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racist field trip


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arrrr, I'm a pirate. oops, wrong thread.

definitely messed up, but don't ignore George Washington Carver's work with cotton and crops.

Although they weren't talking about that while picking cotton, were they?

His discovery was crop rotation. And as a result, that's why we've got healthier cotton, and so much darn peanut butter...

btw: Southern state penal systems got in trouble in the past for exactly this. Sending free workers out to work the fields. And I bet his Mom knew that.

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"we was singing songs and shit" did get me to laugh though.

that made me crack up too

Tweeted to Daniel Tosh....

oh man, he is perfect for a skit involving this story

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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought it was pretty funny too. I think the mother took it a little to far if she went to the school and did all that. I think its crazy she would make a big deal out of a field trip that I'm sure wasn't planned just because there was colored kids in the class. I bet if there was no colored kids they still would have went to the cotton processing plant.

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