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Obama on new gun control legislation after the Colorado shooting...


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wtf does this have to do with chl holders and the second amendment???

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wtf does this have to do with chl holders and the second amendment???

the general acceptabce of guns, and the gun culture shields those who would use them against an innocent population...

Just as your religious culture shields cults who use religion to harm the population. (WBC being one of the most outspoken, even if not the most harmful)

If we as a society simply rejected guns as acceptable, there would be fewer available, and this sort of thing would happen less often...it wouldn't stop completely, but it would certainly happen less often.

how often do you see someone blowing up a building with C4?

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the general acceptabce of guns, and the gun culture shields those who would use them against an innocent population...

Like the Swiss?

Just as your religious culture shields cults who use religion to harm the population. (WBC being one of the most outspoken, even if not the most harmful)

I assume you're including those awful Muslims and their brutal misogynistic religion practiced widely here in the states. Or, do you just hate Christians because you're counter-culture? Do tell, che.

If we as a society simply rejected guns as acceptable, there would be fewer available, and this sort of thing would happen less often...it wouldn't stop completely, but it would certainly happen less often.

The first people you should talk to are those inner city black kids involved in drugs. They commit the bulk of our gun crimes, so if you can get them to abandon their gun & violence culture, I think the white Christian folks you really hate would probably be way more willing to surrender their 2nd amendment fixation. Get to work, sport.

how often do you see someone blowing up a building with C4?

Why would you use an exotic, hard-to-find explosive when you can just brew your own and stay under the radar? Anyway...how often do women die by blunt objects, knives or fists? How often do they get raped by penises? Perhaps we should abandon our appendages, and this would certainly happen less. How often do you hear about a guy assaulting a girl with a cricket bat? Same genius observation.

It was nice deflating your stupidity again. Let's do it again soon, after your refractory period.

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First story: No CHL. The kind fo crazy that I cann';t protect my family from if I am disarmed by misguided laws that punish law-abiding gun owners for the acts of crazies.

Second story: He said he's done this dozens of times before. Open carry is legal. The prosecutor even said he's in the clear if he complied withthe law - his arrest was an example of "an abundance of caution". If he complied with the law then he should be left alone.

Third story: What was you point here? Come guy got shot and just happened to be carrying contraband. What doesthat have to do with why I should be banned from having my guns which, in 15 years, have never hurt or threatened anyone?

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Why would you use an exotic, hard-to-find explosive? How often do you hear about a guy assaulting a girl with a cricket bat? Same genius observation.

That's my point, if guns weren't as prevalent as dandilions, people would get shot and killed less often...

What's so hard to understand about that?

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they would get killed just as often....people would just use different tools to do it.

That's like saying people would travel just as far and often without cars...

No, they wouldn't...it's because of the ease and convenience of cars that people randomly make 6 trips uptown for fast food or whatever... if there were no cars, people would make fewer trips, and combine multiple trips because it isn't convenient...

Because of the ease and convenience of guns that people shoot others at random...

How many innocent bystanders would die by knife fights? Hit by a stray blade?

I'm not suggesting we have more laws, I'm not trying to take your guns, I'm talking about a hypothetical world without them...

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What?!? No one told me that, all I got was:

It's prison rulz up in hurrr

Don't feed trolls

Watch out for tiny green ankle biters

No wait, that was leg humpers


One other thing I know is to never bring up my views on guns or how I feel about them unless I want to spend endless hours debating it... ;)

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That's like saying people would travel just as far and often without cars...

No, they wouldn't...

Yes they would. Compare US and European homicide rates. US gun homicides are 100x higher than Europe, but overall homicides are about the same.

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Yes they would. Compare US and European homicide rates. US gun homicides are 100x higher than Europe, but overall homicides are about the same.

no they wouldn't, look at murder per capita, we're at 4.2, More than palestine

the uk is 1.2


yes, over 3 times higher....

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Hey Magz, for the 20th time, explain Switzerland's almost non-existent gun homicide rate for me.

You can't and you won't, but it destroys the bedrock of your bias - the belief that gun culture (Switzerland has a longer, richer tradition there than we do), gun prevalence (one per household), and easy access to guns (again, nowhere on Earth is it so easy to put hands on an assault rifle) leads to violence.

