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Bad Bad day at the gap :(

Mj 88

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Sorry to hear that anyone died, especially riding a good road like the GAP.

Good luck to you. Everyone should learn that back brakes aren't needed and cause many crashes. I feel fortunate that my son didn't get seriously hurt during his crash when he went over the side. Luck isn't always good!


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Sorry to hear. When my wife had her wreck, she broke her pelvis. I was in front of her at the time and when I came back, she was lying on the road on her back. She seemed ok but she said it hurt to move her legs. I made sure she didn't move but otherwise, she seemed ok. I spent about 10 mins on the phone with the insurance company and calling some family members.

What I found out later is that with pelvic breaks, it's not uncommon for the broken pieces to sever one of several major arteries that run through there and the person can bleed out internally in just minutes. I realized what an idiot I was for getting on the phone and how bad I would have felt if she died while I was reiterating may personal info for the insurance rep instead of being there with her. Lesson learned.

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He was a little hot it to a left hander, and locked the back break. He was in full gear. It was just his time.:mad:

I'm not trying to defame or criticize the fallen rider here, but we should all take away that rear brake does more harm than good in panic situations.

You can win a novice championship at the club level without ever touching the rear brake. In situations where you're just cruising around and are well in control, then sure, using the rear brake is fine, but if you're at even a "spirited" pace, the forks compress and the rear wheel loses traction VERY easily with even modest application of rear brake. It's not worth it.

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but we should all take away that rear brake does more harm than good in panic situations.

I read this thread at a gas station today on my way back from the Ozarks, I intended to say exactly the same thing. It add's what maybe 20 percent extra stopping power but probably causes 80 percent of everyone's wrecks. (I made that 80 percent up of course but it feels right).

Very sorry to hear about this young man, regardless of the cause. That is too young to die for any reason.

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^This pic was maybe 15 min earlier. Still seems like it was yesterday. I agree with the back brake being bad. I have had my bad spills but I have always came home. I know it can happen at any time but he was so young and a good kid. Thanks everybody!

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