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Don't Thank a Marine for Their Service


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Not to mention, what kind of fuckstick isn't willing to just say thank you to someone? Hell, I'll even say thank you to the police officer after I get a ticket. It may have not gone my way, but he is still doing his job.

Maybe we need to teach please and thank you better in school...

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Dude, we get it. You're appreciative to everybody, especially the military. Understood. The fact that you constantly bring it up tells me that you're looking for kudos or validation of your behavior, and for that I have not a fuck to give you other than congratulations for not going through life and being a dick to everyone. Please, move on.

The point I'm trying to make is simple: I bet if we all paid attention to how many people we thank for whatever they do, we'd realize we actually thank people who are a lot less worthy of thanks than our military. And yet, for some reason we have this big argument over why we should not thank a soldier. I could care less what some random handle on the internet thinks of me.

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Can't imagine why you'd get flak from them... :rolleyes:

Sentiments similar to Post 52 aren't uncommon when discussions like these start...


Off topic, but somewhat relevent, had a friend who considered the marines, his dad (who had served in the marine corps) told him "if you're planning on signing those papers, I'm breaking your arms so you can't, and if you've already signed, I'll break your legs so you can't go, I've worked too hard to give you a better life than I had to let you throw it away in the same hell I went through."

That always resonated with me, and definitely affected my decision to ultimately decline the numerous offers from the various branches.

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My 11 year decided on his own that he wants to go to West Point, come out a 2LT, and become a General someday.

Pretty lofty goals, but if he happens to make it in and make it through, he will undoubtedly be one of the finest men I'll ever know, and you won't find a more proud old man around.

There is some service in the family (WW1, Korea), but not me. I've asked him why the Army, he states he wants to serve his country.

I can't really argue with that, plus he knows he has to work his ass off and get excellent grades.

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Sentiments similar to Post 52 aren't uncommon when discussions like these start...


Off topic, but somewhat relevent, had a friend who considered the marines, his dad (who had served in the marine corps) told him "if you're planning on signing those papers, I'm breaking your arms so you can't, and if you've already signed, I'll break your legs so you can't go, I've worked too hard to give you a better life than I had to let you throw it away in the same hell I went through."

That always resonated with me, and definitely affected my decision to ultimately decline the numerous offers from the various branches.

I'm not as harsh to say something like that but understand where he was commingle from. To say its just a job will when you haven't been in is a bit foolish. All I can gather is your experience goes as far as your friends story. And if it was just a job, why would he be so against him enlisting then?

Best thing I did was join the army. I miss it everyday, so much so I'm 99% sure I'm going to go back in. It was an adventure, as cliche as that may sound. But what I learned while in has proven to be invaluable. Duty, honor, loyalty, selfless service. I've seen acts of love and kindness come from troops that I've never seen on the civilian side. Would you taken a bullet for one of your coworkers? That sort of brotherhood doesn't come about many other places. Forget why we went to the middle east. Those guys fight for their brother next to them. They asked their family to sacrifice their time amongst other things, to give to something bigger than themselves. What has been given up by a soldier and their family, most civilians really don't understand. I've found that many who've thanked me admit to that and know they can't comprehend the gravity of it all. That's one reason they are thankful. Let me also say I felt this way before I went in, now I understand it better.

Arguably not all those that serve abide by those set of values. Just like not all cops are jerks, sportbike riders are dangerous assholes and IT guys are dorky dudes with no girlfriend.

I've found that a lot of our current support of the military stems from Vietnam vets who were spit on when they got back. For those vets I am truly sorry. But they are a huge drive Ingram force now to correct those wrongs and see that today's vets are not judged the way they were.

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yes, to kill those highjackers... wait they died in the crash... we win! resume civilian life...

also, i was 17...

If "we win" and the terrroist cause dies with the terrorist...

Why wasn't life just peachy after the USS Cole bombing and Khobar Towers bombing?

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If "we win" and the terrroist cause dies with the terrorist...

Why wasn't life just peachy after the USS Cole bombing and Khobar Towers bombing?

I didn't say their "cause" died with them... that's the thing about ideas, they reside within human brains, but they can also lay dormant on paper, or anywhere else... it's very hard to kill an idea...

And as much as GWB thought he was being clever, you can't "declare war" on an idea... sorry...

What I can say is those individuals paid with their lives, and I'm willing to bet that they wouldn't have been so eager to do that if they didn't believe that they would get a better one in return.

So if we're gonna start declaring war on ideas, I think religion (an afterlife) should be included on the chopping block.

Edited by magley64
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So if we're gonna start declaring war on ideas, I think religion (an afterlife) should be included on the chopping block.

:confused: You may not have intended to be funny, but to suggest any type of meaningful or intelligent discussion could occur on this forum re: the most passionately debated and controversial topic in the history of mankind is simply laughable.

Smells like trolling to me...

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:confused: You may not have intended to be funny, but to suggest any type of meaningful or intelligent discussion could occur on this forum re: the most passionately debated and controversial topic in the history of mankind is simply laughable.

Smells like trolling to me...

It was a pointed comment regarding the long life of ideas in contrast to the short life of those that believe it...

Not trolling, just to drive the point home.

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I didnt bother to read the 14 pages of responses...

But am I surprised a Marine had those thoughts...not really. People have to keep in mind, this guy is ONE enlisted troop...from ONE of the services.

People dont understand that the military does more than just "kill people, and break things." Some of the smartest people I've ever met in my life were in the military...USAF and Navy of course...both enlisted and officer corp. He's got a very tactical view of his role, and doesnt quite understand the impacts to the larger picture.

Realize that the military is just a subset of the population. Our small sample is representative of the outside world. There will be douchebags and there will be stellar performers. We're no better or worse than what is out there.

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