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Back from Brazil.


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So the title pretty much says it all. For those of you that didnt know, I have been in Brazil for the last 10 days. Pretty interesting place. Im sure it has been fairly quite around here without the local asshole (ME :) ) so dont worry, I will be pissing people off again very soon. For anything that I may have missed while out. See responses below.

Happy Birthday if you had one.

Welcome new people.

Piss off old people,

Yota is still fury,

Lizard is still gay

Ninja dick is still cranky :lol:

Satan smells like hell,, haha get it. satan -> hell,, made me laugh.

Chrisoh never returns calls.

sinner, well I think the name says it all.

and anyone I missed... EAT SHIT... Ive been on a plane for the last 12 hrs so, I think Im going to hit the sack and then hit the sack.

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