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Not every day..


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Its not every day you pull into your drive and see a guy in a hot air balloon trying to land in your back yard. Gotta love the country.



And hard to beat the random Bi-plane also taking advantage of the nice night dropping down to take a look at the same time and getting them both in the pic.



Unfortunately he couldnt make it and had to give it the gas to avoid the power lines out back. Still some decent pics for grabbing my little powershot quick.



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Haha, he might not have wanted to land in the corn either. Would have had to pay for that.

Yeah, especially considering my neighbor is the one that farms the field. Their trail guy pulled into my drive just behind me and said, "I think hes gonna try and land in your yard, you dont mind do ya" haha. I just laughed and said nope.

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Cool. About 10 years ago a C130 went over our field and dropped a bunch of reservists on parachutes. Apparently they were on a flight to drop south of there and the plane had electrical problems so they dropped the guys (about 20 of them, IIRC) and flew on to land safely. Guys hung out for a while till some trucks came and picked them up. I have some pics of it somewhere, have to scan 'em tho.

Last year I heard some motors overhead and looked up and saw this...don't see 4 blimps in the sky at once very often.


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Hot air balloons are rare to see around our area. Havent seen one in years either. Was lucky enough to tag along with my Dad in a balloon ride my Mom bought him for a BDay gift in the 80's, awesome experience.

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