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Teach me about rain tires.


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Someone give me the low down on rain tires. I feel like I need a set and I don't know what to look for or even what's available. I don't like hitting the track in the rain, but... I gotta do it sometime.

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Rains are great. The idea behind them is to keep the flutes as open as possible. Thus, they typically need more PSI than DOT or Slicks do. Again, keeps the flutes open to shed water.

They are VERY soft. VERY... So, keep this in mind. They should be stored in room temps as often as you can and IF you heat them with warmers, set on a SUPER low temp. Only for a short period.

They should only be used if there is standing water. Standing water is best, but if it is damp, you shouldn't use them and should use a DOT or Intermediate tire. If there is no standing water, that soft compound and knobby like pattern will destroy itself quickly. If even a remotely dry line appears, you will ruin them in a matter of laps.

But, if you are racing in a full rain situation, they are like slicks in the dry in relationship to DOTs.

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awesome info. Thanks guys.

It just kind of popped into my mind that it might be something nice to have handy so that race days/ trackdays don't become a waste if the skies open up. Do date codes work the same with rains? I imagine that some guys buy them and never use them (as Nathan pointed out). How long can these things be kept and used.

How about sizing. I just peeped a few of the sites, and it seems like the sizing varies between manufacturer. Some 190, 195, some 50, 55, 65...ect. Is the profile going to be similar to the DOT or racing stuff?

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I have set of rains mounted already on wheels with rotors, matched weaker pads zip tied to said rotors, as well as sprocket and carrier that I keep in the closet in my apartment.

no fuss, or guess work if I ever needed to switch.

I have a brand new rear, and the older "knobby" front rain (i believe the modern version looks similar to the rear now). The guy who changes my tires now swears by the knobby front I have now. As far as date codes, Brian would have more experience about that question.

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