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Supreme Court upholds entire health care law


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That's in the private pages, us po-folk who ain't got no job and can't afford no in-sure-ants can't see it. But no problem, we'll have free care soon that you'll pay for and soon free interweb! Because it's our right to get what you got. Welcome to socialism.;)

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Socialism is an economic system characterised by social ownership and/or control of the means of production and cooperative management of the economy.


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Socialism is an economic system characterised by social ownership and/or control of the means of production and cooperative management of the economy.

thank you wikipedia


socialism has other definitions, too... but it doesn't stop the conservative base from labeling everything the government does that they don't like "socialism" and depending on that age old connection to "communism" and the stigma attached to communism by the old ussr...

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thank you wikipedia


socialism has other definitions, too... but it doesn't stop the conservative base from labeling everything the government does that they don't like "socialism" and depending on that age old connection to "communism" and the stigma attached to communism by the old ussr...

Like I said, it's "socialism Tourette's". Keep using it in public as another 4 letter word and eventually it becomes one.

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Call it what you will, it's me showing up at your front door saying we think you have too much and we're taking some to give to others because we want it. Not because we deserve it, earned it, worked for it or even asked nicely. We want and you WILL give. More over this will LOWER the standard of care in the US because doctors will simply refuse to treat those who have lower paying government policies. Better call the doctor to see what their retainer fee is going to be.

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"<insert some item> costs money.

i don't have it, but i want it; or i have it but i'm tired of paying for it and want it for free, or a lot less.

maybe the government will buy it for me?

lots of people make a lot of money, shouldn't they buy me things?"

Edited by jblosser
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Obama 2009 with Stephanapoulos: "What it’s saying is, is that we’re not going to have other people carrying your burdens for you anymore"

Oh, like me having to pay higher fees/ taxes/ surcharges on my phone bills so that the "poor" can have cell phones, internet service, cable TV, etc?

Which way does he want it? Save your breath, I know the answer.

The "win" today will help Romney. Hugely. All the Obamafans already have free healthcare, they don't care.

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I don't normally talk politics or religion because it never ends well. That said, we're screwed.

That's quite a well-informed opinion you have there, I can see why you don't talk about politics a lot.

Call it what you will, it's me showing up at your front door saying we think you have too much and we're taking some to give to others because we want it. Not because we deserve it, earned it, worked for it or even asked nicely. We want and you WILL give. More over this will LOWER the standard of care in the US because doctors will simply refuse to treat those who have lower paying government policies. Better call the doctor to see what their retainer fee is going to be.

Ah, the old slippery-slope argument(fallacy). See also: gay marriage turning into bestiality, certain ammo bans turning into an all-out ban on guns, drug legalization turning into addicts around every corner...

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i don't really know enough about the whole thing but I do know that small businesses and corporations alike are going to now be federally mandated to screw the fuck out of their employees

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i don't really know enough about the whole thing but I do know that small businesses and corporations alike are going to now be federally mandated to screw the fuck out of their employees

And big insurance companies are no longer going to be allowed to deny or limit coverage for people with pre-existing conditions. "Got diabetes? Too bad - no more insurance for you. If you want treatment you have to pay it yourself and it will cost too much, so your diabetes will go untreated until you show up at am emergency room and then the hospital treats you for free and rolls the cost of your treatment into the bills they charge other folks."

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How about I change "all" to "most"? Lots of rich Democrats for some reason.

Sure, if you can justify the word "most'. Got any cites to back that up, or is it just your opinion? "Your opinion" would be valid as long as you note it as such and not stated as if it is an absolute fact.

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How about I change "all" to "most"? Lots of rich Democrats for some reason.

How about you do a little research before you just spout stuff off? There are PLENTY of Tea-Partiers that are on SS/Medicare. And, the greatest Tea Partier of all...

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Calculator to figure out your payment for health care:


So, How much does it cost?

For me it's only about $300/mo :eek:

In the old days when I could get health care through my employer it was about $70/mo. I sure am happy about the improvement.

Edited by Strictly Street
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