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Update.... no money has come from him and he stopped returning calls. He wanted to do a pay plan with me... $50/wk... but he couldnt even stick to that. One day he tells me check is in the mail, never comes... then he has more excuses. What a worthless piece of shit... for real.

here's his latest craigslist ads if you guys wanna flag them to prevent others from being ripped by this con-artist




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Why haven't you taken him to small claims court? You could hit him up for interest, court associated costs, etc. I know its only $200, but thats your $200!

Have you reported to BBB? Does he only take cash? Did you get a receipt from him? I'd bet he isn't keep up with small business taxes, I'd tip the IRS off on him too! Do more than you have man!

edit: did you get your wheels back?

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Why haven't you taken him to small claims court? You could hit him up for interest, court associated costs, etc. I know its only $200, but thats your $200!

Have you reported to BBB? Does he only take cash? Did you get a receipt from him? I'd bet he isn't keep up with small business taxes, I'd tip the IRS off on him too! Do more than you have man!

edit: did you get your wheels back?

its amazing.. his shit gets flagged and then he FINALLY calls me back. I didnt answer but whatever.

I didnt report him... I paid through paypal for some of the money and some was through parts from my busa. I got smy wheels back thankfully but they didnt have anything really done to them. he stripped them and one of them was coated but the coating was CRAP so i had my guy redo them.

We almost came to an agreement a couple times.. then he got mad at me for flaggin his posts when half the time it wasnt me.. then he never paid me back like i said.

now he's blowing my phone up as i type this.

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haha! the power of the interwebs

love it

pretty much. I told him i would keep doing what I'm doing til i got money in my hand. we kinda had a deal in december than he would give me $50/wk starting mid january... that day never came.. although like i said.. he claimed he sent a check once.. never saw it. No trk info. No nothing.

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it's comforting to know you have a force like this community to stand behind you when you have a valid complaint about a business...

I'm posting about him "08r1man" on r1-forum as well as him as "chromeowner" on hayabusa.org

hes ripped off more people than me and well... if he wont pay me back and chooses to spend his money elsewhere ... well thats his problem if this is what happens. as he stated, and I quote..." i'm not in the business of giving refunds" ... .what a guy

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You could probably do an "RE:" or "ATTN:" post to his ad, and throw a link to this thread in there. Save you the trouble of flagging, and the only one flagging your ad would probably be him.

Not only would it show people what a scam this guy is running, but also pick up a few potential new board members. :D

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You could probably do an "RE:" or "ATTN:" post to his ad, and throw a link to this thread in there. Save you the trouble of flagging, and the only one flagging your ad would probably be him.

Not only would it show people what a scam this guy is running, but also pick up a few potential new board members. :D

Good idea, I'd use his exact title too if possible


or SCAM: or WARNING: ... I think I like "scam"

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heh. he left me a voicemail telling me that he was staring at a $250 usps money order right now that he had made out to me and he was going to mail it out right now but since i'm playing these games by flagging him he's thinking he should keep it for himself and yadda yadda.

Right. I'm sure. Considring the dude doesnt even have my address.... I wonder where he was gonna send it to? Heard this story before.

I wonder how he sleeps at night

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wow... so this guy made a posting for a free couch and when people call, he gives them my number.. what a tool! spam this too please... man.


If you know it's him, and can prove it (IP Address) - you probably have a civil case. Throw that on top of your small claims.

That may even be criminal - not 100% sure on that one though (fraud).

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If you know it's him, and can prove it (IP Address) - you probably have a civil case. Throw that on top of your small claims.

That may even be criminal - not 100% sure on that one though (fraud).

I answered the phone for someone who called me about the couch and i asked him where he saw the ad and he said he called that number and the person gave him my number... he told me where he saw the ad. there were two people.

he called me and said he wants to moneygram/western union/whatever the money to me asap to make this all go away... so I'll keep u guys posted.

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Update! I got cash in my pocket... he moneygram'd it over to me today as he said. He apologized for taking so long and gave me the full refund as promised, no questions. He was blowing up my phone because he wanted to let me know he was going to pay me today to clear this debt and what not. I can appreciate that he finally took care of it.

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