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Wrecked, but very very lucky..


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I do feel really badly about talking him into staying with us instead of going back with the other riders. We live a few miles from each other and I was going to bring him home the back roads instead of getting on the highway. Dave and I split up putting him in the middle so we wouldn't ramp up the pace together up front. Dave was doing an excellent job with a great pace all day long and we should have kept it that way. When we got to 148 we switched spots, I went up front and Dave went to the back. In a previous life between motorcycles I spent quite a bit of time on 148 and have easily been on it well over 100 times, I really wasn't going at a great pace but I did know the turns so I might have been going too fast for the new guy. I followed him all day up to that point and he didn't need any help so I thought he would be okay.

The guy that helped pick the bike up before I got back to them figured the bike was not going to make it out of there because the clutch side clip on was broken completely off. My Ventura bag not only carries gear but I have tools, duct tape, electrical tape, zip ties, etc... In it so we put that bitch back together, rode out to the highway and all the way home one handed. Damn do I hate highway riding.

Glad you are alright and hope you can ride with us next year.

Fuck you guys this is my first O.R. ride this year that Jinx wasn't on that involved a crash.


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First glad your ok!

Second maybe you should rethink this thread


And pull the trigger and upgrade to the 10. :)

Listen to the "Get to the track" advice. When I stated earlier it looked like you didn't need any help it was because you were riding within your limits and not making mistakes. There are a few things that we could have worked on to make you safer but you didn't seem like you wanted to go faster than the pace you had picked for yourself. It's hard to help coach people on the street because sometimes they need to slow down to get faster while working on getting some fundamental basics correct. Most people don't want to go slower once they are around guys going fast. Not only were you riding mistake free but you also made a sound statement that you didn't want to ride with the faster guys because you thought it might get you into trouble. I regret being the peer pressure that led you to abandon your logic but these things led me to believe you weren’t going to get into trouble. With some more experience I don't doubt that you will be a good rider and as you just lived through this event you now know that you don't need a faster bike to get into trouble. The bike you currently have is capable of keeping up with the front of the fast group at any normal street ride given the right rider. Get to the track and become the right rider.

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Yea, I now know that a liter bike is, and would have been dumb. Because of the wreck I respect my bike much much more then I have ever. The biggest problem I have as far as riding goes, is I "think" I'm too small to actually lean the bike far enough to turn at higher speeds. I feel like my knee is always going to crash the ground.. That's why I don't like, or can't, do turns at a faster speed, I feel like I can't make the bike do it. I almost bought a suit with knee pucks so I could comfortably lean the bike and not be worried about tearing the hell out of my knee. But that's why I don't like faster speeds in turns, I just feel like its impossible with dragging a knee. Half the time I stretch my chest out as far as it can go to make the turns I do make. With that being said, tips? Tricks? Am I doing something wrong? Do I need to put more effort into the actual bars?

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Glad you're ok. I thought I needed something faster than my tl or needed up make my tl faster until I ate shit down on 313 and slid into a ditch. It was half me pushing my envelope as far as ability and half the condition of the road and my bald ass tires. At least you could rides ot home, I had to have the old lady and brolo come down with the truck.

Full gear does its job, I got away with a few bruises too, would have been much worse otherwise.

Enjoy your winter project.

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Glad your okay... I know what's it like to be behind a bunch of guys who are better/more experienced riders... Makes you want to push your self... Sometimes too much. Ride within your limits and f'it if they have to wait every once in a while for you to catch up. Your bike doesnt look too bad and if you look at it as a chance to get to know her, it could be a benifitial experiance!

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Yea, I now know that a liter bike is, and would have been dumb. Because of the wreck I respect my bike much much more then I have ever. The biggest problem I have as far as riding goes, is I "think" I'm too small to actually lean the bike far enough to turn at higher speeds. I feel like my knee is always going to crash the ground.. That's why I don't like, or can't, do turns at a faster speed, I feel like I can't make the bike do it. I almost bought a suit with knee pucks so I could comfortably lean the bike and not be worried about tearing the hell out of my knee. But that's why I don't like faster speeds in turns, I just feel like its impossible with dragging a knee. Half the time I stretch my chest out as far as it can go to make the turns I do make. With that being said, tips? Tricks? Am I doing something wrong? Do I need to put more effort into the actual bars?


I know this picture is tiny, but this is kid is under a 100lbs (if that) soaking wet, and tearing shit up on a full grown r6. I'm not trying to equate you to a child prodigy racer or anything, but unless there is something horribly wrong with your bike, and/or you have t-Rex arms, you can probably handle the bike alright.

