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Voting on weed


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I'm in no way saying tolerance = addiction...

that is exactly what you're trying to get at and you can use whatever words you want to try and spin it your way however its obvious this is the link you are trying to make

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that is exactly what you're trying to get at and you can use whatever words you want to try and spin it your way however its obvious this is the link you are trying to make

No, I'm not. And again, to say that tolerance = addiction would be a gross oversimplification of the issue.

But to say that there is absolutely no way a person can become physically dependent upon it is an awfully broad statement in itself.

Let's do some studies, lets figure out what the effects are on different people, and different body chemistries...

or just say that it doesn't matter because whatever you put into your own body is your own damn business regardless of it's effects...

Edited by magley64
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but the fact that some build up a tolerance suggests that there is a physical addiction in some cases

Boom, don't tell me you didn't suggest it because here it is. Once again like gun control your contradictory ways show you just wanna troll the subject. I shall end there as that is plenty enough proof for me

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Boom, don't tell me you didn't suggest it because here it is. Once again like gun control your contradictory ways show you just wanna troll the subject. I shall end there as that is plenty enough proof for me

Suggesting that some individuals might be physically addicted is a far cry from saying tolerance = addiction, nice straw man though.:rolleyes:

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Kz900, you are probably the most ignorant fucktard I've come into contact with this week. Carl sagan Wasn't a science fiction writer, he was a scientist. If you can't read his works its because you are way beneath them. Please please please never procreate.

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Why would you call anyone a Fucktard. Then do it with a picture of themselves. In my world you call somebody a Fucktard it means you want something. Don't call the wrong guy a Fucktard! Again I never attacked him nor was I ever out of line. I was civil the entire thread. Sorry he crossed the line not me. He gets what he deserves. The sound of footsteps............

Fucktard is a pretty common term in ORDN... some use it seriously, some use it in jest, but generally it is only harmful to those with particularly thin skin.

On the other hand, making a thinly veiled threat against another member regarding what might happen to them in person if you ever meet them is frowned upon.

you understand?

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Would you call somebody a fucktard to their face, if in fact their was a chance they could rearrange your face? I hear fucktard, snarkyfucktard or whatever.....and just laugh, but I can see how it can be taken personally. The crowd here requires a thick skin sometimes "and a big sense of humor and humility at times", so either never comment or take the chance of being called a fucktard at some point. Hell you could be called a genius in the same day on another thread, that is how it works here. ;)

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indeed, and I have.

I have too, glad I am not alone. However if the person in question looks like they could squash me like a bug, or just had that crazy look in their eyes.....I might refrain. :D

Were you prepared to throw elbows?

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I have too, glad I am not alone. However if the person in question looks like they could squash me like a bug, or just had that crazy look in their eyes.....I might refrain. :D

Were you prepared to throw elbows?

I do always keep them on me just in case...:D

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If I called you a Fucktard I would expect a fist in the face. I am sure Fucktard is a violation of the site as well.

Could it be construed that way? I guess, but it's a far cry from an actual threat...

Beat on him not me. I am sure he is your friend. He is not mine. He is just a guy that crossed the line. Its his mess to clean up. Not yours. Why are you defending him?
I'm not defending anyone, just pointing out that threats are frowned upon, that's all. I'm not particularly attached to either of you, and this is for your benefit, so you get a better sense of where we typically draw the lines around here.
I did nothing wrong. Not once did I attack anyone. Then this guy feels its his obligation to go after me. I am not pissed or mad its really more of a respect thing. If I offended someone personally in the thread post it up like a man and I will own up to it. He is Wrong not Me. I am done with the subject.
Your response was a thinly veiled threat, plain and simple...

I had my fun with the tyson meme, and the "do you even lift" but basically the quickest way to lose reputation around here is to threaten other members, and/or challenge them to fight you IRL.

When we have an event, we like them to go off without any petty bullshit. We all get along, and those who don't get along just stay away from each other...

just FYI


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I really don't know why you keep throwing gas on a fire. If I called you a Fucktard I would expect a fist in the face. I am sure Fucktard is a violation of the site as well. Beat on him not me. I am sure he is your friend. He is not mine. He is just a guy that crossed the line. Its his mess to clean up. Not yours. Why are you defending him? I did nothing wrong. Not once did I attack anyone. Then this guy feels its his obligation to go after me. I am not pissed or mad its really more of a respect thing. If I offended someone personally in the thread post it up like a man and I will own up to it. He is Wrong not Me. I am done with the subject.

You sure are wound pretty tight. Lighten up a bit & you'll have more fun on here. Just a suggestion.

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Open minds again -

Some may consider another plant addictive: http://www.rps.psu.edu/probing/sugar.html

Should it be banned? It increases your chances of diabetes, obesity, and other diseases, right? That's more than we know about weed. We know that it causes a chemical reaction in your brain that makes you 'happier'... What are the opinions of the people opposed to weed on this comparison?

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