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First one of the season.


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I have been out hunting almost every weekend since bow season started and only once had a possible shot (it was this same deer). The deer have been very scarce this year, especially in our area. We had a problem with wild dogs that we think chased a lot of them away.

Then today, I wasn't even in the stand for two hours when this guy walked by. I got him with a single shot through the top of the heart and through both lungs. Not a huge rack, but I hunt for the meat and we will be eating well from this one.


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Not to piss you off, but I was an arms length away from a buck about 50% bigger than that Saturday night/Sunday morning. Just waiting for Ohio to enact locomotive hunting season, I'd have had it.

All kidding aside, I've seen a lot of deer lately, but not in areas you'd be allowed to shoot.

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who needs a shotgun or a bow? I could hunt deer with a knife near my house...

I'm not even kidding. I literally almost ran into one while I was jogging. It wouldn't get off the paved running path through the park. On a separate instance, my brother and I had to wait for 1 large deer and 2 fawns to get off the path.

We didn't want to find out if jogging between mommy and the youngsters was going to piss mommy off, so we were throwing shit to try and scare them all onto the same side of the trail.

the fact that so many people feed them (and squirrels) in the park really makes the deer dangerous IMHO. And it's going to get the squirrels killed. My dog is NOT there to feed them. /rant. sorry...

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Congrats, nice catch anyway!!! Haven't gotten a chance to get out yet this year. Why is it that deer are no where to be seen when bow season starts? By gun season, they are totally in hiding. Either that or they start sneaking up on you from behind and find you in the tree stand before you know they are there and you can't turn around to get a shot on them? One time I was over in the Cuyahoga Valley on the tow path and there were so many deer in a nearby field (of course it was not hunting season and it's protected lands) you could not count them all. My jaw just dropped.

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although I think we send deer the wrong message by shooting at them in the woods, but not when they're on pavement.

Just dont drive where there are deer crossing signs......THATS where they are legally allowed to cross, so just stick to the roads that dont allow deer crossing and your good to go:D

Oh, and nice kill Alex - I like my venison jerky spicy, I'll pm you my address :D

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Just had two does get pushed to me missed both at 40 yrds. Took the scope off sticking with my irons from now on. :(

Ouch! That sucks. Does are great meat too :(

My dad and I made our shoulders nice and sore Sunday evening making sure that our sights were true. I have a 1" drop per ten yards in my scope. I shot this one about 50-60 yards so I had to aim just above the top of the shoulder to get it in the heart.

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This guy is in my freezer from a few weeks ago. Unfortunately I didnt get to shoot this one. I watched a girl hit him with her car right in front of me (by the CMH airport) and I'll be damned if I let him get thrown in the dumpster and go to waste. This nice big ole city deer will taste amazing...


Check out the neck on this brute..


And a bit on the less sensitive side. Yes those are Backstraps (i.e Filet ) and yes they are almost the entire length of my tailgate. Even after I dressed him out, I could barely get it in the truck myself. About blew out my back trying to get him in. Probably weighed 230-250+ dressed


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I know it sounds funny since its technically "roadkill" but like I said, she hit it right in front of us and I knew if i didnt take it, it would be a complete waste of a good animal.

I actually split the meat with the sheriff that tagged it for me. :) And I just couldnt turn down those backstraps. :)

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