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Lane splitting: Not addressed in codes or statutes?


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calling by telling me to "suck [your] dick muthafucka",

Yeah, you must be to young to know good rap. The tongue emotion should've let you know that I was joking around. I was thinking of the 1988 Eazy-E album. It was the song, "still talkin'". Classic.

And I believe you were the first one to start with the names on this particular thread (http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=11965&page=5) when you said that "most cops are assholes" knowing full well that VMX was a cop and following this thread.

I wasn't calling him any name. Once again you're wrong and making me laugh from your ignorance. I didn't direct that towards any specific person. I said most, if he thinks he's part of that group, then so be it.

find something more intelligent to say and attack the issues rather than the person.

Where's the fun in that?:rolleyes:

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That's fine and dandy, but we're adults here (I think?)... you can only hide behind the "ohh, don't mind him -- he's just being his asshole-self" for so long before that game gets old and that act gets annoying.

But I can handle it as long as ya'll can. :D

Maybe you should shut me up. :dunno: I'd love to shut you up myself.

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Maybe you should shut me up. :dunno: I'd love to shut you up myself.


Nah, I'll let you win that one. I'm a lover, not a fighter (just ask Abigail ;)). I'd never let any heated debate turn physical -- that's where our maturity level diverge. I've got way too much to lose.

We'll just end up in our vicious cycle of pushing each others buttons...which I guarantee will never even make me come close to my boiling point. Sticks and stones, bro...

The last physical altercation I got into was with my college roommate. He was a wrestler, but gave up about 15lbs to me. We had an argument that I thought was over and went back to watching TV when he came from behind me and put his hands around my neck. I had him pinned face down to the carpet 4 seconds later, and had to wait until another roommate came over and separated us since I wasn't going to let him up. Before that, I hadn't gotten into a physical fight since 8th grade. To me, physical violence is a last resort when you've run out of all other options.

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Nah, I'll let you win that one. I'm a lover, not a fighter (just ask Abigail ;)). I'd never let any heated debate turn physical -- that's where our maturity level diverge. I've got way too much to lose.

We'll just end up in our vicious cycle of pushing each others buttons...which I guarantee will never even make me come close to my boiling point. Sticks and stones, bro...

The last physical altercation I got into was with my college roommate. He was a wrestler, but gave up about 15lbs to me. We had an argument that I thought was over and went back to watching TV when he came from behind me and put his hands around my neck. I had him pinned face down to the carpet 4 seconds later, and had to wait until another roommate came over and separated us since I wasn't going to let him up. Before that, I hadn't gotten into a physical fight since 8th grade. To me, physical violence is a last resort when you've run out of all other options.

I'm not a fighter either. Who likes fighting? I don't. Push me enough though and everyone has their boiling points. You pushed mine. Yeah and your carpet story sounds rediculous. :supergay: If he wasn't such a puss, he should've pulled your head back and punched you till your nose splatted.:rolleyes: If you got too much to lose, then maybe you shouldn't talk shit to people. Your not worth anything to me. I got too much to lose too, but 2 people can fight you know without involving the law, as long as nothing really bad happens. I just hate you with a passion. Sucks your a shit talker.

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Pretty weak-minded to get this worked up over some internet postings... not worth it to me. I'm laughing my ass off over here.

Internet postings done by a human being. It's not fake.

You're a waste of time I now see. Talks the talk, but never would walk the walk. Cowards talk shit and hide.:nono:

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Like I said in the PM... you're not worth it. I've got way too much to lose. Apparently you don't? I'm not afraid of you, or your words, or anything. Hell, I'd take a punch from you just for the satisfaction of watching your face as I ride away on your ZX after we settle the civil suit. You'd better knock me out though, cause after the first swing, it's self-defense -- not to mention you probably don't have the endurance to go toe-to-toe for any lengthy period of time. I'm in the gym 5 days a week...

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Like I said in the PM... you're not worth it. I've got way too much to lose. Apparently you don't? I'm not afraid of you, or your words, or anything. Hell, I'd take a punch from you just for the satisfaction of watching your face as I ride away on your ZX after we settle the civil suit. You'd better knock me out though, cause after the first swing, it's self-defense -- not to mention you probably don't have the endurance to go toe-to-toe for any lengthy period of time. I'm in the gym 5 days a week...

