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Biker's apology to D.U.M.B.


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maybe its just me....but i get tired of people whining and complaining about cars cutting them off....as wrong as it is, that is just part of riding a bike....it will always happen, and theres nothing anyone can do about it except to be extra vigilant and watch for people who arent watching for you

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maybe its just me....but i get tired of people whining and complaining about cars cutting them off....as wrong as it is, that is just part of riding a bike....it will always happen, and theres nothing anyone can do about it except to be extra vigilant and watch for people who arent watching for you

and carry a... nevermind... don't do that

I actually agree, pay attention, expect drivers to do stupid shit...(they won't disappoint you too often)

Learn how to handle your bike properly, or go buy a volvo and quit bitching.

You're not going to change their minds, you're not going to affect their behavior, they're just too self involved...

Let's get self driving cars done, and make sure they have good sensors on them.

Edited by magley64
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maybe its just me....but i get tired of people whining and complaining about cars cutting them off....as wrong as it is, that is just part of riding a bike....it will always happen, and theres nothing anyone can do about it except to be extra vigilant and watch for people who arent watching for you

No different in a car.

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No different in a car.

actually, It's different...for me... when I'm on my bike and someone does something that would cause an accident, I try to avoid it...even if it's not my responsibility... that whole self preservation thing

when in the car....not a chance, let them cause an accident, I'll get a better car.

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actually, It's different...for me... when I'm on my bike and someone does something that would cause an accident, I try to avoid it...even if it's not my responsibility... that whole self preservation thing

when in the car....not a chance, let them cause an accident, I'll get a better car.

I just meant the dumbasses are all still texting and doing whatever, no matter what we are driving or riding. I drive and ride as if I don't exist, has kept me pretty safe thus far.

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English, not everyone's strong suit :D

I concur that the public roadways will always be polluted with dumbass drivers, its just compounded proof letting the rest of us know our "lesser percentile" are still alive and well out there. Although, todays statistics would probably reflect that number is increasing exponentially every year. Seems they enjoy the overstressed time constraints that demand their attention while simultaneously hurtling multi-ton vehicles into our paths, but how dare we fight back? They've done absolutely nothing wrong in their little world that WE are just living in!

I want LAW rocket and 10mm belt-fed safety coverage installed and added to my policy please!

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