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Parking Ticket downtown Dayton


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Not because I parked here on the sidewalk to photograph this memorial to the Wright Brothers 093-4.jpg...not because I parked here to photograph 5/3rd field .091-4.jpg...not because I parked on this sidewalk at Crown Plaza to photograph this memorial of humans first flight023-7.jpg...not because I'm parked on this sidewalk018-5.jpg....not because I parked in this plaza at the Lazarus Store downtown to photograph the cities Christmas tree 021-3.jpg... Not because I've parked in the middle of the street at the Oregon district 029-3.jpg.... I got a $35.00 parking ticket today on the street in front of Hauer Music, meter ran out and they nailed me to cross

Edited by Limenine9r
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Thanks - and yes, if I can get it paid by Friday it's only $20.... Brilliant way to attract people to downtown, use antique parking meters - vending machines accept $1/$5 bills yet the great run down city wonders why they can't attract people

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Some of the clocks / timers inside of those parking meters are faulty and not properly calibrated to run at the correct speed. If they run fast, you don't get the time you paid for. I've seen this before.

It's another way for them to get into your pocket if you get a ticket or have to feed the meter another coin.

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Not sure I'd call $20 or $35 being nailed to a cross all emo Jesus style, but nice pics.

No kidding. Now the $105 photo speeding ticket I got for 26 in a 25, but they call it 20 because they leave the school zone lights flashing all day instead of turning them off when not needed, that is pushing ass fucking territory. :(

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i can top this....i got a $35 parking ticket on OU campus for parking my bike in a regular parking spot

got a letter to come to orientation. it had a map that said park in this parking lot, and go to this building. so i did.

that particular lot didnt have specified motorcycle parking, so i parked in the very back corner away from all the cars and traffic.

got a ticket for parking in a non-motorcycle specific parking space....parking in the lot they told me to park in, which did not even offer bike parking...


refused to pay it, they turned it into the county and it became an official "pay this or you lose your license" ticket.

fuck you athens PD.

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Thanks - and yes, if I can get it paid by Friday it's only $20.... Brilliant way to attract people to downtown, use antique parking meters - vending machines accept $1/$5 bills yet the great run down city wonders why they can't attract people

hey now, downtown dayton attracts plenty of homeless and criminals.

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Got to wonder how many real crimes went down within six blocks of your crime spree. I'll bet more than $20 worth of crack got sold on that cops beat while he wrote your ticket.

They don't have meter maids in Dayton? Or do you think the meter maids should be doing police work?

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i can top this....i got a $35 parking ticket on OU campus for parking my bike in a regular parking spot

got a letter to come to orientation. it had a map that said park in this parking lot, and go to this building. so i did.

that particular lot didnt have specified motorcycle parking, so i parked in the very back corner away from all the cars and traffic.

got a ticket for parking in a non-motorcycle specific parking space....parking in the lot they told me to park in, which did not even offer bike parking...


refused to pay it, they turned it into the county and it became an official "pay this or you lose your license" ticket.

fuck you athens PD.

.....lol - not laughing at you because I'm on your side. . . Yeah I think the meter maid waited - then pounced upon its victim. I live in Clayton, just beyond the Parking enforment officers in Englewood. Yet you have to almost use GPS to enter Kroger due to all the increpidt lazy POS who block entry .
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