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R & R Racing - Very Bad Customer Service


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***Update 30 Jan 2013***

I finally had some time to work on the race bike and got to installing this bracket. Cutting and bending was required to make it fit. Sigh......

***Update 16 Oct 2012***

I called and spoke to the company again today. I spoke to the same lady, who ended up being the co-owner. Just wow.

She was much more friendly today. She apparently is fed up with people ordering parts and using them for a weekend and then wanting to return them. So she prejudged me as a person trying to return a part and treated me like scum for it. She still thought I was trying to return the part and I had to spell it out for her before she understood I was just complaining about the poor service.

I eventually got the number for the other owner (Brett), who is also the fabricator. she had informed him of the lost part situation and that I had tried to return the part (Which I had not) yesterday. I explained the situation to him in a calm manner, and tried to be unbiased in my recounting of the conversations.

He was calm, listened, understood the situation, and was shocked and very apologetic about the service rendered. He said he would speak to her and offered to:

1. Return the part, or

2. Replace the part whenever I break it, or

3. Give a heavy discount on future purchases.

My experience with him was significantly better and what I would expect from a race shop that has been in business for 20 years.

Brett offered great conflict management and customer service. His part was well made too. So that side of the business does run well.

The other co-owner makes me hesitant to recommend them even after a good resolution.

-------------------------Original Post--------------------------

So I crashed my track bike back in June and needed a new fairing stay. I did my research and decided to give R & R Racing a try. I ordered my stay from them on 23 Aug 2012 with a promise from the sales associate that the part would be shipped out on 27 Aug 2012 so I would have it by the weekend of 31 Aug.

I'm US military, and I come home every other weekend because my wife and family are here, and it is only 400 miles away. So planning each weekend and certain deliveries are very important for my time management. This information was relayed to the company.

Well that weekend came and went, along with my next visit home two weeks later. Still no part. I called them multiple times on 18 Sept, after missing the Mid-Ohio track day, and got no answer from the shop. I figured they might be out at an event and I would try them again later.

I finally got a hold of them on 19 Sept when they called me. Their sales representative told me they had lost my order, and wanted to know if I still wanted it. She said they would ship it out right away, so I agreed.

Well that following weekend came and went, along with the next. The part finally showed up the week of 8 Oct 2012, with a ship date of 03 Oct 2012. Yet another chance at a track day missed.

I called them up today to find out what caused the delays. I spoke to the same female customer service representative. I explained my situation where the order was lost for a month and then not shipped for another two weeks. She asked what the problem was, because since I had received my part there should not be any issues. I explained my complaint about the initial wait, and then the more aggravating "right away" shipping that happened two weeks later.

This dissolved into a discussion about the expectations of good customer service. She became angry and argumentative when I told her that they had given me poor customer service. She cited a business history since 1993 and because of that they obviously could not be offering poor customer service.

I said if that is your position, fine, but I will not be doing business with you and I will encourage my friends to do the same.

Her response: "That's fine. We don't need or want your business or your little friend's business."

I'm just relating this story to let everyone know to not shop with them. Not unless you want to wait for long periods of time for parts, and be yelled at and talked down to for asking questions about why they don't live up to their promises.

Edited by BDBGoalie
New contact with ownership
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So I crashed my track bike back in June and needed a new fairing stay. I did my research and decided to give R & R Racing a try. I ordered my stay from them on 23 Aug 2012 with a promise from the sales associate that the part would be shipped out on 27 Aug 2012 so I would have it by the weekend of 31 Aug.

I'm US military, and I come home every other weekend because my wife and family are here, and it is only 400 miles away. So planning each weekend and certain deliveries are very important for my time management. This information was relayed to the company.

Well that weekend came and went, along with my next visit home two weeks later. Still no part. I called them multiple times on 18 Sept, after missing the Mid-Ohio track day, and got no answer from the shop. I figured they might be out at an event and I would try them again later.

I finally got a hold of them on 19 Sept when they called me. Their sales representative told me they had lost my order, and wanted to know if I still wanted it. She said they would ship it out right away, so I agreed.

Well that following weekend came and went, along with the next. The part finally showed up the week of 8 Oct 2012, with a ship date of 03 Oct 2012. Yet another chance at a track day missed.

I called them up today to find out what caused the delays. I spoke to the same female customer service representative. I explained my situation where the order was lost for a month and then not shipped for another two weeks. She asked what the problem was, because since I had received my part there should not be any issues. I explained my complaint about the initial wait, and then the more aggravating "right away" shipping that happened two weeks later.

This dissolved into a discussion about the expectations of good customer service. She became angry and argumentative when I told her that they had given me poor customer service. She cited a business history since 1993 and because of that they obviously could not be offering poor customer service.

I said if that is your position, fine, but I will not be doing business with you and I will encourage my friends to do the same.

Her response: "That's fine. We don't need or want your business or your little friend's business."

I'm just relating this story to let everyone know to not shop with them. Not unless you want to wait for long periods of time for parts, and be yelled at and talked down to for asking questions about why they don't live up to their promises.

Call again and demand to speak to her supervisor. I am sure that the company doesn't want people like her working for them.

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Yeah, I'm 6'2" and 240. Nothing little here. That is a steaming turd nugget of service man. All she needed to do was apologize for dropping the ball and offer a little discount for the next order and I'm sure it would have diffused the situation. Some people have an ego...

Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk 2

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Call again and demand to speak to her supervisor. I am sure that the company doesn't want people like her working for them.

Today was auto repair day before I drive home. (Oil change on my beater, tune up and wiring on wife's car, strut mount on friends Z4, trailer hitch on Dad's Forester....) So when I get back to post tomorrow I'll make the call.

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Today was auto repair day before I drive home. (Oil change on my beater, tune up and wiring on wife's car, strut mount on friends Z4, trailer hitch on Dad's Forester....) So when I get back to post tomorrow I'll make the call.

Today was service day for me too! Must be the decent weather...

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