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Holmes has fans

kawi kid

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thinking is too hard. its too much to ask to see things from another perspective.

its much easier to just say im right and everyone else is wrong, and not think about the whats hows and whys. it is because it is. the world is black and white. no shades of gray... ignorance is bliss.

honestly, i feel like most people aren't posting here to actually have a rational exchange of ideas and viewpoints... they just want to yell and scream and tell you why you're a cockhead. as if their opinion carries more weight than anyone elses...

You're one to talk bud. Not once have I seen you consider a viewpoint other than your own or entertain the idea that someone who feels differently than you could have a valid point. It seems like all you want to do is talk down to people and prove how intellectually superior you are to them. Maybe you should look at the posts you've made before you make a statement like the one above.

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I'm the only intellectual superior here. :D


And luckily I'm the only one superior to everyone at every facet of life so the universe is right again. also, I make more money than everyone here so let me flash you a stack of 1's I use to make it rain on them hoes

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You're one to talk bud. Not once have I seen you consider a viewpoint other than your own or entertain the idea that someone who feels differently than you could have a valid point. It seems like all you want to do is talk down to people and prove how intellectually superior you are to them. Maybe you should look at the posts you've made before you make a statement like the one above.

The other view point being that a lot of the concealed carry people on here believe that if what Zimmerman said is true and put in the same situation they would have done the same thing. We will see how it shakes out in court of course. But saying Zimmerman is the same as Holmes is basically saying the people here and all around America who choose to defend their life with any means possible is also the same as Holmes. Therefore anyone who carries a firearm is a potential murderer no matter the circumstance that includes cops and military members also.

This is it for me.

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The other view point being that a lot of the concealed carry people on here believe that if what Zimmerman said is true and put in the same situation they would have done the same thing.

You say this, but I honestly doubt it...

You're going to be minding your own business, see someone else minding their own business, stalk them, and chase them down? I gotta give you a little more credit than that man...

We will see how it shakes out in court of course. But saying Zimmerman is the same as Holmes is basically saying the people here and all around America who choose to defend their life with any means possible is also the same as Holmes.

Zimmerman COULD be the same as holmes, Both are yet to stand trial...

If the story he told police is completely bogus, and instead he racially profiled a black kid in a hoodie, stalked him, and finally shot him before coming up with a self defense story and cracking his own head against the pavement then NO, they are no different.

Therefore anyone who carries a firearm is a potential murderer no matter the circumstance that includes cops and military members also.

This is it for me.

now you're just soapboxing...

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The other view point being that a lot of the concealed carry people on here believe that if what Zimmerman said is true and put in the same situation they would have done the same thing. We will see how it shakes out in court of course. But saying Zimmerman is the same as Holmes is basically saying the people here and all around America who choose to defend their life with any means possible is also the same as Holmes. Therefore anyone who carries a firearm is a potential murderer no matter the circumstance that includes cops and military members also.

This is it for me.

Welcome to Magley's (and many irrational anti-gunners) brains.

Push them enough, give them enough keyboard time to lay it out for you, challenge their infantile assertions long enough and they'll come right out and say it.

He said, in bold and certain terms, shooting a gun is practicing for murder. He meant it. He believes that's what we all do when we shoot, whether it's shooting for pure pleasure, target practicing, competing, he thinks that evil and malice emanate from holding a gun....because they're only for killing (his words).

And then here he is saying his blathering is intellectual and not emotional. He denies that fear and hysteria compel these beliefs. Olympians, trap shooters, Zimmerman, Rhodes, all just varying degrees of murderers.

Fucking whackjob.

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Welcome to Magley's (and many irrational anti-gunners) brains.

Push them enough, give them enough keyboard time to lay it out for you, challenge their infantile assertions long enough and they'll come right out and say it.

He said, in bold and certain terms, shooting a gun is practicing for murder. He meant it. He believes that's what we all do when we shoot, whether it's shooting for pure pleasure, target practicing, competing, he thinks that evil and malice emanate from holding a gun....because they're only for killing (his words).

And then here he is saying his blathering is intellectual and not emotional. He denies that fear and hysteria compel these beliefs. Olympians, trap shooters, Zimmerman, Rhodes, all just varying degrees of murderers.

Fucking whackjob.

You're the one who can't face the world without a bunch of lead courage in your pocket...

who's afraid now? Oh right, the guy who thinks guns are unnecessary in a civilized society, and doesn't need one attached to his hip every second of every day...THAT is the one who is afraid... THAT is the one playing the emotion card...:rolleyes:

We get it, You're afraid of the big scary boogie man, and you aren't confident enough in yourself to handle a situation that might go sour...

