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best chain lube? - just another oil thread

max power

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anyone ever seen this?


I bought a squirt bottle (not the aerosol can) of their dry chain lube today to try. got it at lowes.


also thought about getting one of these,


Edited by serpentracer
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  CrazySkullCrusher said:
The chain drain looks kinda dumb. I just drop a rag under my chain.

I second that. If the cleaner was so "environmentally friendly" then why would you need a catch basin? Hell, I get all kinds of solvents and degreasers and lubes on my hands and garage floor......big deal. Shoot the floor with some brake clean, wipe up with a rag, and problem solved :dunno:

Might appeal to rich fux with Italian marble garage tile, but I like my method for under $5

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U should see what it can do. I see So So So SO many chains and have seen it work. To be honest the only proper way to lube a chain would be to get a tub of lithium grease and manually press it into the rollers and then clean outside off with wd or kero. Moral of the story is spend $130 every year and get new chain. I have just now started runni9ng non o-ring chains and those need real lube like gear oil EVERY time you ride.

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Dupont Teflon Dri Lube, got 30,000 on my OEM chain using it and it kept the CS area spotless.

You have to get right on the chain if it gets wet after a rain, is the only downside or it'll rust pronto. But, considering how easy it is and how clean it keeps things small price to pay.

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I always have k1 in the garage for the torpedo heater so its always available. I use kroil for all my 'spray some weasel piss on it' situations so have no use for wd40 and don't stock it in my garage. I don't mind spending 10 minutes with a brush getting my hands dirty. The klotz klr is holding up very well and my chain seems to be as clean as it was Saturday night after I cleaned it.

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  CrazySkullCrusher said:
The klotz klr is holding up very well and my chain seems to be as clean as it was Saturday night after I cleaned it.

Thanks for the update on that. I was going to swing by the Pony today and see if I could pick some up. That and a freakin' chain adjustment tool... :nono:

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  NinjaNick said:
I use a motion pro chain alignment tool. It's very easy to use. The swingarm hash marks aren't accurate totally.

yeah but that just goes by the chain. you should use the laser alignment tool instead silly.


Edited by serpentracer
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