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And so it begins....


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If you don't like talk of wounds/medical crap, don't bother reading below.




Just did my first dressing change....felt great and continues to feel better than the previous bandage/shoulder guard, and this is without even taking my afternoon pain meds.  


Cleaned hands well then wiped down with alcohol wipes.  Removed dressing till the first cross hatch tape directly over the incision.  Didn't remove the cross hatch tape, because it seems to add some strength.  There was a 1" section of incision which was directly exposed; it felt solid and has scabbed already.  Stitching looked solid.  The Dr and nurses mentioned staple removal, so they must be under the tape that was not removed.  


Lightly went over the area using alcohol pads working away from the wound, only re-approaching with a new pad.  Re-covered the area with a few stirle pads and tape.  Tried to make the bandage flexible enough to remain covered while limiting the pulling of the the skin on my neck; some of my skin was becoming sore from the previous bandage.  I think the stirle pads & tape is plenty to coverage, but I may add more padding as and additional guard before bed & work tomorrow depending how it feel tonight.  


Attempted to do this late last night, but was not mentally prepared.  I started to pull back the original bandage and stumbled because I happened across the incision and soaked bandage in the first 1/2".  I just recovered the area and left it go till today.


After fully peeling back the dressing, the area is definitely raised significantly, how much of that is due to swelling and how much is the new hardware is hard to tell.  I could compare it to the x-ray, but it doesn't matter....plus all the crooked screws in the x-ray make me feel nauseous.

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I was completely confused by that theme song....thought you were singing to Ron at first, or maybe you found a new friend Tyrone and couldn't figure out how to spell their name.  


I reduced my dose of Oxy to the point things made sense and I didn't have memory problems anymore; then that post happened and really made me question if I was eating skittles or just downed a whole bag of these pills.


Lets get this straight BTW, it wasn't a butt plug till you stole it!

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that was a touching and sincere tribute to your recovery, but i'll patiently wait until you are fully recovered so that you can truly appreciate the magnificence of my love song.


also, it was ALWAYS a buttplug. always.

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Seriously going through withdrawal from track time!


Mid-O trackday following the AMA races, 5th and 6th sessions....won't lie been watching these and other track videos daily anticipating getting back on track.  



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I think you need to get out of the house a bit lol.


Back to normal life at this point...I just watch the videos because you are in them; why do you think I was following you so much with the camera   ;)

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  • 6 months later...

After too long of a winter break, it finally warmed up enough to start working on the bike.  


First, did some fiberglassing using this kit from 3m....seems to have worked well; at least better than 2 part epoxy thinned with denatured alcohol that I've used in the past.  Comes with the resin, hardener and fiberglass mat. Need to sand more before finishing up the glass tomorrow....then on to filler, more sanding and paint.








Made the mistake of letting this guy loose with a cutoff wheel...walk away for 2 minutes and the swing arm and exhaust were missing from the bike....




In reality he was hacking away at the frame trying to clean up a spot to weld on some new rearset mounting points.  Turned out looking pretty good; have to drill and tap new holes then give them a load test.  Thanks Brandon for all the help!


During all the fun, found my forks and shocks are leaking....ordered some new seals/oil from RidersDiscount along with springs for the street bike.  For the shock I'm going to make some calls tomorrow, if it can't get done, I may just clean it up for now and take a stock shock as a backup for Road Atlanta and VIR.



Just for shits and giggles....guess I took this screenshot while on the oxy, because I don't remember taking it or posting it on picasa, but there it was.....yep, thats a wave goodbye to the bike on the right 


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2nd SV?


It went on pretty damn well.  Probably used 2/3 of the resin and half the glass in the repair kit...mainly because I broke the repairs up into 3 separate jobs...each with waste resin.


I'm slightly concerned with adhesion....resin runs could be picked off with a fingernail, but those runs were over dirty painted areas.  Areas that were prepped properly seem solid.  The repaired areas seem to have a lot of rigidity compared to my previous repairs.


Quick rundown of what I did:

Sand down to the underlying glass if there is overspray/paint, blow off, wipe down with alcohol, tape off from the back(outside)if there are cracks or holes, cut the glass to fit the areas to be applied, mix the resin, apply a coat of resin to the areas to be glassed, stick on the glass and use brush pressure/pricking with light topcoats to saturate the glass...repeat.  I applied 2-4 layers depending on the damage and stress the area will see in normal use.

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2nd SV?

It went on pretty damn well. Probably used 2/3 of the resin and half the glass in the repair kit...mainly because I broke the repairs up into 3 separate jobs...each with waste resin.

I'm slightly concerned with adhesion....resin runs could be picked off with a fingernail, but those runs were over dirty painted areas. Areas that were prepped properly seem solid. The repaired areas seem to have a lot of rigidity compared to my previous repairs.

