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The soon to be banned gun list.


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The listed firearms companies have all put campaign money into politicians pockets on both the democratic and republican sides. Never pass that strict. If it does just go to YouTube and learn how to make a zip gun.

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What weight does that list actually hold?
Where, exactly, did this source find the super secret ban list?

I suspect this is all a ruse to get a rise out of gullible firearm enthusiasts.

The guy is nothing more than a talking head based on cursory search. More post election fear mongering.

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Also who would take the guns? Most military and law enforcement are avid gun owners and the ones that aren't know how impossible it'd be to take them.

Steps to prevent you guns being seized.

1. Can't take em if they don't know you have em. I sold them a few years back at a gun show.

2. Can't take em if they can't find em. Hide them.

3. Show them you'll protect them. If they are going to take em use em. Why not?

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i really enjoy the rest of that site. i wasn't sure it was possible, but that site is really like the web version of those terrible tabloids with bat boy and other such wonders of the world.

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This is part of the house legislation in 2009 when Democrats had power in both house and senate. The Democrats immediately lost majority seats in the house in the next election before action could be taken, and a good bit of it was because of this legislation. It was noticed, and it probably won't happen again till short memories try it again. Which isn't any time soon, unless those that try, want voted out of office again.

Basically no representative will want to support the plan, for fear of being voted out of office.

edit: And Todd is correct, it's usually ban on sale and production. Not current possession.

Unless you live in DC, Cleveland, New York City or Chicago. Where local laws already exist. (Ok, maybe some stuff in California also.)

edit edit: Oh gosh, those were all blue states/areas, would you look at that...

Edited by ReconRat
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Well I dont know what midget Todd got his hands on yesterday or if he was even at the shop.

But, while I was at the shop I was shopping for the shop.

This is the mild list. There is a BIGGER BADDER and MORE UP TO DATE LIST out.


Magazines in general

Rifles in (more) detail

and ammunition! Thats right he is up to his original tricks boys and girls. Reloading was on that list as well.

I spent hours on the computer ordering what I could find. Rumor was Vances purchased some 180K in AR's

The final kick in the pants. If you do not have said hicap magazine in poccession of the time of the ban, do not expect to get it. There will be no warning either. He is busy as I type this and I expect it to hit soon. Remember this is the dipshits second term. He has nothing to lose at this point.

Im pretty healthy on mags and pmags, but never got the Glock I wanted. So, made sure I threw one in the back last night. But, that being said. I still have to have it purchased before the ban hits or at least have the paperwork filed...

The major part of the wording I was seeing was magazine capacity. I am hearing we are all going to experience commifornia. 10 rounds kiddo's. Now the rumor is he wants to take your 20 round 30 round 60 round and 90 round magazines away. Can he do it. I dont think so, I am obviously not a lawyer, but am schooled in halfway intellegent thinking. That would be as bad as trying to take the said guns on that list. Then your looking at a war on our soil and he would use the UN to do it which means aim for the blue helmets. They will be easy to see when the snow flies or the leaves are back on.

Who knows. There has been rumors the entire time he has been around. So, take what you will from it. Do I forsee a hicap ban... YES. Do I forsee a "ASSUALT" weapon ban... YES. Other than that its a crap shoot.

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Obummer reopened negotiations with the UN on the small arms treaty. These next four years could get ugly.

I actually heard this from two other pretty level-headed sources as well.

One of those two runs a "tactical supply" shop, and he's a very quiet guy. Not one to yap about this sort of thing if he didn't sincerely believe it was a real risk.

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Again, the list (in all it's variations) has been thrown around by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) continuously, since it's first introduction. There are rumors that she's brought it back, in this post election environment. Nothing in the news yet. Nothing introduced in Congress yet.

Yes, the president has often said that he would consider it.

In it's basic form, it's the return of the ban we had before, that expired.

Apparently Feinstein cannot be voted out of office...

Doesn't say much for that area of California.

edit: What is happening, is new discussions with the United Nations, on control of weapons world wide. If ratified by the USA, it is possible to do anything regarding weapons, possibly without congressional approval.


Edited by ReconRat
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Well I dont know what midget Todd got his hands on yesterday or if he was even at the shop.

But, while I was at the shop I was shopping for the shop.

This is the mild list. There is a BIGGER BADDER and MORE UP TO DATE LIST out.


Magazines in general

Rifles in (more) detail

and ammunition! Thats right he is up to his original tricks boys and girls. Reloading was on that list as well.

I spent hours on the computer ordering what I could find. Rumor was Vances purchased some 180K in AR's

The final kick in the pants. If you do not have said hicap magazine in poccession of the time of the ban, do not expect to get it. There will be no warning either. He is busy as I type this and I expect it to hit soon. Remember this is the dipshits second term. He has nothing to lose at this point.

Im pretty healthy on mags and pmags, but never got the Glock I wanted. So, made sure I threw one in the back last night. But, that being said. I still have to have it purchased before the ban hits or at least have the paperwork filed...

The major part of the wording I was seeing was magazine capacity. I am hearing we are all going to experience commifornia. 10 rounds kiddo's. Now the rumor is he wants to take your 20 round 30 round 60 round and 90 round magazines away. Can he do it. I dont think so, I am obviously not a lawyer, but am schooled in halfway intellegent thinking. That would be as bad as trying to take the said guns on that list. Then your looking at a war on our soil and he would use the UN to do it which means aim for the blue helmets. They will be easy to see when the snow flies or the leaves are back on.

Who knows. There has been rumors the entire time he has been around. So, take what you will from it. Do I forsee a hicap ban... YES. Do I forsee a "ASSUALT" weapon ban... YES. Other than that its a crap shoot.

Just because you use caps lock, doesn't make it any less false than the last guy who posted it.

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Here's the latest rumor that is probably causing the alarm. It's hard to find a decent source, there's nothing in the news yet.


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I actually heard this from two other pretty level-headed sources as well.

One of those two runs a "tactical supply" shop, and he's a very quiet guy. Not one to yap about this sort of thing if he didn't sincerely believe it was a real risk.

Tactical supply shop, you say? No conflict of interest there. Someone at Vance's tried to use the UN scare tactic on me, saying that "he didn't know if I would even be able to get a 870 with the UN thing going on." My response was "well, why the hell did you agree to take the OHP contract to sell them then?"

It amazes me that so many people allow themselves to be swallowed in by the paranoia and hysteria. You HAVE to be at least somewhat cognizant of the fact that you're now buying firearms and ammo at insane markups, when you could just wait a couple of months until the supply chain returns to normal after the holidays and buy them for a normal price.

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Well I dont know what midget Todd got his hands on yesterday or if he was even at the shop.

But, while I was at the shop I was shopping for the shop..

Nope store was closed and I didn't pay any mind to it. I'm not scared or paranoid nor am I panic buying. This happens every election year. But thanks to all the panic buyer this is a good time to be in the gun business for sure lol. Moar Fear.

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