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Obama on new gun control legislation after the Colorado shooting...


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I forgot, you are educated. Got it. You have been using a lot of words lately on things you have no experience with.

When was the last time you heard of somebody using an Uzi in public or combat recently?

Edited by kawi kid
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I forgot, you are educated. Got it. You gave been using a lot of words lately on things you have no experience with.

When was the last time you heard of somebody using an Uzi in public or combat recently?

been a while, but it doesn't make the word UZI any less scary...;)

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I think the initial reports of the gun type was wrong and it as an AK. But the reporting on that is still unclear. One thing that has been cleared up is that he did not have body armor.

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I think "AK-47", in this case, is a general term used for assault rifles, like "kleenex" for facial tissue, or "coke" for any sugary brown carbonated liquid in the south..

The exact model or make is not the relevant issue.

I don't think he will see much in the way of political backlash since he isn't proposing any new legislation on the issue, just a better enforcement of the current legislation.

Hell, Bill O'Reilly is proposing new regulations on gun laws more than Barack Obama is...go figure that one out.

Oreilly has always been against "assault rifles". Nothing new there, he's a twat.

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Scientific American

The Primate Diaries

The Joker's Wild: On the Ecology of Gun Violence in America

By Eric Michael Johnson | July 26, 2012

Bring in the scientists. Let's see how many can read this article and understand what it says.

It's very interesting and gets to some critical facts of life.

edit: forgive me, it's a lengthy and intense article to try and read.

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Anyone who wants to convince us the gun laws will stop these tragedies needs to look to Norway. They have extremely strict gun control yet we're only a year after a similar tragedy there. Their laws didn't help...


To get a gun license you must show a reason for having a gun, then pass a training course, test, and then show 6 months of regular (15 times at least) attendance at a gun range using rented guns before you can get a license to store a weapon at home etc. Self Defense is not a recognized reason for gun ownership.

that is fucking awesome. we need that to curb more guns from getting into the general public.

you guys keep forgetting we are not bordered by all those countries in europe to smuggle in guns.

Edited by serpentracer
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you guys keep forgetting we are not bordered by all those countries in europe to smuggle in guns.

That ship sailed about 100 years ago. We are awash in guns, there's a gun for every person in America. You going to uninvent them?

Hell, you can make one with a 3D printer and a lathe.

Let's use our grown up rational brains and think about this issue in America. Oh, btw, those bordering countries that smuggle guns in Europe? They have draconian gun laws too...so much for restrictive laws, you just explained why.

Even if such loony, unconstitutional (shall not be infringed means something) restrictions were in place, it would only impair normal, law-abiding people from having access to sporting and self-defense weapons, and drive the gun market into the underground....where criminals already obtain the bulk of guns used in crimes. This would just skew the problem and give criminals more power and carte blanche to do what they'll do anyways.

Given that we can't do a mulligan on our 2nd amendment and gun culture, it's wiser to educate and arm those who would rather not be victims. This, at least, has a historic record of saving vastly more lives than are ever taken (See Kleck and Lott studies). The AW ban of 94 didn't work, didn't impact crime, we know this (CDC study).

Try again.

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that is fucking awesome. we need that to curb more guns from getting into the general public.

you guys keep forgetting we are not bordered by all those countries in europe to smuggle in guns.

Neither is England. Yet despite being an island and having some of the world's strictest gun laws the Cumbria Massacre still happened.

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Neither is England. Yet despite being an island and having some of the world's strictest gun laws the Cumbria Massacre still happened.

Prison is perhaps the most controlled environment in our society as far as weapons and contraband goes.

Anyone have any doubt whatsoever that knives, drugs and even guns make their way in? And, what doesn't get imported gets improvised or made, or stolen, or corrupt workers provide.

Just an example, but these laws are fruitless. The only societies without guns still have violent crimes, rapes, murders, even spree-killings (Japan ricin attack, Swiss bank bombing ring a bell?). And, the most peaceful societies are homogenous and industrious. Their safety is more of a byproduct of their culture than weapons or the lack of them.

Disarming free people is the fool's way of creating peace. It only ever disarms the wrong people.

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Their safety is more of a byproduct of their culture than weapons or the lack of them.


This is what I've been talking about the whole freaking time...

Change the culture, drop the gun obsession. Don't outlaw them, abandon them.

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This is what I've been talking about the whole freaking time...

Change the culture, drop the gun obsession. Don't outlaw them, abandon them.

Where do the majority of our gun crimes come from? The overwhelming majority?

Gun-obsessed NRA members? Gun collectors? CCW instructors?

No, inner city minorities and drug violence.

You want to change the culture but you're focused on the wrong culture. You have a hangup with people who own and enjoy guns, namely those who are reacting to the politicization of their rights....completely avoiding that you're much more likely to meet violence from a 17 year old black kid with a stolen gun than from me with a legal AR15. Majority of guns used in crimes? Stolen. Most frequent type? Cheap 9mm.

The real ill, the real danger, is the shit culture and failed WOD that skews the debate and everyone is afraid to tackle because it involves the sacred cows of welfare and race.

Remove those peaceful folks from the national statistics, and our gun violence rate is right there with the European countries everyone holds up as a beacon of sensible gun laws....and us without the need for such gun laws, because with a country awash in guns and "gun culture", we're as peaceful and non-violent as industrialized countries can be....all except for the drug and gang violence fucking it all up, and that has shit all to do with me and my AR15.

As long as more people use guns to protect themselves than harm, and that's been the case for the last 100 years (even to include women, minorities, the elderly and gays), the "gun culture" is no such thing. It's a culture of victims and predators, and you're asking for us to abandon the most effective means of keeping a predator at bay and relying on fists, knives, and cell phones. That doesn't work so well for women, elderly, the diminutive, etc.

Guns ain't the problem. The ghetto is.

Edited by swingset
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