I get it man, the world is a scary place, go buy yourself a volvo, and hide under your bed.

Edited by magley64
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i take it you don't understand that the claim is that the shooting was in self defense, not that the shooting occurred and the parties involved. are you for serial? it's a simple question.
So the reason Zimmerman killed martin was because he believed in his head that martin was trying to kill him? How can you know that?

or If zimmerman hadn't killed martin, martin would've killed zimmerman? Do you have a parallel universe generator?

Which is it? Was Z justified in shooting M because he "believed" his life was in danger? or Was Z justified in shooting M because of an outcome that never came to pass, and that we will never know would have came to pass?

you don't answer my counterpoints and you pose irrelevant follow ups to skirt the issue. we're trying to have a grown up conversation here, brah. besides all that, i never gave an opinion or made a claim as to whether he did or did not act in self defense. i was trying to understand your reasoning for saying

"well that seems open and shut, zimmerman's gun, zimmerman's bullet, martin dead...

slam dunk"

because you give this reason pretty often when it comes to Z/M discussions

my simple question to you was: 1. are you for seriously saying that you don't understand he is claiming self defense, and that that is the issue the court has to decide?

it's a simple yes/no/maybe question and some explanation for your answer.

as with much of what i post on this site, it doesn't matter whether it's an honest opinion, devil's advocate, trolling, whatever. as long as everyone is having fun. the ones who don't have fun, lose, the ones who raff, winrar.

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my simple question to you was: 1. are you for seriously saying that you don't understand he is claiming self defense, and that that is the issue the court has to decide?

Yes I understand that, but that is an "affirmative" defense... I.E. I did kill that person BUT I should not be held accountable...BECAUSE

etc.. insert reasoning and prove reasoning...

He is the killer, whether or not it is "murder" depends upon his defense and how well he can prove that defense.

As is the case with Holmes, It's going to be an "affirmative" defense... I.E. I did kill those people BUT I should not be held accountable BECAUSE

etc...insert reasoning and prove reasoning...

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You're the one who can't face the world without a bunch of lead courage in your pocket...Sure I can face it, just choose not to. I can face sleeping in a house without a fire extinguisher, but I'd rather have one around in case shit goes really bad. Having the tools of a dire extreme doesn't mean you believe that you'll end up using them, or want to, but we've been around about this before. You're doing your best to insult me, but we've been there too. Emotions. Fear. These are your weapons...and you just asserted it again. You fear guns.

who's afraid now? Oh right, the guy who thinks guns are unnecessary in a civilized society, and doesn't need one attached to his hip every second of every day...THAT is the one who is afraid... THAT is the one playing the emotion card...:rolleyes:

What civilized society doesn't have guns? Switzerland seems pretty civilized. They have assault weapons in every home. England doesn't have very much gun ownership, but soaring violent crime rates. You were saying something? Yeah, diarrhea is what you were saying. More fear. Fear of people with guns.

We get it, You're afraid of the big scary boogie man, and you aren't confident enough in yourself to handle a situation that might go sour...

I'm not delusional enough to think that I should duke it out with a hardened criminal, or his two friends, who would kill me or my family for the content of my wallet. I know people like that aren't rational, or caring...and they're not deterred by flying elbows or smarmy internet fucks who have zero experience in these matters. I also know that old people, and women, and the meek shouldn't have to contend with strong, able-bodied men who would kill or rape them...not when a tool exists that repels such force. More emotions, pure blind emotions.

I get it man, the world is a scary place, go buy yourself a volvo, and hide under your bed.

Thank you. You proved precisely and without any real cajoling that when cornered, your arguments are emotional, personal, based on a myopic and childish worldview and arrogantly so at that.

You are terrified of men with guns, and your manic arguments in these threads is a fucking neon sign that you're bent on this issue.

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Yes I understand that, but that is an "affirmative" defense... I.E. I did kill that person BUT I should not be held accountable...BECAUSE

etc.. insert reasoning and prove reasoning...

He is the killer, whether or not it is "murder" depends upon his defense and how well he can prove that defense.

As is the case with Holmes, It's going to be an "affirmative" defense... I.E. I did kill those people BUT I should not be held accountable BECAUSE

etc...insert reasoning and prove reasoning...

see, it's not that bad to go point by point when discussing topics.

now then, since we've established that you do understand that they are each a specific type of defense (self defense and insanity per wiki and hopefully common knowledge for anyone attempting to discuss Z/M intelligently)

do you still believe that it is as simple as:

"well that seems open and shut, zimmerman's gun, zimmerman's bullet, martin dead...

slam dunk"

and do you still equate it to the holmes case in "simplicity" and "slam dunk-ability"?

yes/no/maybe/whatever and explanation

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You're the one who can't face the world without a bunch of lead courage in your pocket...

who's afraid now? Oh right, the guy who thinks guns are unnecessary in a civilized society, and doesn't need one attached to his hip every second of every day...THAT is the one who is afraid... THAT is the one playing the emotion card...:rolleyes:

We get it, You're afraid of the big scary boogie man, and you aren't confident enough in yourself to handle a situation that might go sour...

