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Voting on weed


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True he's a dumbass but he choose weed. He wouldn't have gotten kicked out for alcohol. He could go a week with out alcohol easy and only drink on the weekends he didn't have drill but he smoked everyday. The habit he developed he couldnt kick even for a little bit while he was on his last chance with the military then his job.

Could've just as easily gotten a DUI or knocked a chick up and ruined his career....all comes down to a choice. Weed being addictive, gonna be different for each person, as for the majority I would have to say no. Love getting high and feeling that way becomes more of a habit and addictive, pretty much can be said for smoking cigarettes and drinking too "to a point". Weed is illegal "as of now", hence why it has a bad stereotyping to it, I know some folks that smoke and you would "never" guess they did so.

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This should end the lesser of two evils argument: you can literally drink yourself to death. Enough alcohol in your system will poison and kill you. Nobody has ever smoked themselves to death. You cannot overdose on pot. So what is safer? Something with the potential for fatal overdose or something without that potential? Btw, I don't smoke pot anymore, more of a drinker but I see no reason why it shouldn't be legalized.

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Could've just as easily gotten a DUI or knocked a chick up and ruined his career....all comes down to a choice. Weed being addictive, gonna be different for each person, as for the majority I would have to say no. Love getting high and feeling that way becomes more of a habit and addictive, pretty much can be said for smoking cigarettes and drinking too "to a point". Weed is illegal "as of now", hence why it has a bad stereotyping to it, I know some folks that smoke and you would "never" guess they did so.

My point is some people, most stoners I know would choose pot over their future. What's to keep them from still making bad choices because they want to go get high? Saying its ok/harmless for everyone to use is untrue.

Now I'm not opposed to legalizing it but first they'd need to figure out reasonable regulations. How long until you can drive after smoking etc? How are they going to test your level of stonedness to see if you should be ok to drive?

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True he's a dumbass but he choose weed. He wouldn't have gotten kicked out for alcohol. He could go a week with out alcohol easy and only drink on the weekends he didn't have drill but he smoked everyday. The habit he developed he couldnt kick even for a little bit while he was on his last chance with the military then his job.

That just tells me he was mentally weak. Again, collosal fucktard

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For you, perhaps. However, I seriously doubt your experience will be identical to the 7 billion other people on this planet.

Please show me any study that says weed is physically addictive. Psychological addiction just means a person is feeble minded

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"Heavy pot smokers may quickly build a tolerance to marijuana, possibly needing up to eight times the dose to get the same high as infrequent users. Increased tolerance is a sign of physical dependence and changes in brain chemistry."

The fact that you can build up a "tolerance" to it is evidence that there is a physical change, your brain chemistry has changed, and this change is not just psychological.

I realize there is some debate over whether this constitutes a real physical dependence, but it is clear that this is not "only" psychological.

Edited by magley64
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According to WebMD:

Contrary to what many pot smokers may tell you, marijuana is addictive, at least psychologically. Even among occasional users, one in 12 can feel withdrawal symptoms if they can't get high when they want to. Among heavy pot smokers, the rates of dependence are higher.

Many experts also believe that marijuana is physically addictive. Symptoms of withdrawal from pot might include:

  • Aggression
  • Anxiety
  • Depressed mood
  • Decreased appetite

Doesn't sound like there's definitive proof and even so, the withdrawl effects make it sound like a woman during her special time of the month and we all tolerate that :lol:

I'm not liking this:

Heavy marijuana use lowers men's testosterone levels
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For a time I was a heavy pot smoker, it did not take any more than the usual to get me hogh

again...your personal experience does not equal the experience of 7 billion other people

I can eat a whole jar of peanut butter in a day, someone with a peanut allergy will surely die from that much exposure.

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Increased tolerance is evidence of a physical change, not a psychological one.

My point is that there is some evidence there.

Same as alcohol, I think it should be legal, along with heroin, and crack, and whatever else you want to put into your body as an adult...

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This movie really sealed the publics opinion on marijuana early on.


It think it can be ok in moderation but like everything else some people will over do it. Most people thing weed should be illegal due to the effects of people that over do it. Same as alcohol its fine until you over do it. Just because your able to moderate it doesn't mean everyone can be as responsible as you.

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^^^nanny state mentality. I can't stand this about New America! Well since the individual can't take responsibility for their own actions we have to take control of it. Give me a god damn break

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Most people thing weed should be illegal due to the effects of people that over do it. Same as alcohol its fine until you over do it. Just because your able to moderate it doesn't mean everyone can be as responsible as you.

And that is where they are wrong... IMO

legislation written to save people from themselves is misguided.

this includes drug laws, seatbelt laws, helmet laws etc...

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^^^nanny state mentality. I can't stand this about New America! Well since the individual can't take responsibility for their own actions we have to take control of it. Give me a god damn break

It's not the effect it has on the user its the people they effect.

If a person is stoned their reaction time is reduced. That reduction in reaction time could be the difference between running a child over that runs into the street and stopping in time.

So by your logic all drugs should be legal?

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Buildit, you need to understand something. legalizing it will not magically create smokers from non-smokers. Most studies show that use among teens goes down after decriminalization.

Again, I only read teh CO law, but you still have to be 21 to legally possess marijuana.

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Right. And with a stable supply of legal pot dispensaries the dealers go out of business and it actually becomes harder for underage kids to get their hands on it.

No because every teen has that older friend sibling cousin friend of a friend that will buy them beer. Makes it easier for people to become middle man dealers.

In Arizona the law states that if there is a dispensary within 30miles of your home you can't grow your own plants. The Town of Bisbee (yes the same town in 3:10 to Yuma) is full of hippies and medical marijuana users. They have voted against allowing a dispensary in by over 90% every time it comes up for vote. Just a little fun fact.

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