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Saturday 11/10 NEO Season Closer


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Well, the forecast for Saturday is still looking good, so I'm going to post this up. My guess is that the chance of us getting more weekends with 60+ degree temps is pretty low, so I want to get in one final decent ride to close out the season.

Here is the route I was planning:

Link to Google Maps

Meet at the Speedway on 83 in Millersburg by 10:45, with wheels up at 11:00. This route isn't terribly long and should put us back into Millersburg by 3:00 so everyone should be able to be home before dark, but is still enjoyable enough to make the trip South worthwhile, IMO.

I am planning a conservative pace for this ride. The roads will be cold and I'd really prefer to end the season on a high note, so I'm going to be taking it easy, especially on 555 which can be dirty at times. In general I plan on 70ish in the straights and conservative in the corners. I will pass on a double yellow if I feel it's safe.

The most important thing is to ride your own ride - we will wait at all stops for the group. Likewise if there are folks that want to go faster, they can feel free to do so.

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