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Not sure if this has been posted before so here ya go


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Motorbike rider fakes injury to cause red flag

A motorbike rider bizarrely faked injury in an attempt to stop a race after he crashed and could not get his bike restarted.

Marlinton dos Reis Teixeira, known by his nickname 'Kalunga', slid on a corner in rainy conditions during the Rio Grande do Sul State Moto Grand Prix in Brazil, causing his bike to stall.

Kalunga failed to get his bike to start and was losing valuable time. He then walked to the middle of the track and threw himself on the ground pretending to be badly injured in an attempt to get the race red-flagged.

Several riders passed their stricken competitor before some eventually stopped to give assistance.

Kalunga was placed on a stretcher and put in the back of an ambulance.

The MotoRacing Association of Rio Grande do Sul State later found out about Kalunga's apparent fake injury and banned the rider from the championship.


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WOW what a D-bag move!!. And the guys that stopped must have been like "this guy is hurt bad". They get off the bikes,check on the "fallen" rider. I bet those guys are less then happy. There was a corner worker way up up in the left hand corner of the screen, but was maybe a bit slow on throwing any flag.

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Hope they banned him from the series for life. Some BS right there. 4 or 5 other riders laid their bikes on the ground and ran to his aid for nothing. And I'd have thought the flagger at the previous corner would have seen the fake act, but they may have missed that part so the track folk treated it as a typical crash scenario. Oh well, he got caught and didn't get away with shit - at least he's famous now!!

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