The questions you have on the limitations of lean angle, etc can be answered by you... If you want to do it in a safe, controlled environment, track day is the way to go. Sure, you can do more street rides with fast guys and maybe spend some time in a parking lot... But the only way to get instructors watching your riding and proving feedback, and riding in a environment designed for safely riding like a numbnuts is the track.

If you're interested, come along to the track days/racing section of the forum. Be prepared for just absolutely ludicrous amounts of homo eroticism. It's really just madcat, the rest of us actually don't talk about dongs all the time.

Feel free to pm me or anyone else active in the td/race section for more info, but a read through of the section will tell you most of what you need to know.

Edited by jbot
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Hey watch the video, u have looong way to go before u touch the knee, plus throw the head and body to the side more than just the butt and knee I guess, I know we all (other than exp riders) kinda do a contorted body position, in our head we think we doing it right, but the best view is from cam chasing behind and we see our heads still in the center line. When ever I think about it I tend to correct it, need to make it a habit. Plus we don't need extreme body pos on the streets. That's what I like about Alzheimer's riding, very smooth with minimal jumping around.


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Yea, I now know that a liter bike is, and would have been dumb. Because of the wreck I respect my bike much much more then I have ever. The biggest problem I have as far as riding goes, is I "think" I'm too small to actually lean the bike far enough to turn at higher speeds. I feel like my knee is always going to crash the ground.. That's why I don't like, or can't, do turns at a faster speed, I feel like I can't make the bike do it. I almost bought a suit with knee pucks so I could comfortably lean the bike and not be worried about tearing the hell out of my knee. But that's why I don't like faster speeds in turns, I just feel like its impossible with dragging a knee. Half the time I stretch my chest out as far as it can go to make the turns I do make. With that being said, tips? Tricks? Am I doing something wrong? Do I need to put more effort into the actual bars?

Time for a counter steering thread?

Go to YouTube and watch the cornering bible series. Kinda cheesy but lots of good advice. Then buy the book its called twist of the wrist 2 and READ it. Then do a track day. You don't need to stick your knee out. Also have you seen how tiny most pro racers are? Sport bikes aren't built for guys like me at 6' 200lbs.

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I know this picture is tiny, but this is kid is under a 100lbs (if that) soaking wet, and tearing shit up on a full grown r6. I'm not trying to equate you to a child prodigy racer or anything, but unless there is something horribly wrong with your bike, and/or you have t-Rex arms, you can probably handle the bike alright.

The questions you have on the limitations of lean angle, etc can be answered by you... If you want to do it in a safe, controlled environment, track day is the way to go. Sure, you can do more street rides with fast guys and maybe spend some time in a parking lot... But the only way to get instructors watching your riding and proving feedback, and riding in a environment designed for safely riding like a numbnuts is the track.

If you're interested, come along to the track days/racing section of the forum. Be prepared for just absolutely ludicrous amounts of homo eroticism. It's really just madcat, the rest of us actually don't talk about dongs all the time.

Feel free to pm me or anyone else active in the td/race section for more info, but a read through of the section will tell you most of what you need to know.

He will be a good track student, he picks a good constant line, doesn't grab the brakes on every street corner entrance so he has some boldness. He needs to get to the track to understand and end some of his misconceptions that need to be taught and aren’t internet folklore. The top MotoGP riders are wrestling around 200+HP bikes and they are smaller than him so he will be fine getting where he wants without his size limiting him. I don't think I have ever come close to touching a knee on the road on a street ride nor have I ever touched the stock peg feelers with my current bike. Touching is such a foreign concept for the street than I wish it wasn't something that people worried about because it is a poor measure of speed. There are a lot of good track coaches on this site & good people willing to help someone that shows an open mind and willingness to learn.

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I don't think I have ever come close to touching a knee on the road on a street ride nor have I ever touched the stock peg feelers with my current bike. Touching is such a foreign concept for the street than I wish it wasn't something that people worried about because it is a poor measure of speed.

Thank you for injecting that.

I enjoy quick riding as much as anyone, but I have a hard time even imagining the street curve where going fast enough to drag a knee is not like playing Russian roulette.

Sight distance alone won't allow it. On 99.9% of the curves in this state, if you're going fast enough to drag a knee and you come up on an Amish buggy, an SUV crossing the center line, a tree limb across your lane, etc., you're SOL.

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