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:lol: ooooh weeee, I'm getting to you huh boy? ;) You're making this more enjoyable. Although, I know I could throw the 636 around much quicker. Faster entry too. I'm just saying, there is no hayabusa or 14 with an equal or better rider going to get smoked by another on the country roads.

Also, yes, this summer I will take you to some good roads I love if you'd like. You will not pull away from me or pass me. ;) Bring it old man. :p


Anytime. It's kinda funny how you say that the 636 can be thrown around much quicker and will have faster entry and yet you think that it wouldn't smoke a Busa in or on a similar road?

Tell ya what... When time comes and you're ready, type out right here and now that you are willing to run for pink slips. Head to head. My 750 vs. your ZX14 and you can pick the road. I'll get two passes to sort the layout and we'll go nose to tail. I'll let you lead and let's do something at least 10 miles. When we're done, we'll see who gets to the end first. Winner takes the bike, loser takes a friend's car ride home...

Let's do this before the end of May. I can get street plastic and be ready pretty quick.

Race for titles. Simple enough, right?

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Oh, and I might be old, but it is like getting beat by a girl... You'd get your ass handed to you by an old dude. Sad, huh? I mean if it were a young gun with mad skills, it can be acceptable. But a crusty old guy who doesn't ride street anymore? I'd chop my head off...

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120 miles ...that's not too far if you live in the Gilead in Morrow county and not Seneca county.

5: Merge onto I-675 N toward COLUMBUS. 16 mi

6: Merge onto I-70 E via EXIT 26A toward SPRINGFIELD/ COLUMBUS. 49 mi

7: Merge onto I-270 N via EXIT 93B toward CLEVELAND. 18 mi

8: Merge onto I-71 N via EXIT 26B toward CLEVELAND. 21 mi

9: Take the OH-61 exit, EXIT 140, toward MT. GILEAD/ CARDINGTON. 0.3 mi

10: Turn LEFT onto OH-61. 12 miMap Avoid

11: Turn RIGHT onto S MAIN ST/ US-42/ OH-61. 0.7 mi

12: Turn RIGHT onto E HIGH ST/ OH-95. 0.1 mi

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:lol: You're angry and annoyed, that's funny.:D Pinks? That's funny. How about loser leaves town? :lol:

Quit talking your shit and shutup already. Just come on down sometime. Quit talking trash on the internet Mustafa.:bigfinger::p

Oh, I am far from annoyed. Trust me. I deal with a lot more than what you are dishing out...

I'm in Dayton/Cincy every other week so I know where it is and all... I think it is funny you can talk smack, but when a legit challenge is thrown your way, you puss out. Typical...

I bet you are the fastest talking guy in your group of riders. "Man, I killed it out there today. I was spinning my rear wheel out of every corner..." :rolleyes:

Just a note... I can take a street rider and put him out in a track day and work with him for a day and he'll be a MUCH better street rider because of it. Don't confuse the ability to ride street as being a great platform for riding the track. Now, riding the track and taking that info to the street is something that is happening all the time.

Take Yota. I can guarantee he's a street better rider after track days than he was without... You need to get the big picture. I like how you get all huffy over track talk yet you think you can own the street.

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Oh, I am far from annoyed. Trust me. I deal with a lot more than what you are dishing out...

I'm in Dayton/Cincy every other week so I know where it is and all... I think it is funny you can talk smack, but when a legit challenge is thrown your way, you puss out. Typical...

I bet you are the fastest talking guy in your group of riders. "Man, I killed it out there today. I was spinning my rear wheel out of every corner..." :rolleyes:

Just a note... I can take a street rider and put him out in a track day and work with him for a day and he'll be a MUCH better street rider because of it. Don't confuse the ability to ride street as being a great platform for riding the track. Now, riding the track and taking that info to the street is something that is happening all the time.

Take Yota. I can guarantee he's a street better rider after track days than he was without... You need to get the big picture. I like how you get all huffy over track talk yet you think you can own the street.

1) I don't ride in groups, so I don't have a group. Sorry to ruin your false image of me bud. Also, I don't talk smack if you've hung around me before you would know that.

2) I'm not confusing track or street. I stated that riding the street is different than riding the track and vice versa. It's a whole different playground. You gotta be crazy/stupid to be fast on the street because of the variables.

3) I've been at a mid-ohio trackday before and have MUCH to learn there. I wish I had the money to waste there and lived closer. But motorcycling is done by the public on the street. Nobody really cares out on the street who is the fastest track rider.

4) I'm not wussing out of anything bitch. I got nothing to prove to you. Bring your ass down. I don't need to gamble to prove my manhood to you. This isn't a who's dick is bigger. This is about shutting you the fuck up and riding. If you prove me wrong, I could give a fuck less, but you will see that it WILL NOT be easy for you to get past me, especially when I won't let you pass too. You will get blocked and stuffed. If you get pushed off the road trying to go past, it's not my fault, but I hope you're ok to ride back home.

