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assholes strike again...


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I'm disappointed in you people. I poked fun at exarch and no one noticed the irony of this with me condemning the ridicule of the disabled.

If there was any joke involving me in your comment just to let you know my dad has CP, why on earth would I make fun of someone with a handicap? Actually, when have I ever made a comment like that or even close to it for that matter?

Maybe you should reread every one of my posts there bud, I smell a total line of bullshit here.

OH, also a new rider being cautious in his first couple hundred miles of riding is deff cool to fret about, It's sweet how when someone buys a new bike they should automatically be an expert rider. Sure I had issues riding at first, big deal, atleast I wasn't out there being an idiot with my bike like alot of people when they first get a bike thinking they can keep up with the big boys, if that is what you are refering too sure I give that to you. Everyone should ride like a pro just so they don't look like a nub on a bike ;)

I got over my issues a while ago bud, I ride every single day now rain or shine, although I'm still getting used to heavy rains(low visibility and a swimming pool on the road) so ya, crack on my riding abilitys, I already pointed out all my flaws on my riding ability a while ago(when I was still a new rider) I'm no pro or anything, but I manage and learned to trust my bike(which was an issue before) We have really bonded over the past few months and have grown to love eachother :D

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...IMHO, it's a dick way to point it out, but not every type of communication is packaged and delivered like Mary Poppins.

first, nobody cared nor cares about whatever dumbass political point they wanted to make. this is ALL about what and how they said it and who they said it to. if you think this is about anything other than that, you need to just step away from the huffington post and come back to common decency. and that's coming from me, of all people. what was said wasn't quite up to WBC funeral protest level, but not that far off either. "but not every type of communication is packaged and delivered like Mary Poppins"? really, justin? really?

I just called it how it was bro. Sucks when someone can dish it but can't take it. It couldn't of happend to a better person though from my perspective and if you can't see that you must be blind as it is pretty obvious where I am coming from.

I just said I am glad she knows how I felt after her commets towards my kids(directly or inderectly as she states)

You obviously don't see me chime in everywhere, but when I saw that I had to jump in and point out the obvious(which she seems to have missed, just like alot of others missed) how ironic ;)

i want you to understand the difference between a theoretical situation that was posed to you regarding your possibly shitty parenting and someone telling your dad with CP to "tell him to get up get those lazy legs working so he can pay back us tax payers" and someone following up "should've been aborted lol". the former doesn't actually attack your children... just you, because you're a fucking waste and a moron. the latter attacks your disabled love one directly in pretty spectacular fashion, followed by an equally asshole comment.

do you get the difference yet? are you all there? god, the lot of you should've been swallowed.

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first, nobody cared nor cares about whatever dumbass political point they wanted to make. this is ALL about what and how they said it and who they said it to. if you think this is about anything other than that, you need to just step away from the huffington post and come back to common decency. and that's coming from me, of all people. what was said wasn't quite up to WBC funeral protest level, but not that far off either. "but not every type of communication is packaged and delivered like Mary Poppins"? really, justin? really?

i want you to understand the difference between a theoretical situation that was posed to you regarding your possibly shitty parenting and someone telling your dad with CP to "tell him to get up get those lazy legs working so he can pay back us tax payers" and someone following up "should've been aborted lol". the former doesn't actually attack your children... just you, because you're a fucking waste and a moron. the latter attacks your disabled love one directly in pretty spectacular fashion, followed by an equally asshole comment.

do you get the difference yet? are you all there? god, the lot of you should've been swallowed.

Theretical or not makes no difference homie, infact the comment that was made wasn't necciceraly directed towards slingchicks kid, it was a generalized comment(and a joke) and you call me a retard for bitching about a theretical comment? either way that shit pissed me off and I vented, end of story. This is a similar situation bro, which was INDIRECT homie, it was a joke, of course a 13 year old kid can't work, so even if he wasn't disabled and he made a similar comment about the kid not working his joke was null and void in a real life situation anyhow...

Sure the joke was very insensitive in this situation, thus producing the results it did(pissed alot of people off) it's whatever though, sorry the world isn't an ideal place for everyone because we all don't have the same views, physical abilities, everyone isn't as sensitive as others would like them to be.

Anywho, I'm just rambling on now, doesn't really matter what I have to say, so whatever bro. Lots of hypocritical veiws here....

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If there was any joke involving me in your comment just to let you know my dad has CP, why on earth would I make fun of someone with a handicap? Actually, when have I ever made a comment like that or even close to it for that matter?

I was poking fun at your riding skills as a matter of levity in an otherwise heavy thread...should have been pretty obvious, at least to you, since I have never seen you ride to have a clue what your abilities are.

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I should neg you for that reply. You failed me miserably, I always await your witty yet snarky just shy of genius comebacks ........ that was 5th grade caliber

...Which makes it directly inline with the caliber of this discussion...

