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Epic Journey Ride.. the planning stages


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  • 1 month later...

I am envious of you being able to take that much time off. My work doesn't allow me take more than 8 days off at a time, so I am limited to week long trips...

My best advice would be to just pick the destinations that you think you can reach comfortably and don't worry about the mileage or get caught up in the exact route or places you are going to stay. I always pick the destination and then leave the actual route to chance.

One of the most memorable times was a trip taken to Phoenix and we were heading towards Denver on the highway and also towards a real nasty storm. My buddy and I turned south on a two lane road to get around the storm and it ended up being the best part of the trip. This was one of those last minute decisions that really made the whole trip worth it!

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Kinda late to the game here, but oh well...

I've done the cross USA trip each year for the past 10 years or so, many years doing it twice.Still have the routes written down, where to eat, stay, etc.

be happy to help you out with routing to maximize your fun. have done the southern route through Texas, NM and AZ and teh northern to Glacier a couple of times. Let me if you have any questions.


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Just laid out our vacation for '13........riding out to Sturgis the week before the Rally. A week there to ride, then the ride back.........can't wait!

Lucky sob I always wanted to get out to Sturgis. Someday I'll get there when I can work out the vacation time at work.

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  • 4 months later...
Earache and Wicked anymore suggestions ?

I thinking of heading west leaving from the OR deals gap trap....

In general, where ya wanna go? Myself and a few others are going to Colorado and Utah July 11-28, you're welcome to tag along if ya want.

I'll also do another cross country trip, probably in September, no real destination yet.

Just think of someplace you'd like to go to or see and then plan a route. I'd be happy to help you out with any info.

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I was thinking Cali as the "goal." I need to make sure of my time frame but hoping I can have 3 weeks. I have a tentative route planned without any specific roads included. Ill PM it to you...

A heads up...there's a lot of fairly new pavement on highway 1 from the Golden Gate up to Leggett.

Great views,twisty roads...but can be busy.Much better on weekdays and the farther you get away from S.F.

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