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Disney..... Land or World?? where to go?


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Ok, since I'm a nice ball of fuggin sunshine I plan on taking a group..well more like a gaggle of chatty, snotty, and other terms of girls. Yes, all girls. Aged from 6 to 16. My daughter, the girlfriends daughters and yep they're prolly going to take friends. Why am I doing this you ask, I have no fucking clue and will prolly regret it but oh well I'll be super dad for like an hour.

So Disney Land or Disney World? Never been to either and neither have any of the proposed females. Don't know which to choose or why. Will probally fly no matter which is picked because there is no fucking way Im going to drive to either one with a van full of girls so distance out of picture where do I take them?

Thinking probably on Christmas or Thanksgiving break but not set in stone on that either.

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I went to Disney World in Florida about 5 years ago with the exGF. Sea World and Universal were nice additions to Disney. Animal Kingdom was good. Disney World seems to be the OG of Disneys and would be my recommendation.

Good luck.

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I went to Disney World in Florida about 5 years ago with the exGF. Sea World and Universal were nice additions to Disney. Animal Kingdom was good. Disney World seems to be the OG of Disneys and would be my recommendation.

Good luck.

Seems like World be the clear winnar

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Land...then the beach and then north to the red wood forest.

That would require driving, there is no fucking way I am road triping a van with 8 girls and the girlfriend. Not goan happen. We are going to fly into the closest airport and stay at the closest hotel.

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Keep in mind, west coast water temp around turkey day or x-mas will keep you on the sand and out of the water. Nice beaches, and the forest would be cool as well.


Todd when I was in Cali in January it was 80-85 degrees no humidity and perfect.

We passed by Disney and its fuarking huge.

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Okay, World it is.

Anybody got a sweet hook up on a package deal there, or used a web deal or travel agent that had it right? Or is it better to just book a flight and hotel on your own and buy tickets at the gate for Disney?

I used a website for my trip to Seattle last year. Its a ride hop/share along the airlines and my round trip ticket was less than $450. www.cheapoair.com Just my .02 cents

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A thought... You all can stay on property and spend serious $$ on accommodations. Last January, we rented a 4 bedroom house with a pool for about $700 for the week. You could pack your herd into a house and rent a van to schlep. Get on various vacation rental sites.

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I've been to both twice each. Hands down DisneyWorld and make sure to do the Beers of the World tour at Epcot

Disneyland is ok if you're already out that way doing other stuff but it's a one day thing IMO

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