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Notice to Riders:


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It's been hot and dry for long enough, in Central Ohio, that the roads are picking up a thin layer of dirt and dust. Particularly in corners, and particularly anywhere near construction or the route of trucks to and from construction.

Be aware of these conditions, and watch for a slight discoloration of the roadway, noticeable generally as a random geometric shape on the road, or sometimes simply a hazy patch where one shouldn't be. Go around and/or slow down.

On a lighter note... did you ever notice when stopped at a stop light, that if your boot is too close to your shifter, and you goof and lean the bike to the left, that it can suddenly shift your bike into second and jump forward? Particularly fun when both hands are busy drumming a tune on the tank.

DONK-engine off-clutch-brake-shift-start-shift-go

Roads and gutters are also picking up a lot of used beverage containers, and some of them are glass. Don't run over them.

edit: Don't run over aluminum cans either, I've seen them attach to the front tire, spin with the tire, and completely destroy the front fender on a bike. Not to mention that stopping on one is really funny as you skid down the street like an out of control roller skate.

Edited by ReconRat
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I've noticed that since its gotten dumb hot ( 102 today ) that peoples cars are leaking more things onto the road then just water from the A/C

I have not accidently shifted but what I have done while sitting in traffic is dropped my cell phone when I unzipped my pocket and pulled it out to look at a missed call. I fumbled the phone with my gloves on and it hit the ground. The battery and back cover came off when it landed. Just as I put the bike in neutral and put the kickstand down the light turns green. Nice. The guy behind me was INSTANTLY pissed even before I was all the way off and let me know with a steady 5 second horn. I picked up the pieces threw them in my pocket and jumped back on the bike and took off just in time to beat the light but I felt like the biggest moron ever.

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People shouldn't blow their horns like that. It's rude, selfish and self centered. It's part of the entitled "ME" generation, regardless of the age. One person does not own the road.

I found my battery back was off when I got home, and it was inside a shell and holster.

And I had never ever seen my battery that dead before. It's a conspiracy. (Or it was very hot outside.)

edit: I've actually stopped when people blow horns like that. After all, the law says it's a device for warning other drivers. I'll stop and stare at the driver that's blowing the horn. That makes them very very angry.

Edited by ReconRat
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I had some dip shit today try and run me out of my lane today. Not my fault he didn't pay attention to the turn lane. Gave him a mouth full.as he was sticking his head out of his car. I swear wtf is wrong with people.

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I had some dip shit today try and run me out of my lane today. Not my fault he didn't pay attention to the turn lane. Gave him a mouth full.as he was sticking his head out of his car. I swear wtf is wrong with people.

Had the same shit happen to me earlier this week some old lady decided she needed get in the turning lane after I was already in it and about took my front tire out :nono:

She flipped me off as I passed, I returned the favor, then she followed me (not really close but followed my lane changes) with her high beams on... at 3:30pm :lol:

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I ride 670-270 everyday to work downtown from Westerville. Going in is easy but coming home at 4:00pm - man it's freaking dangerous.

Don't get me wrong here, I'm not wussin out, but when cars finally get through the construction on 670E man they come out of there like horses out of the starting gate.

I enter 670E from 71N and you've gotta be on your game. It's too packed, everyone is jockeying for position, some are going the posted 45 other trying to go 80, cuttin in and out.

Then just as I try to move to the left lane right around 5th ave curve everyone seems to need to slam on the brakes to go around that curve. Once around the back of the airport you hit that straight away. Jam it on up to 65-70, trying to keep a buffer of 3-4 car lengths so you don't ride up someone's ass when they slam on the brakes at 70, some dip shit think I keep that gap so THEY can cut me off and hit the brakes.

Coming around the ramp from 670E to 270N it's a blind curve with the bridges and trees and such. As soon as I get into my left hand lean BAM!! Brake lights again!!

I come down tha ramp to 270N and I swear everyone thinks they need to change lanes 25 ft before the lanes merge. And of course when 7 cars try to do that all at once MORE BRAKE LIGHTS at 55mph!! WTF people???

Once you get past Easton it's smooth sailing the rest of the way to Westerville. By the time I get home I feel the way Bill the Cat looks.

It's almost so freakin dangerous that it's not even an enjoyable ride. I'm on the defensive 10 out of 17 miles and it sucks!!

I've resorted to taking Sunbury Rd or Stelzer Rd home but then it's a 45 minute trip cuz of stop and go traffic - BUT I'll make it home in one piece!!

I'm off my soap box now. Thanks for letting me vent.

Edited by Jcarlson
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Not to mention that stopping on one is really funny as you skid down the street like an out of control roller skate.

I did this for the first time of riding over the last 18 years. On the dirt bike no less. Was not fun at all almost hit the car in front of me.

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I ride 670-270 everyday to work downtown from Westerville. Going in is easy but coming home at 4:00pm - man it's freaking dangerous.

I drive into the Big Dig the same way, 'cept I peel right to go downtown. In the car I can sit there and study all of traffic. It's hard to do that on the bike.

Morning traffic is more careful because they have to make work intact and on time. On the way home......:mad:

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I did this for the first time of riding over the last 18 years. On the dirt bike no less. Was not fun at all almost hit the car in front of me.

I stopped my rear tire on a flattened aluminum can, at a traffic light. Front tire was stopped. I laughed hysterically, as the back end came around 90 degrees in extreme slow motion.

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I stopped my rear tire on a flattened aluminum can, at a traffic light. Front tire was stopped. I laughed hysterically, as the back end came around 90 degrees in extreme slow motion.

Had that happen on one of these at my last job :lol:

I pretty much did a 180 :lol:


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On a lighter note... did you ever notice when stopped at a stop light, that if your boot is too close to your shifter, and you goof and lean the bike to the left, that it can suddenly shift your bike into second and jump forward? Particularly fun when both hands are busy drumming a tune on the tank.

Nope. Positive neutral finder FTW!

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I had some dip shit today try and run me out of my lane today. Not my fault he didn't pay attention to the turn lane. Gave him a mouth full.as he was sticking his head out of his car. I swear wtf is wrong with people.

There's a few lights near WSU that worry me because the turn lane hashes are worn off and many people dont realize the left-most lane doesn't go to the first lane after the turn, worries me every time, cage or bike.

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Not much of a warning, since it's too hot to ride and will be cooling off.

But asphalt roads can buckle, as well as concrete freeways.

I think a bike could handle the jump, if the rider was paying attention.

But here is a SUV in Wisconsin this week that didn't do too well.

Definitely caught some air!


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