Quick rundown of what I did:

Sand down to the underlying glass if there is overspray/paint, blow off, wipe down with alcohol, tape off from the back(outside)if there are cracks or holes, cut the glass to fit the areas to be applied, mix the resin, apply a coat of resin to the areas to be glassed, stick on the glass and use brush pressure/pricking with light topcoats to saturate the glass...repeat. I applied 2-4 layers depending on the damage and stress the area will see in normal use.

Yeah,I bought one from an AFJ then bought a package deal that I couldn't pass up that included Scott Rosey's old SV that has a motor issue along with an 6x10 enclosed trailer.
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Nice!  Ron told me a little about the package deal...more like a steal.




Rear shock has been sent off to Pro-Line suspension to be rebuilt; quickshifter if off to Annitori for warranty replacement/upgrade to their newer QS Pro.


Riders Discount hooked it up quick....replacing seals in both bikes this weekend.  Springs are for the street/B bike.  Picked up a 16 tooth front sprocket for a little more top end for Atlanta.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Yesterday I snapped a few pics to do a little fiberglass how-to....



The damaged area....as I was scuffing the bodywork for paint, realized the area was soft.  I'm guessing when the bike laid over, the fiberglass was pressed up against the exhaust....burning off the adhesive and softening the bodywork.  Cut the area out and sanded the surrounding area down to the glass.





Cleaned the area up with denatured alcohol inside and out....then put a piece of packing tape on the exterior...



Cut 4 pieces of fiberglass mat, overhanging rought 3/4" on all sides....cut the pieces first, the more work you get done before mixing the resin, the more time you have to lay the mat and resin.



Mixing the resin...didn't need much




Paint a layer of resin extending a little bigger than the area to be glassed



Press the glass down onto the layer of resin....you don't have to coat with excessive amount of resin....it is more about compressing the glass into the resin already laid down.  I use a combination of pressing and plucking with the tip of the brush.  As the glass becomes saturated it will darken.










After a little time to dry, pull the tape, rough up the area, apply putty or fiberglass, then sand and paint:


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Fun stuff this weekend....


The brake-side rearset was bent probably 10-15 degrees, so it went under a hydraulic press for a straightening.  The interior end of the footpeg mushroomed from the crash, making removing the brake lever fun....used the press for that as well.  After it was apart, the diameter of the peg was sanded down to fit smoothly in another lever.  The threads were pulled as well, so they were drilled out and helicoiled.


Up next were the brakes....stole the replacement front master cylinder from the street bike.  After modifying the cheap harbor freight brake bleeding tool, the thing worked pretty damn well.  Drained both the front and rear brakes and replaced with fresh fluid.  Since the crush washers were re-used when changing the master, I zip tied the lever to the bar.  2 hours later it still has backpressure, so it's good to go.


Received the Penske back from Pro-Line Friday.  Mounted that up along with replacement subframe.  All the electrical goodies went in their respective places.  Battery was stored in the house and cycled twice over the winter, still wouldn't start the bike.....disappointing.  Quick run to Advanced and the bike was running for the first time this year....with an open exhaust :D


Attempted to re-install the chain and ran into issues with the rivet master link.  No matter what I tried, it wouldn't press together.  Think I F'd up aligning it at first, because the next master was riveted on in a few minutes.


Drained the tank, pulled the stompgrip, then took a wire wheel to the dents.  The damage wasn't all that bad, so I used some fiberglass filler to cap the dents.  


With the stompgrip removed, and the fresh clean paint showing, I started feeling guilty covering this with rattle can, but it needs painted and the bodywork isn't worthy of anything more.


Starting to feel the pressure of Road Atlanta approaching, but I'll be ready.  



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Looks good, how are those rearset tabs holding up? Did you get a chance to give a good jump on them and make sure they don't fall off?


Gave it a few good bounces after getting it mounted up....seems solid compared to the other side and streetbike.


Wow.... you got a lot done.


If it wasn't for Saturday being so damn cold, it would probably all be done besides the bodywork on the tank.  As it sits now I still need to finish the tank, change oil & water, mount the fairings (install dzus fasteners), remount the exhaust....probably a few other things as well.

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Let me turn down the lights a little to set the mood....






Actually the 4' shop lights were creating glare no matter which why I shot it....turned out pretty good for all the more effort I put into the paint.  That's not to say it looks good, didn't feather the edges of the filler enough in a few spots, definitely didn't match the shape up well enough, and there are sanding scratches all over.....but I don't really give a shit.




That's right folks......the bike actually has working dzus fasteners instead of zip ties!!!! (on the lower fairing)  The reapplied stomp grip seems to be holding well on the tank.  Seat pad was sprayed with molding adhesive and being pressed on with a 10lb bag of absorbent, so I think that will be good as well.  I might be tempted to roll it around the block tomorrow to make sure everything feels right.  

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