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RazorMax or iPhone 4?

max power

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Everyone keeps bringing up the size of the droid screen. It's getting ridiculous that their only selling point is a big screen. I like my iPhone because it's "phone sized". If I wanted something to read books on or watch movies I'll bring my iPad thank you. I don't want to be asked "is that a droid in your pocket or are you happy to see me?" :rolleyes:

I personally like the larger screen. It makes many of the things I use the phone for easier. Web browsing, maps, email, posting to OR :D

The "Retina Display" is not all that impressive. It is basically the same resolution as most of android phones just on a smaller screen. And some of the newest android phones have even better resolution.

I have not used an Iphone yet but we do have an Ipad (first gen). I still prefer the android system. Apple is still being political about supporting Flash and they make you jump through hoops or just prevent you from doing things I expect to be able to do on a "computer".

Maybe it because I grew up with DOS and then moved to Unix/Linux but I expect to be able to move/copy a "file". Apple tries to pretend that files do not exist.


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Love my 4s and they pay for themselves, as in when its time for an upgrade simply jailbreak, unlock and sell on ebay. I sold both my 3g, 3gs, and 4 on ebay for more than the cost for the 1 year upgrade. I haven't paid for an iPhone since my 3g.

I am far from a MacWhore but they make a reliable phone with some kick ass features and Droids also have some awesome features that my phone can't do and vise versa. The newest Droid commercial where it keeps saying "Droid does" always makes me laugh since my iPhone can do all of the things except launch apps through siri but it understands me no problem when I'm going down the highway on the bike and I voice text someone.

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It was released in September of 2011. On a related note I put an ICS leak on mine a few days ago. It makes the Bionic even more awesome.

wow... looking back through bills it appears you are right. I went to the verizon store a week ago and they told me I had it since may of last year... I'll have to go back and yell at them. September it is!

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If you want a phone you can use without issue get an iphone. If you want a phone you have to fuck with all of the time get anything android

Agree, I hear a lot of peeps complaining about there android

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my droid X and my current droid Charge have both been pretty flawless with/without rooting. i have a galaxy SIII on order, and I expect more of the same with that phone. i might sell it to get the next gen RAZR. or maybe i'll relent and get an iphone. who knows.

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Hold out til VZ gets the Galaxy S3. Just got it on sprint and it's slick. Don't let the "retina" display fool you, while it is a very nice screen, new HD phones like the S3 or EVO LTE with 1280x720 resolution have a pixel density on par with the iPhone and just as nice of colors, they just lack the marketing gimmick name.

If you want a phone you can use without issue get an iphone. If you want a phone you have to fuck with all of the time get anything android
Maybe they're on lower-end Android phones. I had an original EVO for 2 years and the new S3 with ICS is smooth as butter, even when I used aftermarket firmware to root the EVO for free hotspot functionality.:cool:
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Went with a Galaxy Nexus over the iphone, HTC OneX and Samsung Galaxy S3, because of the screen size and ICS with no manufacturer overlay getting between you and the OS, like Touchwhiz or Sense. That means I'll be getting updates as they come out, not when HTC or Samsung or whoever decides to get their overlay to play nice with the update, or if they decide to do that at all and just not release the update as has been done so many times before. On top of that, the overlay takes more processing power to do the same thing as a phone without, so you lose spec value too.

Hell, the last Nexus has had ICS for 6 months and it's 2 years old. Most phones by other makers one year old don't have it yet and if they don't by now, they probably won't unless you root & rom. To me, if you have to go through that trouble to get an updated phone, it's a broken product.

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If you want a phone you can use without issue get an iphone. If you want a phone you have to fuck with all of the time get anything android

This is why my family is about to go full on apple. Kids have had ipod touches for years. When they wanted tablets, i wouldn't go for ipads and bought a couple acer iconias. I finally bought a personal smartphone last year, and got the galaxy s2. These things require constant messing with to keep running. Both acer tablets are next to useless since the update to ics. The now four year old ipods still work and have never had issues that required a full default restart(until my daughter dropped hers in the toilet last week) while my phone has twice, and the acers have multiple times as well. It seems everyone touts the ability to root/hack/mess with android as a positive. I just want something that works.

I've got another year to go on my plan with sprint, which i will run from as fast as I can, but that's another rant. Iphone 5 on verizon is what I'll have next.

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If you want a phone to mess with get an android phone, if you want a phone where you don't have to do anything get an iphone. The learning curve of an iphone, or apple products in general, is much easier to figure out as opposed to the droids, which is why apple sells a lot of products. I have the Razr Maxx and the battery life alone makes it worth getting. With light to moderate use I've gone two days without a charge and still have over 20% battery left. I'm also a person that likes messing with my phone and since the android phones are more customizable I've stuck with those. Mess around with both and see what feels more comfortable.

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  • 3 months later...

I still havent upgraded. Just havent had the time to mess with it. This Droid 2 is about toast. Only lasts about an hour unplugged.

My decision is now between the I5 and the SG3s. The Iphones are $200 each and the Galaxy 3's are $150 each at wally world. Funny how things and prices change in the course of 3 months.

my droid X and my current droid Charge have both been pretty flawless with/without rooting. i have a galaxy SIII on order, and I expect more of the same with that phone. i might sell it to get the next gen RAZR. or maybe i'll relent and get an iphone. who knows.

So how do you like the S3?

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yeah i went through like 4 droid 2's in like 6 months. had the original droid before that and went through 3 of those. I finally got the 4s this spring and I havent had any problems with it. I like it a lot better than the android system. and I am def not an apple person. i dont know if i am much of a fan of the 5 because they changed so much stuff on it. for instance if you have an ipod or a ipad, you cant use the same charger. and you wouldnt be able to use those radio things that you can plug your phone directly into and it'll charge your phone at the same time. thats a big downside of the 5 for me.

I've heard mixed reviews of the galaxy 3. I know a lot of people do complain about how big it is. but outside of that I havent heard too much about the OS on it.

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