Your entire philosophy is built on bullshit.

Look it in the eye, dipshit.

Factor out black-on-black drug violence in the US, and then compare our homicide rates, gun-crime rates or any other kind of violence to Europe....we're lower than most countries there by a good bit.

Our problems are the cultures of violence, the ghetto and our failed drug policies, and they exist with or without firearms. Don't believe me? Examine knife and blunt object violence in the inner city by young black men verses the rest of the nation?

Guess what?

Same lopsided statistics.

Our problem isn't guns. Never was.

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you keep coming back to 1 statistical anomaly, in a cross section of countries, I'm not ignoring Switzerland, you're ignoring the entire middle east, and all of africa...

so go stand on your island of a statistic... one blip on the radar of all the gun culture surrounding it.

Ignore all the data except for the one tiny cross section of a specific people...and I'm the one who's deluded...

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Why would any responsible person not own and know how to handle a gun?

1.) No use or need to quickly and efficiently Injure/Kill people/animals?

2.) Cost

3.) Licensing

4.) Storage/Safety concerns (anywhere I put it that I feel it were properly secured, it would take too long to retrieve to be useful) I know there are ways around this but that's even more expensive.

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It's not unreasonable to NOT own a gun, just as it's not unreasonable TO own a gun. What makes the difference is your personal motivations for making either decision.

I fear the empty hand of a bad person more far more than I fear a gun in the hand of a good person.

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I fear the empty hand of a bad person more far more than I fear a gun in the hand of a good person.

I would agree with this, but I don't believe in "bad people" or "good people"...

Or at very least, don't believe you can distinguish between the two without knowing their mind.

Any person has the capacity to do "evil" things, especially in a high stress heat of the moment situation where their emotional/mental state may be compromised. Medical conditions can alter your mental state, as well as foreign chemicals in your body/blood.

The issue with guns, is that they are susceptible to misuse due to impulse decisions... you can't recall a bullet one you squeeze that trigger, it's game over, whatever damage you've done is done...

If for example you start punching someone or strangling them or whatever, you've got time to realize exactly what is going on in the situation and backpedal... it's just more time to re asses your situation...

It's similar to my argument about pitbulls.

Pitbulls can be raised to be loving, loyal, dogs, but any dog has the capacity to bite at any second on a whim. If they misread a situation or feel threatened by someone who means them no harm, they have the capacity to bite... there is no evidence that they bite more often than other breeds, but when they DO bite, it's more likely to cause serious injury or death... if a chihuahua bites you... so what? you punt it and go about your business...

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I would agree with this, but I don't believe in "bad people" or "good people"...

Or at very least, don't believe you can distinguish between the two without knowing their mind.

My yardstick: A bad person would be anyone actively causing, or attempting to cause physical damage or death to either myself, someone I care about or anyone who cannot adequately defend themselves.

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1) Nobody will ever break into your home and endanger you or your family?

2) Cannot save 10 dollars a week for a year?

3) What license for a home protection gun?

4) All new guns sold come with a lock provided.

I am glad most people do not feel this way. Its good to know that my neighbors own guns. Fellow workers are CCW holders. I will always feel that responsible American Citizens should know how to handle firearms. There was a time that guns were common place. Gun cases in peoples homes on display. I am 52 and when I was a kid around the age of 13 it was common for me and my friends to hunt after school in local fields. I used to hunt with the Principle of my school after school. He kept his gun in his trunk. Those days are long gone along with many other freedoms. A few more decades of having our freedoms taken away what will we all be left with?

1. They have no reason to break in, the doors are open...:confused: What are they gonna take? I got nothing of value in the house... want my fridge? my bed? I might have $10 in change on my dresser... I have no enemies that would want to harm me... I live in a peaceful society.

2. For what? I could go out and buy a replica of the millennium falcon and it would be just as useful.

3. I assumed you meant CHL

4. Right, so lets say i put it up somewhere safe where my nieces wouldn't be able to get it...then I have to hide the key somewhere else, or keep it on my person... meanwhile, someone comes over gun drawn, and now I'm like, wait a second, let me go get something, I take my key and go unlock my gun...:nono:

you don't have the freedom to go hunt? :confused:

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