Wow you're full of yourself. Since when is street fighting toe to toe? There are no rules in a street fight son. You got head-butting, knees, elbows, etc. Oh and I got plenty of endurance, don't you worry about that. ;)

See, you are a coward. You mentioned a civil suit. Can't take a beating that you brought upon yourself...that's lame son. ;)

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Wow you're full of yourself. Since when is street fighting toe to toe? There are no rules in a street fight son. You got head-butting, knees, elbows, etc. Oh and I got plenty of endurance, don't you worry about that. ;)

BUT IF YOU BEAT HIS ASS HE'S GOING TO SUE:lol::lol:in civil court....WHAT A FAG. Thats what bitches do.

JRMMiii ....please shut the fuk up.

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Lets finish this in the PMs. No sense continuing to hijack this thread. I'm sure the members don't want to hear about your "no rules street fighting" and your special "taint biting" finishing move.

Just get it through your thick skull. I will NOT fight you or anyone. There will be no fighting!

Mods... feel free to delete all this garbage or leave it here just for the:popcorn: value. Either way. My apologies.

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Lets finish this in the PMs. No sense continuing to hijack this thread. I'm sure the members don't want to hear about your "no rules street fighting" and your special "taint biting" finishing move.

Just get it through your thick skull. I will NOT fight you or anyone. There will be no fighting!

Mods... feel free to delete all this garbage or leave it here just for the:popcorn: value. Either way. My apologies.

You're such a gentleman.

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Lets finish this in the PMs. No sense continuing to hijack this thread. I'm sure the members don't want to hear about your "no rules street fighting" and your special "taint biting" finishing move.

Just get it through your thick skull. I will NOT fight you or anyone. There will be no fighting!

Mods... feel free to delete all this garbage or leave it here just for the:popcorn: value. Either way. My apologies.

I guess going to the gym 5 days a week was a waste huh?!

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JRMIII your story about your roommate is B.S. I want more details if you want me to belive that. No real wrestler would ever let that happen.I think you are making that up.I'm sure your just afraid.Lawsiuts arew for bitches that can't protect themselves and insurance companies.

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JRMIII your story about your roommate is B.S. I want more details if you want me to belive that. No real wrestler would ever let that happen.I think you are making that up.I'm sure your just afraid.Lawsiuts arew for bitches that can't protect themselves and insurance companies.

I don't know. I've seen more than a few wrestlers over the years have their asses handed to them on the ground by guys with no ground experience. Of course I've seen even more get their asses handed to them by jiu jitsu guys but that's a whole different story.

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Oh a good friend of mine was honorable mention in wrestling back in the 90's. Well one day just hanging out he says, "Nick you'd whoop my ass until I got you on the ground." Now listen, he's 5'6 about 130, so he's one of those tiny guys with a washboard stomach. So I figure what the hell and he shows me how wrestlers start out. He let me get on top so I would feel like I have the edge, then he said go. Well I manhandled him for about 5 seconds and then he got me in a submissive hold that had me laughing because there was no way I knew how to get out of it. :lol: After that I realized to never let a fight go to the ground unless the person has no professional wrestling experience like me. Then again since it wouldn't be my friend, I would just get out of the submissive hold by clawing out their damn eyeballs. There's no rules in a street fight like I said before. :)At a college party once back in the day I watched him shut a few guys up and it was hilarious. I would be drinking my beer yelling,"That's my dog!!" :D

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meh, one word...mataleon.

Give a guy with even only 6 months of decent no-gi experience and they'd have most college wrestlers crying like a baby. I don't know of any real submission holds that anyone would be laughing from because most of them are incredibly painful.

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I was freestyle champ 125 in 88,89,90. Went to iowa a lot for turneys.In 90 I was 5 in the nation at 125. My dad loved that. I was band frim high school wrestling for hurting a kid at south, He asked for it. Anyway its a lot of fun,ans its a tuff sport. I went to champells freestyle camp like 8 years in a row....my dad found a way to get rid of me for the summer!!

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No doubt wrestling's a tough sport and I've got a lot of respect for the guys who get good at it. It's just a sport for the most part though not something you would call a "fighting art". Of course I hope no one is including that BS professional wrestling crap.

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What? That's not real!?:eek::(


Oh, the submissive hold was painful fusion. It still made me laugh.

:lol: Come on man. There are still people that think that shit is real.

Ah well I don't know any wrestling submissions other than the hold you down and dry hump you until your pinned so I'm not sure. Most of the stuff I know comes from jiujitsu and sambo.

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:lol: Come on man. There are still people that think that shit is real.

That's sad. :nono:

Ah well I don't know any wrestling submissions other than the hold you down and dry hump you until your pinned so I'm not sure. Most of the stuff I know comes from jiujitsu and sambo.

Yeah, it wasn't that type of move.

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