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The cast was on Conan last night and Sutter said one of his fantasy endings just because he knows it would piss everybody off would be Jax waking up from a dream jumping on a Vespa and pulling into a Starbucks.  That shit would be funny as hell but he is definitely right that it would have pissed everyone off.

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The cast was on Conan last night and Sutter said one of his fantasy endings just because he knows it would piss everybody off would be Jax waking up from a dream jumping on a Vespa and pulling into a Starbucks.  That shit would be funny as hell but he is definitely right that it would have pissed everyone off.

I think that's how the last episode should start. Then follow him around all day doing boring shit in a two hour series final episode.

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SOA is getting very homosexual. I don't really understand all the butt sex and man ass they've been showing the last couple of seasons.



yeah that whole 1st five mins or so could of been left out. And used the time added to the plot of setting up August's men or anything else.

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  • 3 weeks later...

the whole plot is Hamlet, so it's not really meant to be a shocking ending...  I still jumped during the scene in Nate's house. (trying to be nice with the spoilers)


After watching the most recent episode, I re-watched the pilot.  There's some jokes and foreshadowing that are blatantly obvious the second time around.


After finding their gun warehouse torched, Clay hands Jax a gun and sarcastically says "just put two in the back of my head."  Jax quips back, "it's tough being king."  Clay responds with, "Yeah - you remember that."


There are also some mild 'continuity' problems I noticed.  In episode 1, they talk to Juice about hacking into a computer system, and they need Opie back on the crew to do the explosives, because Bobbie has to do an Elvis gig to pay his child support.  I can't recall the last time anyone on the show had such specific and/or specialized roles.  I definitely don't think of Juice as a hacker...


It's also interesting to see how much younger many of them looked at the start of the series.  Bobbie did not age well.  Perhaps by design.

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I was expecting dialogue in the SOA thread last night, or at least this morning...




The cast was on Conan last night and Sutter said one of his fantasy endings just because he knows it would piss everybody off would be Jax waking up from a dream jumping on a Vespa and pulling into a Starbucks.  That shit would be funny as hell but he is definitely right that it would have pissed everyone off.


I kinda wanted to see that, as some perverse desire to be punked by Sutter.  I watched the first few seasons of SOA as a guilty pleasure and still think season 3's closure with Jimmy and Stahl being offed to "Hey Hey My My" and "The Matador" was directorial brilliance.  SOA lost its shine for me after though - way too much of a stretch to think these people would keep coming back to the same hazards time and time again, and the Ireland season was fatiguing.  Plus, chase scenes on HDs - really??


He's going to crash his dad's bike and off himself.


Winner winner chicken dinner!  Too bad about the vintage bike though.  Its blue color against everyone else's blacked-out models riding out from the warehouse was notable.  Also the homeless grim reaper girl with wine, bread, and later Jac's blood sacrament for his son was a nice touch too.  Glad the While Buffalo's music was used at the end - that guy has a great voice.

Edited by smccrory
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I thought the symbolism was a little over the top...


I caught most of the things the analysis articles are pointing out (http://www.vanityfair.com/vf-hollywood/2014/12/sons-of-anarchy-series-finale-jax-dies?mbid=social_fbshare), but I'm mad at myself for not grasping the most obvious:  The two crows picking at roadkill to start the series, versus the two crows picking at the bread when Jax dies.


Really the only aspect of the ending that I didn't anticipate to some degree was riding his dad's bike, and partnering up with Connor.  I'm still not convinced that people's analysis of the homeless woman is completely spot-on.  I get it, she's the reaper, but only sort of...  Gemma saw her a bunch of times without dying.   I think the homeless woman was more of a guilty conscience following Gemma.  When a character confronts his or her guilty conscience, they do the right thing.  (again, sort of...)


Still not sure why Jax burned his dad's manuscript, or the photos of Bobby.

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Was it to prevent his son from being tempted to follow his dad's footsteps?

This he was eliminating anything that could glorify being in the club. He wanted his sons to see the club add the worst thing ever.

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This he was eliminating anything that could glorify being in the club. He wanted his sons to see the club add the worst thing ever.

I think that's plausible, but being a mass murderer should have been enough to make his kids hate them...

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