope I never have the displeasure of ever meeting you in person.

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Your open disdain for the military and total cluelessness about what it means to serve is only eclipsed by your obvious lack of respect for 9/11.

I hope I never have the displeasure of ever meeting you in person.

I have no contempt or scorn for the military, I just think the recent culture of idol worship for anyone in uniform is a little overblown.

Am I callous about 9/11, probably, but I'm willing to bet you're just as callous about the millions of innocents that die in iraq and afghanistan thanks to the backlash...

I've never claimed to be the most compassionate human being on the planet, but I'm happy with who I am. If you're not interested in meeting me, that's fine... I'm probably not interested in meeting you either, I doubt we'd see eye to eye on much.

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I have no contempt or scorn for the military, I just think the recent culture of idol worship for anyone in uniform is a little overblown.

Am I callous about 9/11, probably, but I'm willing to bet you're just as callous about the millions of innocents that die in iraq and afghanistan thanks to the backlash...

I've never claimed to be the most compassionate human being on the planet, but I'm happy with who I am. If you're not interested in meeting me, that's fine... I'm probably not interested in meeting you either, I doubt we'd see eye to eye on much.

Millions have died in Iraq & A-Stan due to our actions? Once again, your grasp of the "facts" is amazing.

I guess as long as it serves your self-important agenda, who gives a fuck if you're WAY off.

As of 2009 (I'm not scouring the internet for anything recent since it proves you're an idiot):


And you're right, we see very little eye-to-eye.

Free advice:


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I always feel awkward when someone thanks me....but that's always because I feel like I could have done more and that there were more that others did than what I did. I finished my 6 year commitment having spent a year away from home, but I wasn't shot at and others were.

I accept their appreciation and there were sacrifices I made..... so I appreciate the fact that they said thanks.....but there will always be someone that did more for the mission, country, or cause. I say just accept the gratitude for your own personal sacrifices and be proud of what you did do.

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And clearly just as clueless all these years later. Their dying in the crash let you off the hook to serve in the military? Have you forgotten who else died in those towers?

I suppose by that logic...


after you were done with the military, you went into medical school to cure cancer to help your country? Can't let you off the hook just because you were busy doing other things and not going to Med School.

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I suppose by that logic...


after you were done with the military, you went into medical school to cure cancer to help your country? Can't let you off the hook just because you were busy doing other things and not going to Med School.

Priorities, priorities.....gotta support the military infrastructure.

And don't you remember what your momma told you - eat your fruit and veggies?

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Hey Magz: if I go in half, you want this personalized plate for the buggy or your daily cage? :D:lol:


Maybe we can all agree to disagree and move on? The dialectic is getting hectic.

ps: if you are offended, i'll take down the plate.

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That's the funny thing with priorities... everyone's are different.

It just so happens that by using statistical methods and cost/benefit analysis, it becomes a lot less subjective as to where the priorities should be regardless of who agrees with them.

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That's the funny thing with priorities... everyone's are different.

It just so happens that by using statistical methods and cost/benefit analysis, it becomes a lot less subjective as to where the priorities should be regardless of who agrees with them.

I was being sardonic. I don't support the gubment in their glorification of our "causes" but I understand what it means to stand on the wall and look out for the enemy.

As for cancer and the applicable research funds required, if you haven't already, you can give to Casper's Pelotonia bike ride here --->>>


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How I feel about anything doesn't matter, our emotions are not reality. All I care about are the facts.

Why are you asking questions about my decision to join at 17? My family fully supported me and my dad signed the contract so that I could join. That isn't to say I was scared shitless - I was - but did what I wanted to do and grew up in the Army.

Obviously, I'm not who I was at 17 now much less when I turned 26 and volunteered for Airborne and Special Forces.

As for how I view the world? I'm not discussing that here in any kind of detail but I am a registered Independent who loves the Constitution and America the way it was before the libtards on both sides of the aisle started fucking it up with every stupid social agenda under the sun.

As for the contract? It is paid for in full and I owe nothing to the Army but I'll sign back up, if needed. My views of the world wouldn't influence that decision (unfortunately, all of my S.F. buddies are retiring), only my ability to physically do what I'll be called on to do.

I meant no direspect. I only meant that when I signed that contract, I thought I fully knew what it meant. I was wrong, every time I enlisted/reenlisted. People grow/change/mature, the military doesn't care.

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Hey Magz: if I go in half, you want this personalized plate for the buggy or your daily cage? :D:lol:

Maybe we can all agree to disagree and move on? The dialectic is getting hectic.

ps: if you are offended, i'll take down the plate.

After some of the flack I got from the enlisted, a license plate isn't remotely offensive..

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I suppose by that logic...


after you were done with the military, you went into medical school to cure cancer to help your country? Can't let you off the hook just because you were busy doing other things and not going to Med School.

The point trying to be made here is that although the people that enacted the attacks were killed during them, those responsible for planning and setting them into motion were not. If our country leaves those people unharmed and does not hunt them down that will just encourage more terrorist actions.

As far as the resources spent, DoD is bleeding this country dry. They are horribly inefficient in almost all they do and they hemorrhage money at all points.

No, this conflict should not ever have become a war manned by a conventional force. The funding have gone to discrete SOCOM and Three-Letter-Agencies missions.

None the less, the choices were made and the conventional force was moved in. No, I don't agree with the reasoning we are over there.

Did I still sign up and do my part? Yes.

And I will always thank military personnel for their sacrifice. Not for fighting in a war, or if they support the politics. Because they stood up and said they would do what was needed when others would not. Because they were willing to give it all to protect those fighting with them on their left and their right. Because they put other priorities above their own.

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