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Ferrari 458 Spider Runs Over Cop's Foot


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Both parties were in the wrong but the Leo's actions were unnessisary.

Here's a twist for you, I don't see it that way.

The driver clearly saw that the cop was writing him a ticket. Drivers makes an attempt to pull away, which the cop counters by sticking himself in front of the quarter-panel. Driver stops, cop backs off a little so he can finish writing but still keeps his body close enough to the car to make someone who wasn't a complete idiot think twice about trying to take off. Guy takes off anyway.

I'm all about police professionalism and restraint, I'd even argue to say I'm more for it than most of the police- and authority-cheerleaders/apologists on here. In this case, where the guy sees what you're doing, and you're already given him a warning (non-verbal, but it's still a warning) and the guy STILL runs over your foot? Yeah, I'd be a little pissed off. He didn't seem to eager to get out of the car, I'd even go so far to say if given the opportunity, he might have closed the door and took off (although how far he could have gotten in Manhattan traffic is iffy at best).

Good arrest.

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Here's a twist for you, I don't see it that way.

The driver clearly saw that the cop was writing him a ticket. Drivers makes an attempt to pull away, which the cop counters by sticking himself in front of the quarter-panel. Driver stops, cop backs off a little so he can finish writing but still keeps his body close enough to the car to make someone who wasn't a complete idiot think twice about trying to take off. Guy takes off anyway.

I'm all about police professionalism and restraint, I'd even argue to say I'm more for it than most of the police- and authority-cheerleaders/apologists on here. In this case, where the guy sees what you're doing, and you're already given him a warning (non-verbal, but it's still a warning) and the guy STILL runs over your foot? Yeah, I'd be a little pissed off. He didn't seem to eager to get out of the car, I'd even go so far to say if given the opportunity, he might have closed the door and took off (although how far he could have gotten in Manhattan traffic is iffy at best).

Good arrest.


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The cops a dumbass, use your foot as a wheel chock and expect it to get run over. Someone needed to verify they had authority and went about it in an aggressive manner. Sure, most people are not that ignorant to "run over" someone elses foot, but you can't make that assumption.

Get his license number, tell him to stop, if he doesn't call it in and get someone to pull him over.

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Both parties were in the wrong but the Leo's actions were unnessisary.

How do you figure the cops actions were unnecessary? The asshat in the car went from a minor misdemeanor parking citation to a misdemeanor Obstructing Official Business (arrestable offense) to a Felony Assault on the police officer. He had better be glad he didn't get his ass kicked after he was removed from the car.

After that was done, his precious Ferarri should be impounded to car jail as evidence and not released until the case is disposed of in court.

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You are giving a parking ticket, a person gets in the car and starts to drive away.....do you feel it necessary to stand in front of the car and risk your own well being over a ticket? Would you place your foot in front of the wheel of a car, and try to explain to the driver that he was about to run over your foot?

It doesnt matter if the dumbass was driving a Ferrari or a pinto, the cops actions were unnecessary and put himself in harms way because he "had" to give a ticket. Attempting to punch out the guys window just put the icing on the "overly aggressive" cake.

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How do you figure the cops actions were unnecessary? The asshat in the car went from a minor misdemeanor parking citation to a misdemeanor Obstructing Official Business (arrestable offense) to a Felony Assault on the police officer. He had better be glad he didn't get his ass kicked after he was removed from the car.

After that was done, his precious Ferarri should be impounded to car jail as evidence and not released until the case is disposed of in court.


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being a cop doesn't entail being a speedbump, call this stupid shit necessary and that is what will happen

The cop doesnt know if the driver has an eightball tucked between the seats and will do something crazy to avoid interaction with the cop and the possibility of going to jail. Putting himself in the path of the vehicle is fucking retarded. Being a Ferrari, the driver may not be so stupid....but the video just goes to show how stupid someone in a Ferrari can be.

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I do, its hard to fault people acting in the moment, but I don't agree with calling it necessary. Say that and someone else will do the same thing, but they may not be so lucky. My opinion probably comes from my job dealing with safety.

