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You stated "but the road is a all new ball game." which was implying that you could keep up on the street and maybe even beat me... What I was trying to let you understand (you didn't get it...) is that a track day guy who rides the street will be faster than a guy who hasn't been to the track and rides the street. You don't do track days and yet ride the street. You're not as fast and controlled as you could be...

:rolleyes: No shit! I've only done 1 trackday! I have much to learn on the track.

Again, you don't get it. You said "waste my money there"... Wow... It's a waste of money to get better as a rider...

Wasting! As in having it to spend to go there! Can't you understand a metaphor. :p

It isn't about who is the fastest track guy - it's who has the most tools to draw from. A guy with track day experience is going to have a higher skill level. You riding at 80% on the street is comparable to a track guy going maybe 60% to his ability. If he steps up to 80%, you're WAY over your head.

No shit! I've only had balled up rubber one day in my life and that was when I was balling up the rubber on the track. Street...NO!

Dude, you really are a card.

;)ACE of spades homie! :D

No wonder you don't ride with a group - who'd trust a windbag that stuffs and blocks to stay ahead and then brags how fast he is on the street.

Wrong! I hate group rides, too slow and others get in the way. I will ride with 4-5 max. I have a select few I only choose to ride with because they're fun and we know eachother well. I don't ride with strangers at all.

You've wasted enough of my time and clearly shown to a LOT of us on here where you stand as far as a rider. Hell, Kawi Kid was on your side right up until #4. True colors always shine through...

I couldn't do that shit man. I'd feel too bad. I wouldn't ditch you retard. Gawd! Even though you are an asshole who sits to high on the throne in his own little head.;)

Now, if you can swallow a little pride and actually be a little bit open minded, I'd be glad to help you out if you should decide to NOT waste your money and come up to Mid-Ohio for a day. We can get you comfortable on your steed and even help you get it set-up to be a better handling machine. All you need to do is accept and show. I won't bust your balls, I won't call you names, and I won't even make snide comments. If you come, it makes me feel as if you want to learn and that's what I am always wanting of EVERY rider here... That's no BS, either...

I will be there AGAIN someday, but I will never surrender to you and you're attitude. But I'll say waddup! And I will tell you I'll probably start arguing with you about this SAME topic! True story. :)

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Hell, Kawi Kid was on your side right up until #4. True colors always shine through...

correction!!! i stood on the sideline till #4. i never agreed with him. im all about team green but the 14 as great of a handler as ninjanick thinks. (and yes i have rode one) sorry procede

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It's in phone conversation now KawiKid. Lets quit jacking Dweezel's thread. ;)

Uh, no phone calls coming from me. From your PM, I don't think it is in my best interest to call you. I'll jump outta here and leave it to the Busa guys. Sorry you think my responses are worthless...

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Don't throw a fit. Just shutup and don't dog people's choices of motorcycling. This is a motorcycle site for all kinds. They have track only sites out there.

Dude, are you Bi-Polar? What the hell? You PM me with your phone number and say to call so we can talk about my worthless "arguement". Now, you think I am throwing a fit because I don't want to call you? What would be gained from calling a guy who thinks my responses are worthless? You going to tell me in person?

As far as choices go, I gave legit feedback to the guy. I even stated after what HE said that he is probably making a good choice. Where was any of my responses to Dweezel unfair or incorrect? You're the one that thinks a Busa handles as good as a 600. The only one, by the way viewing from the responses. But I'm the dick...:rolleyes:

Get the fuck off the track comebacks. I ride both street and track - I just focus more on track. You ride MX? How about Supermoto? Maybe even Flat Track? I've done and do all those forms of riding. So, what exactly is your point?


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Yeah, I've ridden dirt. I can post some pictures if you'd like? But who cares.

The BUSA handles FINE for the street! This arguement first started when some jackass brought up that I hope he only wants to go straight. WTF is that about!? Gawddamn it! This is a motherfuckin bike site! Not track site! Who gives a fuck if it doesn't turn to "your" standards! On the street where real world riding takes place, the Busa is fine and fun! Hell I'm glad he didn't mention he wanted to buy a cruiser. He really would've got crucified. Ignorant fucks piss me off. They need to go to a site that is for their bike only and talk shit there. There is only a few that piss me off on this site and you and Todd are those 2. Get off your high fucking horses you conceited fucks and shut up! Damn, I'm getting worked up....I gotta leave work now anyways....I'm done with this thread.

This whole day on here was worthless except for when I donated cash to the site.


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DID U GET ONE???? Ther is a guy in my group selling a 05 or 06 busa with full pipe and 1400 miles on the clock. He wants $8000. Its red and mint selling to buy a 600 race bike

Boooo...way to get back on topic jerk!

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Yeah, I've ridden dirt. I can post some pictures if you'd like? But who cares.

The BUSA handles FINE for the street! This arguement first started when some jackass brought up that I hope he only wants to go straight. WTF is that about!? Gawddamn it! This is a motherfuckin bike site! Not track site! Who gives a fuck if it doesn't turn to "your" standards! On the street where real world riding takes place, the Busa is fine and fun! Hell I'm glad he didn't mention he wanted to buy a cruiser. He really would've got crucified. Ignorant fucks piss me off. They need to go to a site that is for their bike only and talk shit there. There is only a few that piss me off on this site and you and Todd are those 2. Get off your high fucking horses you conceited fucks and shut up! Damn, I'm getting worked up....I gotta leave work now anyways....I'm done with this thread.

This whole day on here was worthless except for when I donated cash to the site.


Wow. Spoken like a true enthusiast... Your reading comprehension skills are apparently poor. Too bad, really.

Not sure at what point you came up with wrong info to support your stance, but nobody said anything about handling except you. They don't handle the same. That was the response to your comments. Simple enough?

Now, before you pull the track crap again, try and look at this with open eyes. I stated the Busa doesn't handle as well as a 600. Kawi said he agreed, Dweezel said the same thing, and others. Where does the track crap play in all this?

Glad you ride dirt. What, I suspect you're an "A" rider in that, too, huh? You're a trip. I'll PM Todd and have him take a look see. He's been awful quiet lately... That will be fun. Then you'll have two "Ignorant fucks" as you call us arguing with you. What, are you in third grade or something? Let's start calling you Ninja"F Bomb"Nick....:roll:

Can't wait until Flounder gets back from Brazil. He'll have a good time with this...

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Satan can you change the title of this thread to "Dumb a$$ agruement" or "don't bother reading this".Please!

I'm done. Satan can actually delete it as Dweez started a new one. I started a new one too for all the "ignorant fucks" on this site...

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Are you calling me ignorant?

No, man.... NinjaNick thinks we track guys are "Ignorant fucks" so, I started a thread pertaining to track days in relationship to street guys...

If you like track riding, I guess I am calling you ignorant!!:D

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