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Few Mid-Ohio Questions.


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First and foremost, Thanks.

My name's Chris and I'm organizing a group from Connecticut to do a few day trip out to Cedar Point and Mid Ohio next season. Just have a few questions as none of us have ever been to Mid-Ohio before.

Camping at the track - Can we camp? If we can, can we camp only the nights between or can we camp the night before as well? Also, is there a charge for tents?

Time of season - What's the best time to come over? Around here we only have New Hampshire and New Jersey. New Hampshire it's freezing past mid-september. New Jersey for some reason is always covered in pollen in the spring. So we all typically avoid the tracks at each point. I'd hate for us to come out in the middle of bug or rain season and be miserable.

Hotels - If needed, area recomendations? We'd all much rather camp though. (Most of us are cheap bastards.)

Track - Tard friendly? (question from some guy coming who doesn't own a tard yet. :wtf:)

The Wives - With this being a week trip and going to Cedar point, A bunch of the wives/girl friends who don't ride will be coming along. Is there anything in the are to entertain them while we ride in circles?

I'm sure I'll think of more as we get closer but for now that's it. Thanks again and hope to meet some of you guys while we're in your part of the country.

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They started allowing camping this year. No charge for it, so far as I know. If you (or your wives!) decide to opt out of that though, there are a lot of decent hotels in the area. I've stayed at the TravelLodge that's pretty close to the track and had no problems. It's not great, but it's clean enough, and cheap.

Best to come between about mid-May and late August. Mid-Ohio is basically garbage in anything resembling wet conditions, including cool mornings with dew on the track. Hate to have you come all that way and toss the bike down the track.

As far as Tards, it wouldn't be my first choice for MO, but I suppose you could get away with it. The back straight is pretty fast.

There isn't much to do in the area of MO honestly, at least not that I'm aware of. The track itself is nice though, with some rolling hills and trees and such, so it's not bad for a picnic? I dunno what else they'd do...

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Tards are fine at Mid-O. Best in the intermediate group however based on speed differences. But, work and run great.

Camping is allowed as mentioned. They don't supply electric, etc though unless you've got a garage and can run from the 110 there.

As for what to do, there is a mall in Ontario just maybe 15 minutes away. The area in Lexington is nice, but no real things to do. If they like cycling, there is an extensive bike path they can jump on in Lexington just off 42. Cool for kids also as it is all paved.

That's really the low down. Best months? When sunny, temps above 60 and no chance for rain. Track isn't wet friendly. One of the best tracks in the US and will challenge even the most advanced riders.

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Mid-O is cool but if you're coming all that way I say ride Grattan instead..:D

Huh? You are saying that if a guy is traveling that far that he shouldn't be wanting to ride a premier track like Mid-O, but rather, a lesser quality track like Grattan?

I'd kind of disagree. While I like Grattan and feel it is very similar to Mid-O, the pavement and such isn't anything close to the quality of Mid-O...

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The only thing I would add is that Mid-Ohio is a great spectator's track, so the wives should at least have some good viewing until they get bored and head out.

I'd only ride a motard at Mid-O if it were raining and I had to go out and coach or something... It's possible to hit the rev limiter in 6th gear on a 600 if you get a good drive out of the keyhole and have the balls to brake late enough. A motard would be at top-speed half way down the back straight!

That'd be a blast if everyone were on Motards (triple drafts! hahaha!), but with liter bikes pushing 170... yikes.

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There's the Mansfield Reformatory where ShawShank Redemption was filmed if the ladies want a cool tour through an old, creepy, prison. Think Lil Wayne shot a video there too? Anyway, its just 15 minutes from the track too and always a good "gotta see it once" kind of place.

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Think Lil Wayne shot a video there too?

Too bad he didn't just shoot himself there.

Lil Wayne isn't even alive. He's a demon sign of the apocalypse. When him, Nick Minaj, Chris Brown, and Drake all gather in one spot the sky will open and hell will rain upon us.

They also filmed a movie there. It had Harrison Ford in it and there are Russian signs still hanging there as props. I went last year and it was AMAZING!!!! I think they do day tours as more of a history type thing but not this time of year.

Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk 2

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I won't repeat what's already been said, which is all good, but one more potential activity for the non-riding wives, if they're into that sort of thing, would be to drive east to the Holmes County Amish country. Lots of stores to browse in if you like handmade furniture, quilts and such, as well as tacky places selling cheap souvenirs. Lots of places to eat. At very least you can buy some really good locally made cheese. It is now the largest concentration of Amish in the U.S., I recently read. The good part is that getting there, shopping, lunching, shopping, sightseeing and getting back would take about the same amount of time you'll be having more fun on the track.

It's true there's little to do in the vicinity of Mid-Ohio. I know because I lived 29 miles from the track for three years, and that's one of the reasons I moved back to the city.

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