"but not every type of communication is packaged and delivered like Mary Poppins"? really, justin? really?

You, of all people, are going to bust peoples chops about saying some heinous 'isht'? Granted, we do it in jest, but really... there are people that would be legitimately offended by a vast majority of stuff you (or I) post. This is like asking if rape jokes, or dead baby jokes are funny.

Like I said, I don't agree with the tact... whether it was undertones of political beef or just plain rudeness... but c'mon, they're just words from some random people on the interwebz. It's not like they said it to Anden's face, and if they did, they'd have to accept whatever consequences there may be. It just so happens now, they have to accept the consequences of posting it publicly here. Which, since it's in R&R now, won't have much repercussions beyond ORDN members. :dunno: But the "off with their heads" stuff is the same over-emotional kneejerk responses that escalate things well beyond where they ever needed to go.

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Theretical or not makes no difference homie, infact the comment that was made wasn't necciceraly directed towards slingchicks kid, it was a generalized comment(and a joke) and you call me a retard for bitching about a theretical comment? either way that shit pissed me off and I vented, end of story. This is a similar situation bro, which was INDIRECT homie, it was a joke, of course a 13 year old kid can't work, so even if he wasn't disabled and he made a similar comment about the kid not working his joke was null and void in a real life situation anyhow...

Sure the joke was very insensitive in this situation, thus producing the results it did(pissed alot of people off) it's whatever though, sorry the world isn't an ideal place for everyone because we all don't have the same views, physical abilities, everyone isn't as sensitive as others would like them to be.

Anywho, I'm just rambling on now, doesn't really matter what I have to say, so whatever bro. Lots of hypocritical veiws here....

so are you seriously sitting there, thinking that if someone said to you, one of the following:

"your children could get hurt if you let them roam about in the street. you should be a better parent"


"your dad should run forrest run... to the nearest abortion clinic to see if it isn't too late"

you would think the former was more offensive? and that the latter was an indirect comment, a mere joke, ha fucking ha.

i really want to know your answer. or you could just call me a cunt cause you know you're being an idiot about this and can't think of anything better to say. something coherent would be nice.

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so are you seriously sitting there, thinking that if someone said to you, one of the following:

"your children could get hurt if you let them roam about in the street. you should be a better parent"


"your dad should run forrest run... to the nearest abortion clinic to see if it isn't too late"

you would think the former was more offensive? and that the latter was an indirect comment, a mere joke, ha fucking ha.

i really want to know your answer. or you could just call me a cunt cause you know you're being an idiot about this and can't think of anything better to say. something coherent would be nice.

Doesn't really matter bro, when you offend someone doesn't matter what your comment is. More of a "lol, no big deal" situation for others, but not for the person the comment was directed towards. Also you do not have to intentionally try to offend someone to do it, especially if you don't know the other person/people involved.

Also saying the way you say something and who you say it to and who is around changes everything on any comment someone makes about anything.

for example ...

at work you and your buddy are making jokes about women, some prude haers it and reports you, well now your in trouble...(indirect and unintentially offending someone)

you call your black buddy a N....(who cares)

you call some black guy you dont know a N....(you probably just started a fight)

you joke about/talk about drinking and driving and someone who has a loved one killed by a drunk driver hears it you just offended them, again unintentional....

There you have it, the thought/rational process of determining what is and isn't offensive bud. It all depends on the other persons veiw really.... Doesn't matter if it's direct/indirect/intentional/unintentional, but in my case when I say keep my kids out of your mouth(and I wasn't joking about that) theoretically or not that's obviously gunna piss me off, common sense should tell anyone that.

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So your jobless?

Sucks man

If he is then he can feel the wrath of ped for sucking off the tax payers tit. Oh, that right, he'll be fine in a few weeks once football starts because " I'm a beast when it comes to betting on football."

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So your jobless?

Sucks man

Yes, and I live in a cardboard box.

If he is then he can feel the wrath of ped for sucking off the tax payers tit. Oh, that right, he'll be fine in a few weeks once football starts because " I'm a beast when it comes to betting on football."

I know right, think of all the quarters I can win :)

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I thought he came outta left field as well, as for full retard he cant resist anything with Slingingchic in it.
I just called it how it was bro. Sucks when someone can dish it but can't take it. It couldn't of happend to a better person though from my perspective and if you can't see that you must be blind as it is pretty obvious where I am coming from.

I just said I am glad she knows how I felt after her commets towards my kids(directly or inderectly as she states)

You obviously don't see me chime in everywhere, but when I saw that I had to jump in and point out the obvious(which she seems to have missed, just like alot of others missed) how ironic ;)

How many fucking times does this have to be explained to you "Homie" That was a question in theory and if you actually read that original thread, Twowheelsnake mentioned your kids and your wife first! Clearly you cannot resist me. ;) Maybe you're a woman hater..... "Bro"

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