With that said, come on down if you want. I'll buy you lunch and a gatorade. I just want you to quit playing the holier than thou card on the forum. ;)

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#4 :nono: thats not how it should go.

and i have kinda kept my mouth shut and watched this for a bit now and ninjanick you are wrong. i for sure am not the "fastes street rider" and i have never been on a track either. i know what the 14 will do and the busa is one in the same they are not turning machines.

my friend that i ride with all the time has a 14. he has been riding many many moons longer than me, and he will even admit no matter how hard he tosses his 14 into a corner im not even stressing the 636. and u have to understand something about this kid..... i have a picture of him with the pipe about an inch off the ground so he isnt trying to make me feel any better about myself or my bike nor is he sand bagging either.

the 14 wasnt made to perform like you say it is a tourer, a bad ass mother f'n tourer at that;), but saying its gonna hang with a sport that has a rider above average isnt happening.

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Oh I could work my past 636 better for sure, but on the STREET, with a good rider, the busa or 14 will be smoked. So, I disagree. This is a stupid arguement anyways. There are 2 things when riding, straights and turns. So they both have their advantages, but it kills me when such ignorant post such as yours are made and you never rode one or know how to rock the turns much anyways.

I hate it when I'm out riding and I see a bike with the number 46 go flying by me, on the street! (sarcasm) :rolleyes:

Oh and to educate you, the CONCOURS is a sport tourer. ;)

P.S, Kawirider, #4 is because he wants it to be balls to the wall, then that's how it's done. No love. :D It's his fault for racing on public roads if he wants to play, not my fault. Why do you think in competition they even clip and touch sometimes. If it happens, it happens. :dunno:

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1) I don't ride in groups, so I don't have a group. Sorry to ruin your false image of me bud. Also, I don't talk smack if you've hung around me before you would know that.

You don't smack talk?? "You will not pull away from me or pass me. :wink: Bring it old man." Hmmm... Sounds like a throw down...

2) I'm not confusing track or street. I stated that riding the street is different than riding the track and vice versa. It's a whole different playground. You gotta be crazy/stupid to be fast on the street because of the variables.

You stated "but the road is a all new ball game." which was implying that you could keep up on the street and maybe even beat me... What I was trying to let you understand (you didn't get it...) is that a track day guy who rides the street will be faster than a guy who hasn't been to the track and rides the street. You don't do track days and yet ride the street. You're not as fast and controlled as you could be...

3) I've been at a mid-ohio trackday before and have MUCH to learn there. I wish I had the money to waste there and lived closer. But motorcycling is done by the public on the street. Nobody really cares out on the street who is the fastest track rider.

Again, you don't get it. You said "waste my money there"... Wow... It's a waste of money to get better as a rider...

It isn't about who is the fastest track guy - it's who has the most tools to draw from. A guy with track day experience is going to have a higher skill level. You riding at 80% on the street is comparable to a track guy going maybe 60% to his ability. If he steps up to 80%, you're WAY over your head. What you think is crazy and stupid speed on the street isn't crazy/stupid to someone with a higher level of ability... But, you sound as if you know everything and are the baddest street guy around. You win. You get the badass MOFO trophy...

4)it WILL NOT be easy for you to get past me, especially when I won't let you pass too. You will get blocked and stuffed. If you get pushed off the road trying to go past, it's not my fault, but I hope you're ok to ride back home.

Ok, so you're not throwing down. You're not swinging the ol' wiener out and saying you're the big cheese on campus... What's this all about then? Dude, I can guarantee you can't block and stuff me to the point I'm going to get screwed. Plus, if you ride like that (You THINK you can ride like that), you'll get it in return. Actually, I wouldn't want to get close to you if you think you can pull that shit off.

I'll tell ya what, when was the last time you were leaning over ON TOP of another guy while ripping through a corner? Know how many times I have been stuffed? How many times I have STUFFED other guys? You aren't going to pull anything new out of your hat that's going to shock me. Plus, if you have to block and stuff to stay ahead, it says you suck and you can't keep someone behind you legitimately.

Dude, you really are a card. You think somehow the street is your arena. No wonder you don't ride with a group - who'd trust a windbag that stuffs and blocks to stay ahead and then brags how fast he is on the street.

You've wasted enough of my time and clearly shown to a LOT of us on here where you stand as far as a rider. Hell, Kawi Kid was on your side right up until #4. True colors always shine through...

You backpeddled like I figured when a legit challenge was proposed. Too often everyone's tough until it comes time to prove it. Oh, well... If you want to try, shoot me a line and we can meet. We'll each need to bring a friend as in case you pull some stupid shit like a punt and run move, but overall, it'll be of great use to you to have a friend along to drive you home... You know, when you hand your title over.

WAIT!! Let's just do money. How's $1k sound? That's fair, huh? Cheaper too and you can keep the couch... If not, quit with the comments about how fast you are and how you'd keep up, blah, blah, blah...

Now, if you can swallow a little pride and actually be a little bit open minded, I'd be glad to help you out if you should decide to NOT waste your money and come up to Mid-Ohio for a day. We can get you comfortable on your steed and even help you get it set-up to be a better handling machine. All you need to do is accept and show. I won't bust your balls, I won't call you names, and I won't even make snide comments. If you come, it makes me feel as if you want to learn and that's what I am always wanting of EVERY rider here... That's no BS, either...

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