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Trackday training video on body positioning


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I've been trying to improve my body positioning and break bad habbits I formed street riding...found this video that is pretty informative. Made me realize a bunch of things that I'm doing wrong and a few things that I was doing right.


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I'm glad you guys like the video. Here is a link to the delaney ridesmart videos on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Delaney+ridesmart&oq=Delaney+ridesmart&gs_l=youtube-reduced.3..35i39.8999.17866.0.18626.

I hope I'm not offending anyone, I just found the topics interesting and informative. There is only so much you can cover in a day assuming you are starting from an absolute minimum.

IMHO with the few track days under my belt there is absolutely no one i would recommend a first track day with more highly than MotoSeries. It may be more restrained, but there is no one more safe, fun and informative than MotoSeries.(isn't that the best order of things?)

If I haven't kissed ass enough yet, I'm glad my first day on the track was with MotoSeries....if it was with the other group I have rode with, I'm not sure I would have returned. (actually I would have...just to bitchslap some of the douchebag who thought they were the shit for passing first timers on inside of the kink at PIRC)

Edited by RHill
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