I get it man, the world is a scary place, go buy yourself a volvo, and hide under your bed.

We live in a civilized society?:wtf: Last I checked the mentally ill, sociopaths, drug addicts, drug dealers, and gangs seem to be anywhere and everywhere. You have any friends in law enforcement, you have any friends which are currently in the military, or recently got out? This world is going to shit, and this once great nation is no exception. There are more issues at play now than there has been in the past......the shit is going to hit the fan "TRUST ME". We now live in the Divided States of America, and the pussification of this country will be our ultimate downfall.

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Oh you've convinced me, now where do i go to buy 1000 assault rifles?

I know, the internet...

I'm not terrified of anyone with a gun... nice try, again you're projecting...

pull a gun on me, see what happens...

oh, we know, massa. we know.


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do you still believe that it is as simple as:

"well that seems open and shut, zimmerman's gun, zimmerman's bullet, martin dead...

slam dunk"

and do you still equate it to the holmes case in "simplicity" and "slam dunk-ability"?

yes/no/maybe/whatever and explanation

Honestly? Not so much, but the notion that he is "innocent until proven guilty" is not in play when using an "affirmative" defense. He is guilty of killing Martin. Whether or not it was justified depends upon proving his defense.

Equating it to Holmes is that they were both (presumably) "affirmative" defenses. The question was whether mental state comes into the equation or not.

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Oh you've convinced me, now where do i go to buy 1000 assault rifles?

I know, the internet...

You might try a gun store, because in this civilized society we have you can't order guns off of the internet without a dealer being involved. Now, what's going to fuck you is the "are you mentally incompetent?" question. If you're honest, no gun for you.

I'm not terrified of anyone with a gun...You're scared of guns...because they make evil. So, by extension you're afraid of someone with a gun. Every argument you've made is demonstrative of this. Explains this. Actually your own words back this up.

nice try, again you're projecting...

No, you're advertising. I'm only noticing what you have declared. Your fear of guns, those things that cause violence, make us practice for murder. Your words. Your fear. Your arguments.

pull a gun on me, see what happens...

I don't pull guns on people, especially not retarded people. I'm not violent, you see.

But, if some person inclined to violence with reasonable gun-handling skills did pull a gun on you, you'd get shot and that would be about the end of it.

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I blame the gun culture.

buncha rightwingnut gun fags in here.

btw, picked up a 10/22 Takedown last Friday - thanks Todd for alerting me to its arrival, and Dale, as always, for a flawless transaction and an awesome price on a hard-to-find rifle...:bow:

Edited by jblosser
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Hey Mr. Magley - Have you ever shot a gun?

If you're at all interested in trying one sometime (I shoot for fun, I know, it's weird - let's not get into "i'm only practicing so's I can kill someone moar better dead), I would like to extend an invitation to you: if you're ever in Central Ohio and have the urge, lemme know and we can go shooting.

You <might> like the experience, and you <might> see that punching holes in targets is a relaxing, some might even say "fun" time.

The offer's out there, no pressure, and no worries at all if you don't wanna.

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Hey Mr. Magley - Have you ever shot a gun?

Yes, a couple of shotguns back when I was a young whipper snapper, and there were wild dogs around my grandparents house. One was mounted in a glass case above my grandfathers fireplace, it was locked but there was a hammer there to break the glass in case of an emergency. (someone getting attacked by a dog or a pack of dogs)

If you're at all interested in trying one sometime (I shoot for fun, I know, it's weird - let's not get into "i'm only practicing so's I can kill someone moar better dead), I would like to extend an invitation to you: if you're ever in Central Ohio and have the urge, lemme know and we can go shooting.

I do appreciate the offer, and if I were central, I just might might take you up on it.

You <might> like the experience, and you <might> see that punching holes in targets is a relaxing, some might even say "fun" time.

The offer's out there, no pressure, and no worries at all if you don't wanna.

Oh I can imagine how that could be fun, I like to play with explosives and such already...

It feels like winter in here yet the weather is surprisingly conducive to riding....weird

I tried to ride my motorcycle in my office between writing purchase req's and tweaking solid models, it was just a little noisy ;)

Edited by magley64
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