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Looking for a home for a dog


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well, she liked chevy too... maybe she just doesn't like howie. Anyone wanna adopt howie instead?

I can post cute pictures of him and a sad story if that will help. :D

Seriously though, I think all the work we've been doing with her has helped. She seems less scared of people now, which is awesome.

Edited by OsuMj
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Fuck that dog.

Did you try some peanut butter? :lol:

He's a dog whisperer, so he doesn't really count. Seriously, when he mentioned going into law enforcement I asked if he was planning to be a K-9 cop one day!

I'd definitely consider that. Would be awesome.

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  • 3 weeks later...

OH, and as an update, I doggysat my sister's dog for a week and since then, Cora has officially learned the art of fetching a ball. She'll only do it 2 or 3 times before she looks at you with the "what's the point" face, but she does it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah. He can pet her, and she seems like she wants him to play with her in the yard, but when he tries, she runs away. I'm still doing all of her care, like letting her out and feeding her and stuff. Luckily, I haven't had to travel lately, so we're fattening her up too. I can't count her ribs from looking at her anymore, so that's good. I'm gonna weigh her tonight. Hoping for 80lbs!

We've been trying the "all the good stuff comes from howie" method - so he gives her treats and pets her and gives her good attention. Then since she trust me, I'm the only one that tells her no. She's responding better than before, but she still watches him all the time :-/

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That made me chuckle, I pictured you balling your fist and saying "I'm going to punch you in the nose." You were wearing a scarf. :)

Hopefully we find someone that she likes that will take her, or she gets better and can actually enjoy herself around howie. I'd like to be able to take her hiking with us, but that's going to be really hard if she is scared of him.

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  • 4 weeks later...

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