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Bike- wrenching/maintenance/miss being at the track- fest - NEoh edition


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First, thank you to Jinu and wife for opening up their home for us to have a little mid winter fun. It was good to see everyone again, even if Rob did show up to try to crash the party last minute. :D

Another big thanks to Pauly and Craig, our teachers for the day. It was good to learn something new and I'm certainly going to be making good use of the newly acquired skill.

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Echoing the sentiments of those above. Many thanks to Denise for allowing Jinu's friends to come over and play. It was really good to see everyone, and learn some new wrenching stuff in the process...even if it was "See what Jinu is doing? Yeah, don't do it that way." But I don't wish to pile too greatly on our gracious host. Excited for the next outing and for the season to kick off for sure!

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Dammit! I always find out after the shindig that you're the other fat guy I didn't recognize. Next time say' date=' "Hey, dickhead.. it's me!"

I promise.. I'll remember the next time. I'll even buy you some beer. :([/quote']

Lulz. I would have guessed that you know who I am by being the only one tolerant of Kevin in public for extended periods of time. But I will be sure to call you a dickhead the next time I see you. :D

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Ya, maybe that was Craig that didn't know what he was doing?

Or was it me?

I don't know shit.

It was a good time, thanks for having us up. I also need to get IP's recipe for cleaning out the forks. I never really worry about cleaning them out too much as I change fluid so damn often but I would like to clean them out from time to time.

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I kid about you guys not knowing anything, but thank you both for helping out. As soon as I find my pin for the pin stand and get another bottle (or two) of fork fluid I'll be trying it on my own. I think between what I learned from you guys and the manual (who uses a manual?) I should be able to figure it out.

Also, I will twist the safety wire a few times.

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I like the fact that Jinu likes to get his hands dirty.

I just don't understand how he goes about it sometimes.


I have this theory that he really knows what he is doing. But he plays silly like he doesn't, and then we all step in to help and do the work for him. It's genius really.

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