I still think he is an idiot for trying to use his foot as a wheel chock after the driver bumped into him and kept advancing.

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If the cop was smart he'd not put himself in harm's way over a parking ticket.

If the driver was smart he'd have let the officer write the ticket then be on his way.

As for how it turned out, I'm on the officer's side 100%.

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Here's a twist for you, I don't see it that way.

The driver clearly saw that the cop was writing him a ticket. Drivers makes an attempt to pull away, which the cop counters by sticking himself in front of the quarter-panel. Driver stops, cop backs off a little so he can finish writing but still keeps his body close enough to the car to make someone who wasn't a complete idiot think twice about trying to take off. Guy takes off anyway.

I'm all about police professionalism and restraint, I'd even argue to say I'm more for it than most of the police- and authority-cheerleaders/apologists on here. In this case, where the guy sees what you're doing, and you're already given him a warning (non-verbal, but it's still a warning) and the guy STILL runs over your foot? Yeah, I'd be a little pissed off. He didn't seem to eager to get out of the car, I'd even go so far to say if given the opportunity, he might have closed the door and took off (although how far he could have gotten in Manhattan traffic is iffy at best).

Good arrest.


Guy is an arrogant asshole. I say Taze him for good measure.

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The cops a dumbass, use your foot as a wheel chock and expect it to get run over. Someone needed to verify they had authority and went about it in an aggressive manner. Sure, most people are not that ignorant to "run over" someone elses foot, but you can't make that assumption.

Get his license number, tell him to stop, if he doesn't call it in and get someone to pull him over.

:plus1: If he pulls off let him, he would be in by the nightfall.

How do you figure the cops actions were unnecessary? The asshat in the car went from a minor misdemeanor parking citation to a misdemeanor Obstructing Official Business (arrestable offense) to a Felony Assault on the police officer. He had better be glad he didn't get his ass kicked after he was removed from the car.

After that was done, his precious Ferarri should be impounded to car jail as evidence and not released until the case is disposed of in court.

In bold is why I am not a fan of cops. Got egos and think they are bad with a badge. :nono:

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The cop doesnt know if the driver has an eightball tucked between the seats and will do something crazy to avoid interaction with the cop and the possibility of going to jail. Putting himself in the path of the vehicle is fucking retarded. Being a Ferrari, the driver may not be so stupid....but the video just goes to show how stupid someone in a Ferrari can be.

If the driver had and eightball between the seats, then he is an idiot for getting in the car to begin with. Stand on the sidewalk and laugh at the idiot getting the ticket. Then, when the cop walks on, get in your car and drive off.

I do, its hard to fault people acting in the moment, but I don't agree with calling it necessary. Say that and someone else will do the same thing, but they may not be so lucky. My opinion probably comes from my job dealing with safety.

And in my opinion as an officer, I am tasked with upholding the law, no matter how trivial it is. No way in hell am I going to let someone walk away of they are the focus of an investigation (no matter how trivial). As someone said earlier, when you let one do it, everyone will think they are entitled to.


Guy is an arrogant asshole. I say Taze him for good measure.

I like your style!

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so...assaulting an officer with a deadly weapon (the vehicle)....thats a felony, and he used the ferrari in the commission of a felony.....technically, the state could have impounded and permanently seized the car and he would be driving to work in his backup ford pinto....id say he got off easy

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He had better be glad he didn't get his ass kicked after he was removed from the car.

After that was done, his precious Ferrari should be impounded to car jail as evidence and not released until the case is disposed of in court.

In bold is why I am not a fan of cops. Got egos and think they are bad with a badge. :nono:

The first part was a joke (for the most part) and the second is just a fact. The Ferrari was used in the commission of a crime. In this case, a felony. Therefore it is seized as evidence until the trial is over. It has nothing to do with egos. The only ego that came into play was that of the driver. He clearly is one of the types that thinks his shit doesn't stink because he can afford a Ferrari.

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